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Facebook Responds to Concerns Over Terms of Service - 0 views

    Today's hoopla over changes to the Facebook Terms of Service have prompted a rare blog post from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In the post, Zuckerberg falls short of apologizing for the changes, but rather, uses the opportunity to explain why Facebook more or less keeps your content indefinitely.
qualitypoint Tech

Will Facebook's New Messaging System be a Gmail-killer? - 0 views

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had announced about Facebook's New Messaging System. He says that "email" is not suitable for young generation which prefer to use IM and SMS than email.
Willis Wee

Facebook Hits 300 Million Users. Twitter 18. - 0 views

    Facebook vs Twitter. Who wins? Twitter may be ahead in terms of followers on Twitter but not quite in number of users worldwide… Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has just announced on his blog that Facebook officially reached its 300 million users milestone.
satui satui

Mendapatkan uang melalui facebook | Update dan Informasi Terbaru - 0 views

    bagi-bagi on facebook Sebuah terobosan baru dalam aplikasi Facebook yang belum ada selama ini. Dengan bermodalkan ide kreatif tercipta sebuah aplikasi dimana sang pengguna (user) dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan dan mendapatkan imbalan uang.
Easy Things

How To Send Friend Request Without Add Friend Button On Facebook - 0 views

    Social networking is need to daily life in present days, it is a online platform for connecting for building relationship and connecting people one place to another place where ever in the world through the Internet, major people of the have at least one account in any social networking site. According to statics say in 2020 more than two billions of people are using social networking. Many social networking sites are available in Web World, but few are the most popular in the present days. Facebook Twitter Google+ Instagram Whatsapp Skype Line Snapchat how to send a friend request on facebook when there is no option Many of the platforms for available to people touch every second in world through the Internet. In the list of platforms Facebook is one the most popular social networking site and play a unique of present online social networking. Facebook is an American non-profitable corporation and founders of Mark Zuckerberg, Edurado Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Coming to the present trick of Easything, in Facebook user to know how to send friend request to your friends and know the add friends in the list, But some time we know friends onsite of search, but we don't know how to send a friend request to your friend because of he restricted or customized friend request invisible option or button in their timeline for the issue of privacy. Then how can we solution to send friend request to friend. It is possible to send friend request to the no add friend button Facebook user. Yes, here the trick to send friend request to no add friend button Facebook user, just follow the simple steps.
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