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Barbara Lindsey

guessthewordle / FrontPage - 0 views

    A new wordle every day that students all over the world can guess and then send in their guesses and also create ones to share here on this wiki. By Jen Wagner (jenuinetech)
Barbara Lindsey

Word Clouds | - 0 views

    Gives example of using wordle to create a word cloud of the lyrics to a song. Students guess the content and then use Wordle to help them with the full text of the lyrics.

Confessions of a Podcast Junkie: A Student Perspective (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 3 views

  • My experience in creating podcasts came through much nobler endeavors. It began with a research project in the working-class neighborhoods of North Belfast and a frustrated conversation over pints in a pub. I was on a research high after an interview with two women of very different political backgrounds. They were friends, brought together by the work of a local nonprofit, and their mutual admiration shone from the lightning-fast banter that they tossed back and forth throughout the interview. It was clear to me that they were a perfect example of a friendship from different sides of the political divide. But my friend at the pub just couldn't get it. He suggested that their friendship might be contrived, a mere show for my benefit, or that if real, it didn't mean as much as I thought. Exasperated, I pulled out my recorder and played the conversation back to him. As their Belfast accents filled up our corner booth, I could see his posture slacken and the battle turn my way. In that moment, I decided that only a podcast could finish telling my story. Over the next months, armed with just an MP3 player and some freeware suggested by a friend, I worked to piece together the story of North Belfast through interviews, conversations, and the sounds of the streets. The result was crude, elementary, and slightly difficult to listen to. But I was hooked.
  • Student Use (and Misuse) of Podcast Technology
  • In fact, the iPod topped the list of the most "in" things on campus in 2006, according to Student Monitor's Lifestyle & Media Study.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      How many in our class own an iPod? Other mp3 player?
    • Inas Ayyoub
      I don't have any of them, but after studying and teaching in an American university , I feel it is one of the important things that I have to own!!
    • Kemen Zabala
      I own an iPod touch and I believe my cellphone is also part mp3 player
    • Barbara Lindsey
      I have 2
    • Blanca Garcia Valenzuela
      I have a mp3 player, not an iPod and, anyway, I do not see why iPods are so popular...
    • Catherine Ross
      I own an iPod but I never use it!
    • Celeste Arrieta
      I don't have an IPod
    • Celeste Arrieta
      You made very interesting comments, Inas! Congratulations!!
    • suzanne ondrus
      I own one but have yet to use it! :(
    • Christopher Laine
      Mine doesn't really work since I put it in the laundry. But I never used it much anyway because it's not compatible with .flac files.
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  • transfer lectures and course material
  • "The good thing was that you could listen to a section over and over again if you wanted to review it," Clemen says. "There were a few podcasts that I had to review a couple of times. I could write out what he was saying and listen to what he was saying again." Reviewing came in handy, they all say, especially during project or exam times. "[With the podcasts], I've got more material to go back to if I wanted to review that module," Clemen says. "Whereas with the rest of the material, I just have some PowerPoint and my own notes."
  • The trick, students say, is to make sure that there is something to gain by attending class and downloading the lecture.
  • the material has to be relevant to the rest of the course. Otherwise, it's just a cool technology to have." Material should have a clear connection to the actual course, making a seamless transition between face time and the online realm.
  • Students stress the need to keep audio and video concise and engaging.
  • ust because a student totes an iPod on campus doesn't mean that the student is podcast-savvy.
  • "There aren't any time constraints. Your podcast doesn't have to be an exact amount of time. You have carte blanche to change the format and grow your show." He also helps capture audio from guest speakers so that the programs can be
  • n to the guest lectures while on the bus, at the gym, or in their dorm rooms. Still, Stein never felt the urge to skip class. "It was nice to know that if you missed class, you could record the lectures," she says. "But the iPod didn't encourage you to miss class. There's not a chalkboard that you can see or problems that you can see worked out. I think more people show up in a [podcasting] course because it encourages more interaction."
  • "It's much better than writing a paper. It's more interesting, much more fun, and much more creative. You get a lot of time to work on it, and it's more collaborative because you're working with other people. You're creating the performance as you go and then continuously working on it." Creating a podcast didn't mean less work, he says.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Your thoughts?
    • suzanne ondrus
      This seems to go on the idea of trying to make one's class accessible to everyone. So with podcasts students with strong oral skills might excell.
    • Inas Ayyoub
      Still, we don't want students to end up with poor writing skills. So I guess with the help of other uses of technolog like wikis we can make writing papers more fun and help stdents improve that as well.
  • Though her goal was to increase learning for her peers in the anatomy course, she found that creating the material was a boon to her own learning. "As a student creating the podcasts, I had the chance to learn a lot more than I would have taking a course," she says. "It's about learning how to teach the material and how to make a narration out of it. You have this intimate knowledge of the material, and now you know how to show the different sides of an issue."
  • Besides the entertainment value, Westfall and Finnegan say that the podcasts were especially useful for reviewing material. They used the podcasts as refreshers throughout the semester and during exam time. In addition, creating a segment meant that they had to brush up on their own knowledge of the subject.
  • I don't want [the podcasts] to overlap with lectures too much; I still want people to go to the lecture. This is a very relaxed way to get the information to them. They can do it on their own time and download it whenever."
    • Inas Ayyoub
      Though the podcasts arre a great idea for reviewing materials and catching up on things you missed in a class, still they will result in having less and less face-to-face interaction which is still needed especially when learning languages. I guess students will be tempted to miss classes more and more , even though the article suggested that using podcasts will encourage them not to do so!!
  • Knowing my own podcast history, I had to wonder just how quickly the students were jumping on board. Armed with my same recorder—though it was now slightly rougher for the wear—I asked students at colleges and universities across North America about their iPod and MP3 use, their familiarity with podcasting, and just how they saw podcasting as part of the classroom.
  • Knowing my own podcast history, I had to wonder just how quickly the students were jumping on board. Armed with my same recorder—th
    "Besides the entertainment value, Westfall and Finnegan say that the podcasts were especially useful for reviewing material. They used the podcasts as refreshers throughout the semester and during exam time. In addition, creating a segment meant that they had to brush up on their own knowledge of the subject."
Barbara Lindsey

Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American - 0 views

  • The team found that students remembered the pairs much better when they first tried to retrieve the answer before it was shown to them. In a way this pretesting effect is counterintuitive:
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Participants were tested on pairs of "weak associates," words that are loosely related such as star-night or factory-plant. (If students are given the first word and asked to generate an associate, the probability of generating the target word is only 5 percent.) In the pretest condition, students were given the first word of the pair (star- ???) and told to try to generate the second member that they would have to later remember.
  • Students were asked to read the essay and prepare for a test on it. However, in the pretest condition they were asked questions about the passage before reading it such as “What is total color blindness caused by brain damage called?” Asking these kinds of question before reading the passage obviously focuses students’ attention on the critical concepts. To control this “direction of attention” issue, in the control condition students were either given additional time to study, or the researchers focused their attention on the critical passages in one of several ways: by italicizing the critical section, by bolding the key term that would be tested, or by a combination of strategies. However, in all the experiments they found an advantage in having students first guess the answers. The effect was about the same magnitude, around 10 percent, as in the previous set of experiments.
  • This work has implications beyond the classroom. By challenging ourselves to retrieve or generate answers we can improve our recall. Keep that in mind next time you turn to Google for an answer, and give yourself a little more time to come up with the answer on your own. 
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  • Students might consider taking the questions in the back of the textbook chapter and try to answer them before reading the chapter. (If there are no questions, convert the section headings to questions. If the heading is Pavlovian Conditioning, ask yourself What is Pavlovian conditioning?). Then read the chapter and answer the questions while reading it. When the chapter is finished, go back to the questions and try answering them again. For any you miss, restudy that section of the chapter. Then wait a few days and try to answer the questions again (restudying when you need to). Keep this practice up on all the chapters you read before the exam and you will be have learned the material in a durable manner and be able to retrieve it long after you have left the course. 
Barbara Lindsey

Calhoun School: Steve's Blog Is it Learning or Training? - 0 views

  • proponents claim, the methods “work,” as represented by higher test scores.   Because, they add, the methods are efficient, meaning you can produce results with brutal economic efficiency and large classes.  And, in ed policy-speak, the systematized, highly structured methodologies are “scaleable,” easily replicated and exported to other schools. 
  • Anyone intensely “drilled” in facts or simple algorithms will demonstrate superior performance when tested on short-term retention.   The students in programs like that at Williamsburg Collegiate are being trained to give the “right” answers, but they are learning little or nothing.   Other evidence exposes the folly of these practices, as test score gains among younger students are not holding as the same students move into older grades. But the policy response in most places is reflexive, not reflective.   Drill them more and test ‘em again! 
  • Perhaps the greatest tragedy of this approach to education is that it disregards, often punishes, the qualities that most characterize real learning.  Children are discouraged from expressing a point of view – no time for that and it isn’t on the test.  Creativity is irrelevant.  Children who are sensitive and poetic are devalued, forced into quick, aggressive responses by a drill sergeant teacher.   Critical thinking is not welcome.  Where is the space for empathy and imagination?  What about the child whose unique intelligence is the ability to visualize something beautiful, to see another possible way to solve a problem, to turn a history assignment into a song?
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  • Most highly regimented urban charter schools are largely for the “other” –the underclass children of color whom powerful people talk about but seldom meet.    I wonder if Mssrs. Gates, Broad, Dell, Walton or Bloomberg would subject their own children to such a school environment, where they would march in tight formation and eagerly parrot the “right” answers required by the training manual?    I would guess not.  Of course I didn’t see many of those guys at Fort Benning either.         
  • There is little evidence outside of the short term, self-fulfilling cycle of call and response, that these schools are educating students at all
Barbara Lindsey

YouTube - Classical Conditioning at BGSU - 0 views

  • we had it shown in class aswell to explain us pavlovs theory (Belgium) big ups!
  • hahaha this photo also got shown in my pyschology lecture in brisbane, australia! everyone was pissing themselves laughing! too funny!!
  • haha this also got shown in my psychology lecture infront of 500 students in australia :p good effort, way too funny!!
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  • yeah my psychology professor showed this to our class today too XD
  • My psych teacher showed this tonight. Lol. Great work man.
  • LMAO!!!! My psychology teacher showed this to our class on tuesday (GMT Time, LONDON) everybody was laughing and thanks to this video we all understood what classical conditioning was, thanks for the vid it was gr8! LOL XD
  • Wow, you are really, really cute. :] I watched this in my psychology class today. The whole class laughed x]
  • 2 weeks ago Hahaha i guess everyone watched this in psychology!! everyone laughed in class at this.
Blanca Garcia Valenzuela

VoiceThread as Final Exam | Language Lab Unleashed! - 0 views

  • This score was worth 70% of their final exam grade (the other 30% had been determined by their classmates in their group oral presentations). The final exam as a whole was 20% of their final (semester) grade. No one element in the final was worth more than 15% of their final grade. Personally, I always hated it when final exams were the deciding factor in your final grade for a course. Some people just don’t test well, especially at the end of a long semester. For many of my students this was their first semester of college finals and I know they were nervous. I tried to be sensitive to all of those things when thinking about the weight of this exam and its impact upon their grade.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      What is the rationale for having a student's final grade comprised solely of the mid-term and final exam?
    • Celeste Arrieta
      This is such an interesting topic. I really don't understad why this happens. Does a student who comes only for exams and do excellent will have the same grade as a student who is always participating and showing interest in class?
    • Blanca Garcia Valenzuela
      Regarding what Celeste says, I think it is really tricky. I guess it should depend on what you are grading. If you are grading proficiency and the student has it without going to class, why should s/he have a lower grade that another that participates but does not reach his/her proficiency level?
Barbara Lindsey

FRONTLINE: digital nation: watch the full program | PBS - 0 views

  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
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  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • these dangers--like the potentials--can only really be understood when we study not individuals alone, but the contexts and systems of which they are a part.
  • Being told that a bunch of people are addicted is not all that helpful. Even worse is equating lots of time in and of itself to addiction. Why are they addicted? All for the same reasons? What else is going in their lives and cultures? What skills are they picking up if any? Is their massive time-on-task leading to anything or not? What percentage of players are addicted in any harmful sense?
  • There is also an important issue missed by the show and that is the question of how people from different social and economic groups use and benefit (or not) from digital media. I guess it is not surprising that American TV does not much deal with class issues, but there is little doubt that digital media are leveraged by some families to great benefit for their children in school as part of a larger learning and literacy ecology that includes digital media and print. Other families use digital media in quite different ways. Indeed, there are many different uses with many different outcomes--my simple dichotomy really will not do, but it raises the issue of equity and outcomes for diverse people in our society (and, indeed, world).
  • Books can make people smarter or dumber--they can expose them to the world or hide reality from them. So any real understanding of them would have to be nuanced and contextual. For books we have long learned to ignore their power for bad. For digital media we are predisposed--at least if we are Baby Boomers--to look for the dangers.
  • The film is indeed thought provoking. Its power is in being by and large an "etic" (outside) view of other people's new cultures. It is less good at giving a real feel for what those new cultures and their concomitant practices mean to young people today from the inside.
  • What works for me about the website is that it is multi-vocal, allowing many points of view to be expressed on more or less equal footing, encouraging reflection as people make their own decisions about what to watch and how to juxtapose the pieces. I doubt any two readers took the same path through this material or any two teachers used the resources the website provides in precisely the same ways.
  • I frankly found the documentary itself mind-numbing and relentless. It rarely trusts the viewer to draw their own conclusions about what they are seeing and it deploys much of the material in ways which point towards a much less nuanced conclusion than any of the participants in the conversation might have advocated.
Inas Ayyoub

Curricula Designed to Meet 21st-Century Expectations | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • Faculty concerns perhaps center less on being "replaceable" and more on worrying that the teaching and learning enterprise will be reduced to students gathering information that can be easily downloaded, causing them to rely too heavily on technology instead of intellect.
  • First, traditional age students overwhelmingly prefer face-to-face contact with faculty to mediated communication. Second, technology used in the service of learning will require more—not less—sophistication on the part of students as they engage in processes of integration, translation, audience analysis, and critical judgment.
  • With such specific applications of technology and the limited use of other forms (for example, multimedia), students' low expectations for the use of technology in the curriculum is not surprising. Such constrained use of technology by the faculty in the curriculum and low student expectations may serve to limit innovation and creativity as well as the faculty's capacity to engage students more deeply in their subject matter.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Your thoughts on this?
    • Chenwen Hong
      I completely agree. As a student, I don't think a text-based PowerPoint slide presentation would interest me too much, partcularly when there are too many words squeezed into just one slide. If a PowerPoint slide presentation is just a copy of texts, the use of technology makes nothing different from teaching with a blackboard and chalks. The use of technology must have, and then can serve, a pedagogical purpose.
    • Inas Ayyoub
      This remindes me of the first time stuents at my school started using powerpoints to make presentations and how exciting it was for them to see thier classmates ideas presented in front of them this way. Over using this and without really integraing sth new than their words written, showed boredom and disinterest later! So teachers should think here of using technology in a different way like turning the lesson into a digital story or using technology differently ! Being unexpected in the way you use technology in the classrooom, would make them always eager to learn and excited about it!!!
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  • Today, these tools still provide middle school teachers with vehicles to enlarge their students' learning. Math and science problem sets are embedded in authentic stories that students understand because the stories reflect their everyday experiences. These authentic problem-solving exercises not only engage students in their learning but also stimulate them to want to learn more.
  • From the beginning, however, a problem arose in that those middle school students went on to high schools and later to colleges that did not (and do not) provide this type of rich learning experience—a learning experience that can best be achieved when technology is used in the service of learning.
  • Students need mastery in areas that include knowledge of human imagination and expression, global and cross-cultural communities, and modeling the natural world.
  • The assignment could take on a deeper dimension by using videoconferencing and e-mail to link teams to students living in the countries of origin of the groups being studied. Integrating real-time global experiences into the classroom can provide a new, first-person information source and engender debate about the validity of various sources of information used in conducting research.
    • Chenwen Hong
      I guess the project, with the Peace Corp., we saw during last Friday's session is the best example of technology engaging students with course materials by iintegrating real-time experiences with classroom studies.
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