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Janam Kundali by Date of Birth and Time - Akashvaani - 0 views

    Vedic Astrology uses your date, time and place of your birth to make your Janam Kundali. Your Janam Kundali by date of birth and time is the chart that shows twelve different houses. Online Kundali making also shows the planetary positions in each of these twelve houses. Each planet in a particular house would be effective to your life differently. Your Janam Kundali in hindi would depict all about your life very clearly.
    Your Janam Kundali in hindi would depict all about your life very clearly.
Go Jobio

How to Quit Your Job - 0 views

shared by Go Jobio on 18 Dec 14 - No Cached
    You have decided. It's time. New adventures are ahead! But in order to head off into your new journey, you have to finish the one you're on! It can be scary. It can be nerve-wrecking. How will your boss react? How will your co-workers respond? What will your friends and family say? What will they think? Are you making a big mistake?! Stop right there. This isn't about your friends and family. This is about YOU! So if you've made that decision, and the time is now, don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You're the only one living your life and you don't need approval to change it! Here are a few tips on how to quit your job graciously:
Leslie Camacho

Libraries Give Résumé Help - - 0 views

    Many job seekers have been paying big bucks to have professionals rework their résumés, but when it comes to career counseling, free help abounds. By visiting a government-sponsored job center, your alma mater and even your local library, you can tap into a pool of professionals who will help you create or critique your résumé. By visiting a government-sponsored job center, your alma mater and even your local library, you can tap into a pool of professionals who will help you create or critique your résumé.
Leslie Camacho

Creating, Shaping and Managing your Internet Presence - 0 views

    Internet presence is user-generated content on the Internet about you and/or your business. For example, you created a web page to showcase your work at a university, or you posted a note to your blog, or you added a topic to a discussion board like Career Development Forums. In most instances, you created that content, or you had someone create it for you. However, since anyone can add content to the Internet about you and your work, you should at least be aware of your IP and monitor it.

Nine ways to develop leadership skills - 0 views


leadership skills become a leader

started by andrewrodgers on 06 Jun 18 no follow-up yet
Leslie Camacho

Why You Need a Business Plan - - 0 views

    Your written plan describes your business, outlines your goals and serves as a road map for future activities- everything from handling unforeseen complications to repaying borrowed money. It's a document that should grow with your business, undergoing constant tweaks as your big idea evolves from a concept into a successful company.
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "Regardless of your title, career advisor, career navigator, career counselor, work workforce development professional, etc., you are likely to employ some career assessments from your tool kit to help individuals move forward in their career choice and development. There are so many assessments now available, both in paper-pencil and online formats, that it is easy to forget to take proper care to use quality assessments with your students, customers, and clients. Using a poor quality instrument, one without strong technical characteristics or using an instrument in which you are not trained, can cause harm to your clients despite your genuine intent to do otherwise."
Leslie Camacho

Managing Workplace Distractions - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "Interruptions at work, from email and phone calls to co-workers dropping by your office to talk, can complicate the juggle, extending your workday and draining personal time. But how far would you go to eliminate them? Would you book a conference room? Turn off your e-mail? Put up police tape outside your cubicle, to keep your co-workers away?"
Go Jobio

Behind-The-Scenes of the GoJobio Launch Video - 0 views

    Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the GoJobio launch video! GoJobio is re-inventing how you hire, recruit or find your next job. JOBSEEKERS: Take control! Stop feeling like your resume is getting lost in the shuffle. Use our video pitch technology to show your true character and creativity. EMPLOYERS: Get to know who you hire! Along with resumes, watch 60-second video pitches directed to your specific job opening to learn more about your candidates personality and skills. For More information, visit
Leslie Camacho

When Family Mental Illness Unbalances - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "Taking time off work when your kid gets the flu or chicken pox is usually a routine matter. But how do you explain your time-off needs if your teen - or spouse or partner -becomes too depressed to get out of bed, or your child becomes too anxious to go to school? Helping out a troubled loved one in such cases poses a dilemma, because the stigma placed on mental illness forces most people to keep it a secret. Yet a new survey shows people are taking off a surprisingly large amount of work time for this purpose. Some 41% of working adults took from four to nine days off work in the past year to deal with a mental-health issue of their own, or of a friend, family member or co-worker, says a recent survey of 669 working adults by Workplace Options."
Leslie Camacho

3 Ways to Use Quora to Improve Your Personal Brand | Career Rocketeer - Career Search a... - 0 views

    There are many platforms out there that may help your personal brand - for instance, Twitter to promote your work or Facebook to interact with customers. Though those social networks can absolutely help your image and brand, they serve their users for multiple purposes.
Leslie Camacho

Powerful Action Verbs to Enhance Your Resume - CAREEREALISM - 0 views

    Did you know you should have strong action verbs strategically placed throughout your resume? Well, now you do! Most importantly, you want them at the beginning of the majority of your bullet points and accomplishment-based statements. Please do yourself -and every hiring manager out there-a favor; do not start your sentences with: Responsible for…Worked with…or any other opening that lacks power and punch.
Go Jobio

Want to QUIT your job? - 0 views

    Want to QUIT your job? Here's some tips, READ UP, and make sure to use GOJOBIO when looking for your next position!!!! 1) Decide Departure Date 2) Meet with Your Boss 3) Be Thorough 4) Finish Well

How to Find an Apprenticeship: 19 Awesome Tips - 0 views

    Even before you appear to cross the final loop and successfully complete your course, it may be any technical or management oriented, the first & foremost thing haunts your mind is securing a proper and beneficial apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is the most crucial part of a study which actually adds fuel to the career which helps it to run for ages without many breaks. Here are few points jotted which could help you in finding a appropriate apprenticeship after your course.

Complete Guide to Find a Paid #Internship Abroad - 0 views

    Internship is referred as a job training which a skilled worker or desk worker undergoes. Do you feel like you are wasting your summer holidays? Just go ahead with the internship by prolonging your semester abroad or just work for few months in abroad. Due to this, your resume plays a major role to tackle the problem that you may face in the division of labor by facing the people who exists between different countries
Leslie Camacho

Navigate Your Career: Taking Responsibility for Your Own Job Satisfaction - 1 views

    "Maybe you feel that your employer does not care about your career growth due to the lackluster economy and perceived high unemployment rate. Maybe you feel that there are no good job opportunities out there, so why bother looking? Maybe you feel that you need to stay where you are and just deal with it. "
Leslie Camacho

Relax. A Job Is Not Forever. - Hire Education - WSJ - 0 views

    "Do you feel like your job choice out of college is the most important decision you will ever make, and that blowing it will tank your career? Relax and get used to it. It is just the first of many job choices you will be making throughout your career."
Leslie Camacho

Obsessively Revising Your Resume? Consider 5 Things You Have to Do | Career Rocketeer -... - 0 views

    More and more career advisers are bemoaning the practice of revising one's resume to death. Leave it alone once you're happy with it, we advise. That can be a Catch 22 for those of you who are never happy with your resume. The point is some of you are putting too much effort in perfecting your resume and not enough at seeing the whole picture.
Leslie Camacho

Cutting Business Ties - - 0 views

    I'm always reading career-advice articles about coping with a bad boss or firing someone in the most appropriate way. But what about ending a work relationship with a person who's not your manager or your employee? How do you know when this is the right solution -- and how can you extricate yourself with your dignity intact?
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