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Leslie Camacho

Demystifying Assessments: 10 Essential Questions to Structure Your Approach - 0 views

    Whether to inform a case management process, to assist with career life decision-making, or to measure outcomes of counseling interventions, effective assessment is an essential counseling competency. The following ten questions will help you keep your assessments on track.
Leslie Camacho

How to Create a Problem-Solving Institution - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 0 views

    "Big, complex problems require the work of multidisciplinary teams. Consider prostate cancer. Decades of research and billions of dollars have led to the understanding that neither doctors, chemists, biolo­gists, nor engineers can arrive at a cure on their own. That multifaceted approach is gaining acceptance among the vari­ous individuals and organizations concerned with solving great problems. When giving research money to colleges, founda­tions and government agencies often require that investigators come from multiple academic disciplines as a condition of financial support."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "Research shows that motivation is positively correlated with college performance, academic discipline, and future occupational success. It is critical that practitioners and educators direct more attention toward implementing practices that focus specifically on increasing client motivation and behavior change-thus maximizing graduation rates and minimizing future educational, occupational, economic, and personal consequences (Miller & Rose, 2009; Willis 1994). Motivational Interviewing (MI) is one approach that is used to help clients engage in the career planning process."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "No one is surprised to hear that seniors on the threshold of graduation visit the Career Resource Center (CRC) looking for job search assistance. Those who have procrastinated on career choice and finding employment see the finish line approaching and realize they need to find something that will keep them fulfilled and flush with cash once they're marched to the edge of campus and pushed out of the proverbial nest."
Leslie Camacho

Why Liberal Arts Need Career Services - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Recent economic events have forced colleges and universities to streamline their academic offerings congruent with a more pragmatic cost-benefit approach, usually at the expense of their liberal-arts programs. When a foreign-language or philosophy department graduates only a few students per year, there is no financial argument to be made for keeping the department intact. Traditional reasoning about the enrichment of the "student as future citizen" can only go so far when parents who pay the tuition or students taking the courses can't see a bottom line in the form of a lucrative job after graduation.
Leslie Camacho

When Success Follows the College Rejection Letter - - 0 views

    "Few events arouse more teenage angst than the springtime arrival of college rejection letters. With next fall's college freshman class expected to approach a record 2.9 million students, hundreds of thousands of applicants will soon be receiving the dreaded letters. Teenagers who face rejection will be joining good company, including Nobel laureates, billionaire philanthropists, university presidents, constitutional scholars, best-selling authors and other leaders of business, media and the arts who once received college or graduate-school rejection "
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "The passage by NCDA of the Minimum Competencies for Multicultural Career Counseling and Development confirms the long known reality that the work of career counselors is impacted by the complexity of culture as much as psychotherapy and other forms of counseling. As career services professionals, the Competencies provide us with a useful framework for engaging our increasingly diverse client population. The Competencies challenge us to shift our counseling paradigms, improve our techniques, modify our theoretical approaches, and to be aware of our own cultural blind spots as we attempt to meet the unique needs of our clients and to better understand how culture impacts career development. While the Competencies provide basic guidance about the skills and knowledge needed to be a culturally competent career practitioner, it is still a challenge for career experts to understand how they can integrate multicultural competence into their everyday practice. This article seeks to examine some factors to consider when developing one's multicultural competence as it pertains to career counseling."
Leslie Camacho

Small Business: Five Tips for Managing Your To-Do List - - 0 views

    "If you're like most entrepreneurs, you have a lengthy to-do list that never seems doable-no matter how many hours you work. But there's a reason you're not ticking off items, or maximizing results when you do. You've likely organized your task list by deadlines, and you're cranking away on the most pressing items first. A better, smarter approach is to prioritize your list by what matters most."
Leslie Camacho

OOC Spring 2011 (PDF) - 0 views

    Focused jobseeking: A measured approach to looking for work.
Leslie Camacho

To Work Better, Try Working Less - - 0 views

    It was 4 p.m. on a recent Friday-a time of the week when I usually relax and leave the rest of my to-do list to finish over the weekend. But as this recent weekend approached, I kept pushing myself, heart pumping, to get to the bottom of my list of planned tasks for the week.
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    When I was training to be a professional counselor (1969-1971), the vast majority of my professors (and my colleagues) stressed that the "ideal" counselor would strive to view all clients with 'unconditional positive regard' and conduct their counseling sessions in a 'client centered' and 'client directed' approach taught by Carl Rogers, the most prominent and respected counselor educator of the era. While my natural personality is to be very extroverted, assertive, and directive, I learned and practiced the Rogerian techniques as I began to provide career counseling and train other counselors.
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    When I was training to be a professional counselor (1969-1971), the vast majority of my professors (and my colleagues) stressed that the "ideal" counselor would strive to view all clients with 'unconditional positive regard' and conduct their counseling sessions in a 'client centered' and 'client directed' approach taught by Carl Rogers, the most prominent and respected counselor educator of the era. While my natural personality is to be very extroverted, assertive, and directive, I learned and practiced the Rogerian techniques as I began to provide career counseling and train other counselors.

Choosing A Right PHP Training Course -Medium - 0 views

    Among all other programming languages, PHP is a standout amongst the most powerful scripting languages. Many small organizations have developed after the approach of PHP.
Leslie Camacho

Career Flow: A Hope-Centred Approach to Achieving Dreams - 0 views

    Hope is related to optimism. Snyder (1998) described hope as "the perceived capacity to derive pathways to desired goals, and motivate oneself via agency thinking to use those pathways" (p. 249). In Career Flow (Niles, Amundson, & Neault, 2011), hope is at the centre of a career development model and essential to each of the stages (i.e., self-reflection, self-clarity, visioning, goal-setting, action-planning, implementing, and evaluating). Without hope, clients are unlikely to be motivated to engage in career planning activities or ongoing career management.

Latest Wipro Placement Papers 2014 With Solutions Free Download - 0 views

    Welcome Friends, Here we have latest placement papers of Wipro company 2014. This Wipro placement papers 2014 will help the freshers as well as experienced candidates who are waiting to crack job in this company. Wipro Infotech is one of the foremost manufacturer of computer hardware and provider of IT services in India and the Middle East region. Wipro means Western India Products Limited, It is established in 1945 as Western India Vegetable Products Limited in Amalner, Maharashtra. It is globally renowned for its innovative approach towards delivering business value and its obligation to sustainability. Candidates who have a dream to get a job in Wipro, for those candidates here we will provide placement papers of Wipro.

Why So Many Are Left Unemployed? - 1 views

    If you're one of the many people struggling to find a job, you're not alone. Discover the factors that could be impacting your job search and learn how to optimize your approach for better results.
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