The Internet has brought a lot of entertainment and fun into our lives. We can chat with friends, watch funny videos, see endless cat pictures, or argue over the color of a dress. However, the Internet is at the same … Continue reading →
The Internet has brought a lot of entertainment and fun into our lives. We can chat with friends, watch funny videos, see endless cat pictures, or argue over the color of a dress. However, the Internet is at the same … Continue reading →
I've been reading a few articles from social media naysayers of late. Funny thing is, I often start such a read agreeing with many of their points, but invariably they seem to succumb to the temptations of weak, emotional argument.
Mommy bloggers, move over. It's daddy's turn in the spotlight.
Many mommy blogs have gained avid followings. The blogs, like Dooce and The Pioneer Woman, are full of stories, often quite funny, written by mothers about raising children and other topics. Recently, fathers have been getting into the game, too, with blogs like DadLabs and Dad-O-Matic.