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Leslie Camacho

Beloit College Mindset List - 0 views

    "Beloit, Wis. - Born when Ross Perot was warning about a giant sucking sound and Bill Clinton was apologizing for pain in his marriage, members of this fall's entering college class of 2014 have emerged as a post-email generation for whom the digital world is routine and technology is just too slow. Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List. It provides a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college this fall. The creation of Beloit's Keefer Professor of the Humanities Tom McBride and former Public Affairs Director Ron Nief, it was originally created as a reminder to faculty to be aware of dated references, and quickly became a catalog of the rapidly changing worldview of each new generation. The Mindset List website at, the Mediasite webcast and its Facebook page receive more than 400,000 hits annually. The class of 2014 has never found Korean-made cars unusual on the Interstate and five hundred cable channels, of which they will watch a handful, have always been the norm. Since "digital" has always been in the cultural DNA, they've never written in cursive and with cell phones to tell them the time, there is no need for a wrist watch. Dirty Harry (who's that?) is to them a great Hollywood director. The America they have inherited is one of soaring American trade and budget deficits; Russia has presumably never aimed nukes at the United States and China has always posed an economic threat. Nonetheless, they plan to enjoy college. The males among them are likely to be a minority. They will be armed with iPhones and BlackBerries, on which making a phone call will be only one of many, many functions they will perform. They will now be awash with a computerized technology that will not distinguish information and knowledge. So it will be up to their professors to help them. A generation accustomed to instant access will need to acquire the patience of sch
Job Reset

IAS Coaching Institute of General Study - 0 views

    IAS Coaching Institute of General Study - General studies are the most important part of the C.S.E
Job Reset

IAS Coaching Institute of General Study and Political Science - 0 views

    IAS Coaching Institute of General Study and Political Science
Leslie Camacho

Gen Y Gets Working - - 0 views

    When the oldest members of Generation Y (born roughly 1978 to 1993) began graduating from college several years ago, a collective groan was heard in offices throughout Corporate America. People said many Gen Y-ers, also called Millennials, had an excess sense of entitlement and were arrogant and lazy. They wanted to do work on their terms and it seemed they wanted feedback on that work every five minutes. But then the economy tanked. Now, millions of Gen Y-ers are reinventing themselves to show how much, and how quickly, they can add value to their organizations. The Millennials I've met recently are aware of the changes taking place in the work world, and they perceive themselves -- and their jobs -- as vulnerable. Bruce Tulgan, author of "Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y," says he has seen the same thing.
Leslie Camacho

Blog - Interview Angel, Inc. - interview answers, interview questions, interview questi... - 0 views

    Generation Y, our generation, is a strong and ambitious one, and now that many of us have begun to launch our careers, we are constantly seeking advice, feedback and new ways to improve and advance ourselves.

Technical Careers in Media - 0 views

    Media is one of the most fascinating careers and most sought after careers of today's generation. Media has in tides all generations and it will always continue. Glamour, publicity and the lime light are the interesting facts about Media but have you ever wondered who makes this happen? In this episode Ms. Suchitra Surve talks about the technical careers in media which are off screen or we can say they are the magicians behind the screens, who make us believe in the make believe world of media.
Leslie Camacho

Study: Demanding Jobs May Keep Gen X Women From Having Kids - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    It's long been known that high-powered careers can hamper or delay women's plans to have children. But a new study suggests the challenges loom especially large for women of Generation X.
Leslie Camacho

How the Last Generation Can Help the Next One - Technology and IT Jobs News and Advice - 0 views

    While it might seem fun to work at a company where the average age is below thirty and everyone is on Facebook and Twitter, you're better off working with more seasoned colleagues, say experts. FINS readers agree. Of 654 respondents in FINS' informal online questionnaire Sign or Decline, 88% said they'd accept their dream job if their new coworkers would all be 20 years older than them. At some of the hottest employers, that's simply not possible. The median age of an employee at Facebook is 26, according to data from PayScale, a Seattle-based firm that gathers compensation data. Compare that with more traditional companies like IBM and Hewlett-Packard where the median age is 44, according to the same data.
Dadang Wardhana

Jobs Vacancy PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia | Job In The List - 0 views

    Jobs Vacancy PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia - PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia through its brand, known generally by the name Panasonic, Panasonic Corporation based in Osaka, Japan, is a world-class manufacturing in the field of electronic products, especially to the needs of ordinary consumers, businesses and industry.
Corporate Chess

Never Trust HR and Other Workplace Tips for Millennials | Crystal Spraggins, SPHR | Lin... - 0 views

    One of my favorite Millennials is graduating from college next month, and it occurs to me that he, like millions of others from the so-called Godless Generation, could benefit from some sage counsel before entering the workforce.So while the world may view us crusty Gen-Xers as all but done, holding on for dear life while awaiting our sure and inevitable Millennial takedown (or is it shakedown?), I say "Bah! You've still got lots to learn from us, kids."For example…Follow Instructions. Getting ahead at work is nearly impossible if you can't follow instructi
Leslie Camacho

Engineering, Computer Science Pay More Than Liberal Arts - - 0 views

    "The starting pay of certain liberal arts majors generally clocks in well below that of graduates in engineering fields, according to a Wall Street Journal study."
Leslie Camacho

Job Loyalty Still Pays - - 0 views

    "Daniel Nicholson firmly believes in the value of company loyalty. At 46, the vice president of global quality has worked at General Motors in Detroit for 29 years, though he admits that his longevity isn't the norm."
Leslie Camacho

The Upside-Down Job Market - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "The biggest changes in family life sometimes happen gradually. New employment data suggest one such seismic change is upon us: Job-holding patterns between the generations have turned upside down."
Leslie Camacho

The Rise of the Temp Lawyer - Law Blog - WSJ - 0 views

    ndebted law grads and experienced lawyers who are out of work are moving into what we describe today as the "third tier" of the legal profession: working as temps, generally known as contract attorneys, performing document review work.
Leslie Camacho

Creating, Shaping and Managing your Internet Presence - 0 views

    Internet presence is user-generated content on the Internet about you and/or your business. For example, you created a web page to showcase your work at a university, or you posted a note to your blog, or you added a topic to a discussion board like Career Development Forums. In most instances, you created that content, or you had someone create it for you. However, since anyone can add content to the Internet about you and your work, you should at least be aware of your IP and monitor it.
Leslie Camacho

When Gen X Runs the Show - The Future of Work - TIME - 0 views

    By 2019, Generation X - that relatively small cohort born from 1965 to 1978 - will have spent nearly two decades bumping up against a gray ceiling of boomers in senior decision-making jobs. But that will end. Janet Reid, managing partner at Global Lead, a consulting firm that advises companies like PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble, says, "In 2019, Gen X will finally be in charge. And they will make some big changes."
Leslie Camacho

The Way We'll Work - The Future of Work - TIME - 1 views

    Ten years ago, Facebook didn't exist. Ten years before that, we didn't have the Web. So who knows what jobs will be born a decade from now? Though unemployment is at a 25‑year high, work will eventually return. But it won't look the same. No one is going to pay you just to show up. We will see a more flexible, more freelance, more collaborative and far less secure work world. It will be run by a generation with new values - and women will increasingly be at the controls. Here are 10 ways your job will change. In fact, it already has.
Leslie Camacho

The Boundaries of Unemployment - - 0 views

    Fred Wright and Tyrone Gatson live about 55 miles apart and worked as technicians for poultry producer Pilgrim's Pride Corp. until they were laid off last month. But Mr. Wright, who lives and worked in Arkansas, is eligible for nearly twice as much in unemployment benefits as Mr. Gatson, who lives in Louisiana and worked at a different Pilgrim's Pride plant in that state, just over the border from Mr. Wright. Under Arkansas's more generous system, Mr. Wright can get $431 in weekly benefits, compared to Mr. Gatson's $284. He is also eligible to receive benefits for three more months than Mr. Gatson.
Leslie Camacho

The Greatest Generation (of Networkers) - - 0 views

    Because so many people in their teens and early 20s are in this constant whir of socializing-accessible to each other every minute of the day via cellphone, instant messaging and social-networking Web sites-there are a host of new questions that need to be addressed in schools, in the workplace and at home. Chief among them: How much work can "hyper-socializing" students or employees really accomplish if they are holding multiple conversations with friends via text-messaging, or are obsessively checking Facebook?
Leslie Camacho

Reinvent Mailbag: Advice For Your Career - - 0 views

    The truth is that many employers generally like older hires because they tend to be more reliable, conscientious and loyal. However, candidates over 50 have to overcome hiring managers' fears that they have one foot out the door. Your friends should de-emphasize their age by removing dates from their resumes and making subtle changes to their appearance to look younger. Most importantly, though, they should showcase their enthusiasm for the job and how motivated they are to achieve, which will make employers more likely to believe they're in it for the long-term.
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