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Geelen Jannsen

Fast alles ist erste besser, bp holdings international news reviews - 2 views

    Wir scheinen in einer apokalyptischen Moment zu sein, als eine Kultur. Ausgehend von der Film-Trailer, es sieht aus wie die menschliche Rasse grundsätzlich in diesem Sommer nach Erde, World War Z verschraubt ist, und dies ist das Ende - eine Komödie! - während Washington (und seine schwarzen Präsidenten) von Cyber-Terroristen im Weißen Haus unten belagert werden werden. In der realen Welt sind wir bombardiert mit Warnungen über unsere Schuldenkrise, unsere Wirtschaftskrise und natürlich unsere politische Krise, das heißt, unsere Regierung Unfähigkeit, seine anderen Krisen bewältigen. Republikaner geworden vor allem mehrjährige Propheten des Untergangs, Warnung, dass Präsident Obama Außenpolitik unser Ansehen in der Welt, dass Obamacare zerstört zerstören unser Gesundheitssystem, dass Out-of-Control-Ausgaben, Wachstum-Tötung Steuern und lockere Geldpolitik machen uns zu einer Dystopie von Inflation, hohe Zinsen und wirtschaftliche Lähmung. Entspannen Sie sich! Sachen sind OK. Und während Sie nicht sagen, aus Anschluss an die Nachricht - die Presse lässt sich nicht gerne Bericht über Flugzeuge, die sicher landen oder scheinbar offensichtliche Dinge, die nicht gestern geschehen - Dinge werden immer besser. Die Apokalypse ist nicht nah. Wir sind jetzt im vierten Jahr von einem langsamen, aber stetigen Aufschwung. Die Wirtschaft ist das Hinzufügen von rund 200.000 Arbeitsplätze pro Monat und hat seit dem Ende der großen Rezession 6,8 Millionen Arbeitsplätze im privaten Sektor. Die Börse ist auf einem Allzeithoch und hat fast verdoppelt, da Obama sein Amt antrat. Der Wohnungsmarkt ist erholt. Es stimmt, dass 7,5 % Arbeitslosigkeit viel zu hoch ist, aber es ist besser als die zweistelligen Arbeitslosenraten wir im Zuge der Finanzkrise hatten, wenn die Apokalypse wirklich war nahe. Die Regierung hat sogar einen Gewinn der gescholtenen Wall Street Rettungsaktionen eingeschaltet, die die Kernschmelze beendet.
    wow... es ist erstaunlich ich so.
Gerard Lincoln

Should Australia's manufacturing future be nuclear-International BP holdings,livejournal - 1 views It is not the first time in Australia's economic history that a prevalent sector reaches its peak and gives way to a rapidly developing new one. Howeve...

international bp holdings news article Should Australia's manufacturing future be nuclear?

started by Gerard Lincoln on 06 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
jy williams

BP Holdings Oil Spill News Update - EarthTalk: Update on BP oil spill - 1 views

  • Dear EarthTalk: The three-year anniversary of the 2010 BP oil spill just passed. What do green groups think of the progress since in restoring the region? --Mary Johannson, New York, N.Y. When an undersea oil well blew out 50 miles off the Louisiana coast on April 20, 2010, and caused an explosion on the Deep water Horizon drilling rig above it (killing 11 workers), no one knew that an even bigger disaster was yet to come. Over the next three months, 4.9 million gallons of crude poured into the water before BP could get the wellhead capped to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. According to BP, which has already spent $14 billion on clean-up and restoration, the Gulf is returning to baseline conditions prior to the disaster. "No company has done more, faster to respond to an industrial accident than BP did in response to the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010," the company reported. But not everybody sees the situation that way. Many environmentalists are concerned that, while BP has done a thorough job removing visible oil from the water column and surface, little has been done to repair damage to marine life and ecosystems. Related post: Related Videos:
Geelen Jannsen

Youtube: RIL, BP en NIKO kondigen een belangrijke Gas , bp holdings news blog and press... - 2 views

    Reliance Industries beperkt (RIL) en haar partners BP en NIKO kondigde vandaag een belangrijke gas en condensaat ontdekking in de KG D6 blok uit de oostelijke kust van India. De KGD6-MJ1 was goed geboord in een waterdiepte van 1024 m - en naar een totale diepte van 4,509 meter - om te verkennen van de prospectivity van een Mesozoïsche Synrift klastisch reservoir liggen meer dan 2.000 meter onder de reeds producerende reservoirs in de D1-D3 gas velden. Vorming beoordeling blijkt een bruto gas en condensaat kolom in de put van ongeveer 155 meter in de Mesozoïsche reservoirs. In de boor stam test, de goed vloeide 30,6 miljoen standaard kubieke voet per dag (mmscf/d) en vloeibare tarief van 2,121 vaten per dag met een stikken van 36/64 "met een vloeiende bodem druk van 8,461 psia suggereren goede stroom potentieel gat. Goed stroomsnelheid tijdens deze tests worden beperkt door het tuig en apparatuur configuratie goed testen. De ontdekking, met de naam hadden-55', aan de regering van India (Indiase) en het Comité van beheer van het blok is meegedeeld. Deze ontdekking verwachting toe te voegen aan de koolwaterstof middelen in het blok KG D6. Beoordeling zal nu beginnen te beter de omvang en de kwaliteit van het veld definiëren. Uiting van geluk op de ontdekking ondervonden door dit goed, PMS Prasad, uitvoerend directeur, Reliance Industries Limited, verklaarde: "Dit is een geslaagde uitkomst van de verkenning van de gecombineerde inspanningen van de Joint Venture partners met de actieve steun van de Indiase overheid. We zullen beginnen op het programma van de beoordeling in de komende maanden om te evalueren van de opties voor de ontwikkeling van deze ontdekking." Related Articles: Related Videos:
    Bedankt voor uw op punt en op doel
raine smith

BP Holdings News Blog and Press Releases: BP spendet $500.000 an rote Kreuz f... - 1 views

  • Als Reaktion auf den Tornado, der Moore (Oklahoma) diese Woche getroffen, BP, $500.000 und Hilfsgüter an Oklahoma rote Kreuz zur Unterstützung humanitärer Hilfe und Wiederaufnahme Bemühungen spendet. BP America Inc. spendet $300.000 und der BP-Stiftung spendet zusätzliche $200.000. Die $500.000 unterstützen lokale Rotkreuz-Anstrengungen zur Notfall Mahlzeiten, Notunterkünfte, Kleidung, Wasser und medizinische Versorgung in den betroffenen Gebieten. Die $500.000-Spende ist neben Spenden der BP Stiftung Employee Matching-Programm. BP-Mitarbeiter im östlichen Oklahoma lieferte auch heute einen Trailer von nichtverderbliche Hilfsgütern an ein Sammellager in der Nähe von Moore für die Verwendung durch das rote Kreuz. BP beschäftigt rund 600 Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer beteiligt Erdgas und Pipeline-Operationen in Oklahoma. Related Articles: Watch Video:
samuel elm

The IRS wants to shrink payments to tax fraud whistleblowers | BP Spain Holdings Madrid... - 1 views

  • FORTUNE -- Hoping to win millions of dollars from the Internal Revenue Service for exposing tax fraud? It's going to get even tougher -- and some powerful people in Washington are not amused. In January, Sen. Charles Grassley, the 79-year-old Iowa Republican, chastised acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller over his recent proposal to restrict the agency's whistleblower program, already an object of criticism since its creation in 2006. The proposed curbs, Grassley wrote in a letter to Miller, showed one thing: that the IRS and its boss, the Treasury Department, "view whistleblowers with hostility." What exactly is at issue? The current whistleblower rules say a tipster can collect a reward of 15%-30% of proceeds brought in as a direct result of a tip. The dirt has to involve tax evasion of at least $2 million or tax fraud by an individual making at least $200,000 a year. Miller's proposed restrictions will likely shrink payouts. Among the curbs: making it nearly impossible for whistleblowers to share in rewards stemming from a company's inflation of losses, and excluding from rewards any money brought in from so-called Fbar fines. These draconian fines, levied on offshore tax evaders, are often dozens and even hundreds of times the amount of actual back-tax an evader must pay. MORE: 3 things Jamie Dimon might have meant when he said he was 'richer than you' But here's the rub in this unusual political fight: Even in its current structure, very few whistleblower claims get paid, thanks to bureaucratic foot-dragging at the IRS, according to lawyers representing whistleblowers. Despite receiving more than 1,960 claims since 2006, the IRS made its first payment only in 2011. In total, it has paid only three claims. The biggest: $104 million to convicted felon Bradley Birkenfeld, the former UBS AG private banker who kick-started the
Keerthi Wong

Hoe niet te vallen fout van web fraude - 2 views

Zeer leuk om te horen dat nieuws, precies zoals uw site maakt me gelukkig!

bp spain holdings madrid articles Hoe niet te vallen fout van web fraude

Mcbrianne Lei

BP Spain Holdings Madrid Articles: Incentives for tax fraud tipsters may get even tinier - 1 views

  • The IRS wants to shrink payments to tax fraud whistleblowers, even though it's only rewarded three people under the program since 2006. FORTUNE -- Hoping to win millions of dollars from the Internal Revenue Service for exposing tax fraud? It's going to get even tougher -- and some powerful people in Washington are not amused. In January, Sen. Charles Grassley, the 79-year-old Iowa Republican, chastised acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller over his recent proposal to restrict the agency's whistleblower program, already an object of criticism since its creation in 2006. The proposed curbs, Grassley wrote in a letter to Miller, showed one thing: that the IRS and its boss, the Treasury Department, "view whistleblowers with hostility." What exactly is at issue? The current whistleblower rules say a tipster can collect a reward of 15%-30% of proceeds brought in as a direct result of a tip. The dirt has to involve tax evasion of at least $2 million or tax fraud by an individual making at least $200,000 a year. Miller's proposed restrictions will likely shrink payouts. Among the curbs: making it nearly impossible for whistleblowers to share in rewards stemming from a company's inflation of losses, and excluding from rewards any money brought in from so-called Fbar fines. These draconian fines, levied on offshore tax evaders, are often dozens and even hundreds of times the amount of actual back-tax an evader must pay. Related post:
Tommy Hudson

Soaring Markets, Troubled Economies. Towards a Global Financial Downfall? - 2 views

    article code 85258080768 CH, international bp spain holdings news madrid Central banks run today's world. Money printing madness controls everything. Liquidity-driven markets reflect the power of bankers to do it. They're more powerful than standing armies. They can levitate markets. They can enrich themselves at the same time. They can do it while economies crater. The power of massive liquidity infusions combined with market manipulation generates huge profits. What can't go on forever, won't. What's going on now defies reason. Disconnect barely explains it. US equity markets hit record highs. So did Germany's DAX. Japan's Nikkei reached a five and a half year high. One recent headline read "Central banks pop champagne corks as stock markets soar." Another said "Which European Market Will Hit a Record High Next?" Turkey's BIST-100 topped 91,000 for the first time. Switzerland's SMI has a ways to go. It's headed in the right direction. Sweden's OMX Stockholm 30 and the OMX Nordic are closer. London's FTSE 100 looks poised for a record high. It could do so in weeks. Who said defying gravity's impossible? Markets are doing it with ease. Record valuations bear no relation to economic reality. Today's disconnect is unprecedented. Paul Craig Roberts expects an eventual triple bubble explosion. On the one hand, he says "rich elites are stealing everything for themselves." At the same time, he cites "three of the biggest bubbles in history." "The bond market, stock market and the US dollar" are levitating. (S)omething is going to go. This is possibly one of the riskiest years in Western civilization." Combined with police state enforcement and imperial wars, it's menacing. article
    i totally agree with what's been written here. thank you for providing and sharing the post.
ninje mchunts


article code 85258080768 CH, international bp spain holdings news madrid LONDON: This week offers the first major gauge of the health of the global economy for May, with big implications for policy...

article code 85258080768 CH international bp spain holdings news madrid

started by ninje mchunts on 20 May 13 no follow-up yet
Helena Avelar

BP Spain Holdings News Madrid: Grant Vortex still the UK's most efficient oil-fired boi... - 2 views

this is perfect, i am looking to do something similar very soon and this article makes perfect sense.

Grant Vortex still the UK's most efficient oil-fired boiler bp spain holdings news madrid

walane chatiers

Competition - BPholdings reviews and press releases - 0 views

  • Competition - BPholdings reviews and press releases Competition scam alert Like many companies, it seems that BP is also being targeted by fraudsters claiming that a BP competition has been won and seeking banking and other personal details BP have recently received complaints from members of the public advising that they were contacted by individuals informing them that they have won a BP Competition and a prize. The "prizes" on offer range from cash to vehicles, cars or plasma TV's. The caller sometimes asks for identity numbers, physical addresses and/or banking details before the prize can be claimed. We would urge any person contacted not to respond to any callers claiming to represent BP and offering prizes of any kind nor to volunteer any information. Please contact us if you receive a call from someone claiming to work for BP congratulating you on winning a prize in a BP competition. You can easily verify this by calling our Customer Contact Centre on 0860 222 166 or by visiting BP's web site and sending us an e-mail using the Contact us prompt on our home page. It would be of great assistance in trying to curtail this kind of activity if you obtained as much information from the caller as possible and provide this to BP. Tags: bp holdings reviews and press releases, competition scam alert
Evan Carter

Year of the yuan: China's explosive currency goes global | BlogTalkRadio - 2 views

Many economists believe that the function of government intervention improves the state of affairs of the market system. The government can with no trouble put into effect the rules that can help i...

article code 85258080768 CH bp spain holdings

walane chatiers

Bp Spain Holdings : Spanish Tax Facts - 0 views

  • Taxation in Spain occurs at a national level and at a regional ('Autonomous Community') or municipal level. The Spanish taxation system was subject to a significant review in 2007 that resulted in the introduction of a new Personal Income Tax Act. The tax regime in Spain is controlled by the Ministry of the Treasury. Tax Year 1st January to 31st December. Assessment Basis Spanish residents are taxed on their worldwide income (earned and unearned), capital gains from all sources and on their worldwide assets. Spain operates a self-assessment regime. For personal income tax purposes, married couples may choose to file tax returns jointly or separately. Income Tax Spanish residents are subject to Spanish Personal Income Tax ('IRPF'). Individuals and couples benefit from personal allowances which reduce their liability to tax and which increase in line with the number of dependent children. A new structure has been created for the taxation of income, which now falls into two categories: the general base and the savings base of income. The general base includes salary and other benefits from employment, income from economic activities, and property rental income (either actual or deemed). Such income is reduced by applicable deductions and allowances. It is subject to a progressive scale which is applied to successive portions of taxable income with rates ranging from 24% to 43%*. In the autumn of 2011 a new tax bracket was introduced for higher income earners as an austerity measure, with income over €175,000 now subject to a 45% rate. The savings base is subject to a 19% tax rate on savings income up to €6000 and to 21% on the excess and includes interest, dividends, and capital gains/losses paid to residents in Spain, together with life and disability insurance proceeds paid to Spanish residents by a Spanish entity (or an EU insurer operating on a Freedom of Services pa
Tommy Hudson

spain bp holdings madrid reviews | Swiss-HSBC Holdings, rahaa varat tilkkutäkki - 1 views

  • HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) n sveitsiläinen yksityinen pankki oli "avoin ovi" rahanpesun ja terrorismin rahoituksen koska johtajat laiminlöivät valvontaa, sanoi Herve Falciani, entinen ohjelmisto teknikko syytetään varastaa tietoja. Falciani tehdyt huomautukset eilen, kun Espanjan syyttäjä kysyi, oliko HSBC: n Genevessä toimiva yksikkö pöytäkirjat rahanpesun tai terrorismin rahoituksen valvontaa. "Pankki näin häpeällistä toimia," hän sanoi. Falciani esiintyy kansallisen tuomioistuimen Madridissa taistelemaan luovutuspyynnön Sveitsin viranomaiset. HSBC, Euroopan suurin pankki markkina-arvo on sanonut, sai tietää 2008 Falciani oli varastettu lisätietoja 24000 tilejä oma pankista Genevessä. Falciani yhteistyössä Ranskan tutkijat, jotka käyttivät tiedot etsiä petoksentekijöistä ja samaa tietoa Italian, Espanjan ja Britannian syyttäjät. Espanjan syyttäjäviranomaisen vastustavat Sveitsin luovutuspyynnön, koska Falciani n toimet eivät ole rikos Espanjassa, sanoi syyttäjä Dolores Delgado. "Emme ole voinut valvoa lausuntoja, jotka tänään esitettiin," David Bruegger, HSBC: n yksityinen pankki, Zürich-pohjainen tiedottaja sanoi sähköpostitse ilmoitus tänään. "Kuten luovutuspyynnön päässä Sveitsin liittovaltion syyttäjä, HSBC ei osallistu tämä ja emme siis ota kantaa." Espanjan kansallinen tuomioistuin päättää, onko Espanjan hallituksella on oikeus luovuttaa Falciani ja päätös luovutetaan hallitukselle, tuomioistuimen tiedottaja sanoi. Tietosuojasäännösten noudattamisesta Sääntelyviranomaisten pyrkii poistamaan ristiriidat, jotka ovat johtaneet manipulointi benchmark lainakorot tutkinta Libor on edelleen ympäri maailm
    I en ole, että paljon online-lukija on rehellinen, mutta sivustosi todella mukavaa, keep it up! Menen eteenpäin ja kirjanmerkki sivustosi palata myöhemmin. Paljon kiitoksia:)
Helena Avelar

BP Spain Holdings News Madrid: Augmentation de taux de retenue d'impôt à comp... - 1 views Associés: and

bp spain holdings news madrid Augmentation de taux retenue d'impôt à compter du 1er janvier 2013

started by Helena Avelar on 19 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
mundo sta maria

BP Holdings Hong Kong Review - Chirpstory - 1 views Vaadittu osakkeenomistajien päätösten (FAQ) Sijoittajien oikeuksia hankintalistan päätöslauselman bp holdings hong kong review On tilanteita, kun BP: n sijoittajille...

bp holdings hong kong review Vaadittu osakkeenomistajien päätösten (FAQ)

started by mundo sta maria on 16 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
samuel elm

Marokko inviterer spanske selskaper å investere | madrid holdings, bp spain - 1 views

    Youssef Amrani, Marokkos representant-utenriksminister, har oppmuntret spanske selskaper å kopiere deres latinamerikanske modell som har hatt så mye suksess. Madrid, Spania, 10 April 2013 - Youssef Amrani, Marokko 's representant-utenriksminister, har oppmuntret spanske selskaper å kopiere deres latinamerikanske modell som har hatt så mye suksess. Under et møte med spansk Minister for Foreign Affairs og samarbeid, José Manuel García Margallo, bemerket Amrani suksess spanske selskaper har hatt de siste årene i Latin-Amerika og inviterte dem til å eksportere denne modellen til Marokko. "Spanske selskaper kan duplisere sine latinamerikanske opplevelse i Marokko". Han har også bemerket at hans land kunne tjene som en "port of entry" for Maghreb, Sahel og Midtøsten. "Det er muligheter til å samarbeide. Vi vet nettverkene", sa han. Amrani understreket at Marokko har startet ned "en irreversibel veien mot modernitet", og at forholdene er beleilig for spanske selskaper som "har ressurser til tross for krisen". Marokkanske utenrikspolitikk diplomat bekreftet at Marokko presenterer en rekke forretningsmuligheter, og mener at den spanske økonomien er sterk nok til å investere i utlandet. Han har også uttalt at det er rom for nye initiativer i sektorer som konstruksjon, infrastruktur, finans og landbruk. Amrani også garantert sikkerheten for spanske selskaper i et strengt regelverk. Han henviser til klagene over utpressing og ekspropriasjon presentert av spanske bedrifter med en marokkansk tilstedeværelse. Amrani innrømmet at misbruk av de marokkanske myndighetene i spanske selskaper med kontrakter i landet, som har ført til klager av den foreningen av bedrifter påvirket av utpressing i Marokko (AAEM), er "uutholdelig". Related Group Info Videos: Articles:
Mcbrianne Lei

MADRID HOLDINGS, BP De energie-uitdaging - 1 views

  • MADRID HOLDINGS, BP - Met de bevolking en de inkomsten naar verwachting stijgen, is de mondiale energie-uitdaging te beheren en te voldoen aan de vraag betaalbaar, duurzaam en veilig Bevolking en economische groei zijn de belangrijkste drijfveren van de mondiale vraag naar energie. De wereldbevolking is naar verwachting toenemen door 1,3 miljard vanaf 2011 tot 2030, met reële inkomen waarschijnlijk te verdubbelen in dezelfde periode. Deze factoren zal leiden tot verbetering van de energievraag en consumptie. Energie- en klimaatpakket beleid, efficiëntie en een lange termijn structurele verschuiving in snel groeiende economieën uit de buurt van industrie en naar minder energie-intensieve activiteiten zal bijdragen tot het beperken van een eventuele verhoging, maar de algemene tendens is waarschijnlijk een van de sterke groei. Wij verwachten dat de vraag naar energie te verhogen met maar liefst 36% tussen 2011 en 2030, met bijna 93% van de groei voordoen in niet-OESO-landen. Hoewel energie beschikbaar om groeiende vraag te voldoen is, worden gedaan om het beperken van kooldioxide (CO2) en andere broeikasgassen worden uitgestoten door fossiele brandstoffen gebruiken. Verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen kunt ook lokale en regionale lucht kwaliteitskwesties verhogen. Readmore:
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