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Maddy Wood

The 21 day challenge - no phone in the company of others | LinkedIn - 1 views

  • The 21 day challenge - no phone in the company of others

psygnisfive comments on Wearables have a dirty little secret: 50% of users lose interest - 0 views

    "Quantified self gadgets will vanish, replaced by smart phone apps and smart clothing"
Antony Mayfield

Striding with ITV into the future of news | Made by Many - 0 views

  • Our product strategy for ITV News was simple, bold and probably as obvious in hindsight as any good idea should be. We set out to create a digitally native news service, something made for the web and mobile that left behind the Guttenberg-era baggage of ‘pages’, ‘articles’ and ‘editions’ that most news websites haven’t been able to shake off, as well as reworking some proto-web typologies like ‘navigation’, ‘liveblogging’ and ‘galleries’. 
  • We wanted to make a news service that answered the question: “What would news be like if we had networked digital media (and digital cameras and phones and laptops) but there had never been newspapers or broadcast TV news programmes?”.   
  • video - would be a massive culture shock. There was nervousness, especially about time and resources, offset by enthusiasm for change and a leadership determined to exploit the potential of real-time news delivered across multiple devices. We also had a strong conviction that opening up the news gathering process - rather than adding new work - would give us the content we needed for the stream. 
    I love that MxM begins with a "product strategy" for ITN, over a "digital", "social" or what not....
Maddy Wood

13 ways for retailers to deal with the threat of showrooming | Econsultancy - 0 views

    • Maddy Wood
      Clear price consistency on & off & in other retailers (? Policy - eg with nordstrom for timberland)
  • Offer excellent customer service  As the online channel matures, and growth slows, customer service (and customer experience) will be the key differentiator. It can also trump price in some circumstances.  For some purchases, price online will be the deciding factor once customers decide to buy a certain product, but they will also appreciate great service and the personal touch. 
    • Maddy Wood
      Shopping concierge - outfits app for wardrobe planning & wishlists 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Appeal to the 'want it now' mentality. Sometimes, if you want a product, you just don't want to wait, and offline retailers will always have this advantage over online rivals. Retailers can make the most of this by offering the ability to check stock in local stores. 
  • Make sure staff have the knowledge
  • Use social media If people are in your stores using their phones, why not find a way of turning this to your advantage, and getting these 'showroomers' to promote your store?  One example of this comes from TopShop. After receiving free style and make-up sessions, shoppers were invited to create a digital “Wish You Were At Topshop” postcard using the photo-sharing app, Instagram.
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