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Jonathon Richter

inspireUX - User Experience quotes and articles to inspire and connect the UX community - 0 views

    user experience quotes and articles to inspire and connect the UX community
Jonathon Richter

TED Conference - 0 views

    Technology, Entertainment, Design: riveting talks by remarkable people, free to to the world. Some of the most amazing video presentations on the Internet on a variety of current topics. Excellent stuff for inspiring class and putting things in perspective.
Jonathon Richter

10 Fun Tools To Easily Make Your Own Infographics | Edudemic - 0 views

    "People love to learn by examining visual representations of data. That's been proven time and time again by the popularity of both infographics and Pinterest. So what if you could make your own infographics? What would you make it of? It's actually easier than you think… even if you have zero design skills whatsoever. Below are my two favorite infographic-making web 2.0 tools that I highly recommend. They both have pros and cons but in general are great for any beginner or novice designer. If Photoshop is a 4-letter word to you, then these sites are your friend. If you're a tech-savvy designer and illustrator, it can't hurt to check out some of the work on these two sites for inspiration."
Jonathon Richter

Shuffle Brain | Smart games for a connected world - 0 views

    ShuffleBrain is building smart games for a connected world. We're inspired by the recent explosion of Brain Games, and passionate about creating personalized, lightweight, socially connected games that keep you sharp.
Jonathon Richter

flatclassroomproject2008 » home - 0 views

    edublog2008 winner (best educational wiki); Center for Global Teaching
    The Flat Classroom Project is a global, collaborative project using Web 2.0 tools to foster communication, collaboration and creation. For inspiration and content material it draws on the work of Thomas Friedman and 'The World is Flat'. Read more about the project background and view 2006 and 2007 archives.
Jonathon Richter

Gamestar Mechanic - 0 views

    Game Mechanics: inspired game mechanics to fix broken games
Jonathon Richter

Udacity - Free Classes. Awesome Instructors. Inspiring Community. - 0 views

    We believe university-level education can be both high quality and low cost. Using the economics of the Internet, we've connected some of the greatest teachers to hundreds of thousands of students all over the world.
Jonathon Richter

Nicholas Felton | - 0 views

    Feltron: every year this guy asks a question and collects data from everyone he meets -- and collects the data that they volunteer -- publishing the Feltron Report each year. VERY INTERESTING
Jonathon Richter

HBO Imagine - 0 views

    HBO's multiple perspective storytelling Cube is very interesting
Jonathon Richter

Webspiration: Online Visual Thinking Tool | - 0 views

    Webspiration (beta): visual thinking tool for collaborative online, anytime work
Jonathon Richter

UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog - 0 views

    articles and resources on usability, user experience, and interaction design
Jonathon Richter - 0 views

    usability, design, user experience
Jonathon Richter

GOOD - 0 views

    Data Visualization: Good (pushing the world forward)
    Data Visualization: Good (pushing the world forward)
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