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The JIT System - Creative Safety - 0 views

    When running any sort of physical production based business, you will often have stock on hand. Instead of only stocking for a short time, there will be a "backup" supply of products that can be called upon as demand changes. This is known as "just in case" manufacturing and is highly common in most industries. However, several decades ago, the rise of lean business gave way to the concept of "just in time" manufacturing. In a just in time, or JIT, system, products are made as they are demanded and there is little to (ideally) no back-stock at any time. Why go lean? The idea behind JIT manufacturing is that one can eliminate several kinds of waste by taking away the need to keep inventory of excess stock. From now on, equate "stock" to "excess stock" or the concept of having too much on hand, because in a JIT environment "stock" doesn't really exist outside of individual orders. When you don't have to keep inventory, employees free up their time for other projects and tasks. Also, you have less paperwork to manage, and can focus on other things, like workplace safety, new profitability angles and marketing strategies, etc. Another reason to go to a JIT model is that you increase accountability of management. Because you have no inventory to fall back on in a JIT situation, inventory cannot be used as a crutch to make up for other problems. Slow, inefficient production is often masked by a stockpile of inventory, making it harder to realize certain areas of production may need improvement - these may include machine functionality, worker habits, reliability, and inadequate space management. Another huge place you save by adopting this method is in transportation. Materials do not need to be stocked at various sites and you need to do much less transporting. You will eliminate time wasted in transit when there is traffic or road congestion, and you'll even be more environmentally friendly by reducing fuel burned for shipping purposes

Where Is the Recovery? S&P 500 Companies Outlooks for Future Are Pessimistic. - Creativ... - 0 views

    In the U.S News and World Report online article, "Corporate Outlooks Worse than During Financial Crisis," author Danielle Kurtzleben explains that the Thomson Reuters research company recently reported that almost a 5 to 1 ratio of the S&P 500 companies were reporting negative earnings guidance, which indicates either poor earnings projections due to real reasons, or pure pessimism. Kurtzleben also ponders if these reports may be from companies dialing back their goals, in order to exceed them at the end of the quarter. My first inclination is that the latter is more of the culprit. Companies are "lowering the bar" so they can look like they've exceeded their expectations, and so economic reports will secure some semblance of investor confidence for their stock. It's smart, but only if they all do it en masse, like we're seeing here. This way, it will give the sense that the entire market is doing poorly, and the company HAD to lower expectations.


  • We believe that APIs are about to enter the second growth spurt. APIs will evolve from not just interfaces and integration enablers into the rockets that propel enterprises towards innovation and market dominance. Here are three key trajectories that will lead the next API evolution and revolution.
    Modern, RESTful APIs are not considered standard, table stakes and expected out of any new project, effort, application, system, service or product. It has become so normal to talk about developer interfaces, developer adoption, application development and innovation in the same breath as APIs that a distinct effort to build APIs for a new product or service seems out of place and abnormal. APIs are the defacto standard of app development. So where do we go from here? We believe that APIs are about to enter the second growth spurt. APIs will evolve from not just interfaces and integration enablers into the rockets that propel enterprises towards innovation and market dominance. Here are three key trajectories that will lead the next API evolution and revolution. Innovation - Starts, and Ends with APIs All modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, ChatBots, Analytics, BlockChain etc. begin and end their stories with APIs. APIs are what enables the communication between front-end user interfaces and the backend technology services. All new machine learning capabilities offered out of the big four tech companies have seen the light of day through APIs. Intent & Sentiment extraction, Topics, Categories, Summarization, Image Recognition, Entity Extraction etc. are all capabilities powered by Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing that is ultimately being delivered as APIs to application developers. Similarly, ChatBots are typically designed to get the user entered text, use an intent API to determine intent and then use a service API to respond to the user conversationally or with a service. Clouds - Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud As the big three cloud providers grow their market share and attempt to attract attention, increasingly, enterprises need to think about how they minimize their risk by building in the flexibility to switch their cloud provider if and when they need. In addition, hybrid architectures or a cloud migration

Don't Reinvent The Wheel - The AI Company - 0 views

    One of the top reasons for digital innovation and transformation failures can be summarized as the enterprise trying to reinvent the wheel. This is the tendency of the enterprise to attempt to create technology, platforms, and applications that have already been implemented, scaled, optimized and almost perfected. This tendency almost always ends up a failed one as it does not create any net new value for the enterprise but comes with a massive opportunity cost as the enterprise spends crucial resources on reinventing the wheel than innovating for the customer. How The Wheel Is Reinvented Nontechnology enterprises can get trapped in a reinvent state where they conclude that homegrown technology is the only path towards customer and business value. This in itself is not entirely false however the type of enterprise and their decision-making process along with the capabilities they have in house have a very large impact on the success of the strategy.eRaaadada Reinventing the wheel happens when a non-tech enterprise discovers a technology trend towards much later in the hype cycle almost towards the end when the technology is hitting the mass market and decides to recreate or reinvent its own version of the technology. This is often done with the assumption that with some investment, the enterprise can have a home grown version of technology or platform that is designed specifically for its needs and is thus a better fit. However, enterprises assume that the state of the technology will remain constant and while they are attempting to home grow a version that can match the current state of the art. In reality, the state of the art shifts and the enterprise is not able to bridge the gap. Who Reinvents The Wheel Typically, technology teams often decide to go down the path of reinvention when they are allowed to make technology upgrade or technology creation decisions without business KPIs and cost constraints i.e. clear success criteria with fixed cost and clear ti

Pipe Marking - 7 Things You Should Know | BabelPlex - 0 views

    Does your facility have pipes? If so, those pipes need labels. While pipe labeling may seem like a confusing process with many requirements, it doesn't have to be difficult. Starting with a plan will make your pipe-labeling project easier and more organized. Then once your facility's pipes are labeled, you'll see communication about pipes improve. Using visuals like labels makes communication direct and simple, and it reduces the need for asking questions about pipe contents. Before you begin marking pipes, you should understand the basics of pipe marking. Take a look at these seven things you should know before you begin the pipe-marking process. 1. Workers Need to See Pipe Labels, and So Do Emergency Personnel Labeling pipes will primarily help your workers and any maintenance personnel who may need to service pipes. Therefore, you'll want to keep this main audience in mind when you establish your pipe labeling system. It's possible you'll have additional people who enter your facility and need to know what's in your pipes, though. In an emergency situation like a fire, emergency responders may need to know which pipes contain fire-quenching liquids. If an accident involving a pipe containing chemicals occurs, an emergency response team would quickly need to know what chemicals it's dealing with. Because these additional members of the community may be reading your pipe labels, it's important to follow industry standards for pipe labeling instead of having an internal system that only your workers understand. 2. Colors Should Be Standardized Pipe Marking, Pipe Labels To make it easy for workers, emergency responders and other pertinent personnel to read and understand pipe labels, the labels should be color-coded according to the ANSI/AMSE 13.1 standard. The standard assigns six main colors for pipe contents: Yellow Background with Black Text - Flammable Fluids & Gasses Red Background with White Text - Fire-Quenching Fluids Orange

SKM System Analysis, Power System Software, and Arc Flash Systems - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Our customers have had great luck printing from SKM and we recommend SKM to anyone looking for arc flash software. SKM has a great support staff and they offer lots of training seminars to help their clients in using their software. After working with thousands of clients on arc flash, we have seen SKM grow to be a large company that have always put its customers first, if you have any questions please call 866-777-1360 or click on the links below. A Brief History of SKM Software: SKM Systems Analysis, Inc. is a California-based corporation founded in 1972. They originally developed the DAPPER power system analysis software on a mainframe at the UCLA Computer Center. By 1978, DAPPER was running in time-share mode on the Control Data Corporation mainframe, and being used by engineers both in the United States and internationally. The first PC version of DAPPER was released in 1981, followed in 1983 by the CAPTOR software. A_FAULT was developed in 1988 and IEC_FAULT in 1991, to provide ANSI and IEC-909 fault calculations. SKM released Power Tools in 1995, completely rebuilding it from ground up using the latest Arc Flash development tools. The new Windows PTW line of software offers the same powerful studies that have been available in DOS, but adds greater flexibility. No other software can match SKM's Power Tools for project analysis flexibility, speed, or database integration. With over 35,000 users worldwide, no other software package has the breadth of support from the professionals in the engineering community of SKM Power Tools for Windows. From industry leaders like Cutler-Hammer, GE, Square-D and Siemens Westinghouse, to independent contractors and leaders in every industry, Power Tools is the application of choice when it comes to electrical engineering software.

Guaranteed Safety with Line Marking Tapes - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Almost every workplace is prone to hazards. Be it from falling objects, falls, skids or opens electric wires, there are dangers everywhere. According to statistics there are immense injuries and even deaths resulting from work related hazards. Organizations often lose a lot in terms of compensation and lost human resource opportunities. There is no telling when an accident can occur but the good news is that most of these hazards can be minimized through the use of line marking tapes and floor tapes. Safety in the construction site Construction sites top the list of the most hazard prone areas. With so much going on safety standards might fail to be strictly adhered to and this can expose the workers and passersby to great risks. It is hence crucial that they maybe adequately informed of the areas to avoid. Line marking tapes can be used to forewarn any passersby to exercise caution when approaching a certain site. Floor tapes can be used to indicate the safest pathways to use so as to avoid falling objects or other dangers characteristic of a construction site. If it is a renovation project being carried out in the office temporary line marking tapes can be utilized to warn the occupants of the potential hazards. They can also be used to redirect people towards am alternative entrance or exit. Warning people of danger zones Various colors of line marking tapes portray different messages. In the workplace, there is a need to warn people of the existing dangers. In the industrial organizations where there is possible exposure to hazardous materials if it important to erect permanent measures to ensure that all those concerned are adequately aware of the danger lurking within. Relevant floor tapes can be used to reflect danger. A tank that contains oil products should be conspicuously marked to warn any persons within the organization to avoid bringing flammable objects near the site. Warning tapes should also be applied in areas close to the chemical labs and pi

Why safety takes a back seat? - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Safety in foreign countries is way below the standards of the USA, but you can actually find the they exact same problem of wiring and code violations maybe even in your own house or work. As may works cut corners in the hope to speed up the project not really caring about the purchaser. It is very disheartening that in spite of several laws, codes and stipulations by the government, we are witnessing so many accidents. The need of the hour is to spread safety awareness so as to instil confidence in people that the government is very clear about enforcing all laws and regulations to avoid accidents. The main focus areas are homes, where gadgets like LPG stoves, induction heaters and microwave ovens, if not used safely, could lead to serious accidents. The international precautionary indication is that LPG is strongly blended with smelling agents so that leaks are detected, but due to a lack of knowledge and awareness, timely action is not taken, resulting in nasty accidents and loss of lives. Use of substandard electrical wires and switches, inserting wires into sockets without plugs and improper earthing are the main reasons for accidents due to electricity. It is advisable to use appliances of standard makes and which are BIS marked. The placing of air conditioners in the correct positions and using non-flammable switch boxes would avoid mishaps. The use of ELCBS and flame-proof wiring will assure us of safety from electric shocks at homes. Safety audits Safety in schools is of primary importance. Playground equipment, swimming pools, auditoriums and laboratories are to be professionally managed. Periodic inspections and safety audits are to be conducted by accredited third parties and the reports communicated to parents so as to reassure them that their children are in a safe atmosphere. Lab equipment and hazardous chemicals are to be handled after thorough training. Vehicular traffic involving children has to be monitored closely. Safety levels in hospitals are

Top-notch Web Design And Development Services  - SolutionHow - 0 views

    Web design and development is an umbrella term, unfolding a lot of job roles beneath it. You would be amazed to see that web design and development somehow related to web designers, web developers, marketers, and quality assurance engineers responsible for taking the project from initial to start smoothly!

Angular vs React 2021: Which JS Framework Should You Choose - 0 views

    Angular vs React? Which one is the best one for developing a JS framework for your project? The confusion is actual because Angular vs React both are famous JavaScript frameworks.

Cydomedia Blogs - How to make a mobile game app in 2021 - 0 views

    Are you looking around for a guide to make a mobile game application? If yes, then you're at the right place. Nevertheless, it's not wrong to say that a sleek mobile application requires a lot of effort and human resources. Developing an application requires months of hard work, whereas developing a website is a short-term project.

Best Java Web Development Company - Processes & Qualities - 0 views

    The current business world is all tech-driven & finding the best java web development company is still a challenging task. There are various companies offering java web development services. However, very few of them are proficient enough to ace the project.

Everything You Should Know About Branding Cost - 0 views

    A branding project will help you figure out what is happening and let you know how to communicate your company's story and how much does it cost? Different companies offer branding services, but still, Cydomedia strives to bring value to the customers and meet their expectations.

7 Reasons To Choose Cydomedia As Your Web Design Company - 0 views

    Are you looking for the best web design company to start your new project? No worries, we're here with a detailed guide to give you the best web design and development services in town! Once you decide you need a new website, your next step is to choose the ideal website design company. However, the question is, how do you find the company that you can trust to build your brand's online presence?

What Is Web Design, And Why Does It Matter? - 2022 - 0 views

    Web Design has come a long way, and it's easy to see why this is with its rapidly advancing technology. By whatever name you call it, UI / UX, design, or creative problem-solving, web designers can now approach their tasks with a more holistic view of a given project where new tools are available for implementation in real-time during the building process.

Amazing Customer Service - 1 views

started by Felipp Crawly on 31 Oct 12 no follow-up yet

Hire App Developer For Your Project - [Complete Guide] - 0 views

    You must be thinking about how to find an app developer? Many entrepreneurs dominate the digital industry, which means they are tapping into the market with killer ideas.
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