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Garrett Eastman

Designing a Context-Aware Campus Area Gaming Environment for Mobile Platforms - 0 views

    From the abstract: "This thesis is dealing with what have been identified as "pervasive games". Investigation and analysis of reasons behind their appearance, popularization is made. Different trends within classical game-development and theory of classical game-design are investigated to establish similarities and differences, challenges and solutions this newly emerged type of games is introducing. Knowledge presented in theoretical sections is used to design, develop, deploy and test a game-environment for mobile platforms that is adjusted for campus area. This designed game-environment consists of two essential components: Front-End, which is represented by Android mobile application and Back-End server logic. Both of components were designed, tested and implemented. Designed game-environment received a name "DTU GoblinsNGold and has been launched. It is made available publicly worldwide through Google Play market. All of these aspects and milestones are described in details inside practical part of this thesis. During game-environment testing valuable data was received that described all aspects of functionality of implemented system together with behavioral patterns of players. These results of deployment together with conclusions are presented in later sections."
Garrett Eastman

Exploring the Use of Audio-Visual Feedback within 3D Virtual Environments to Provide Co... - 0 views

    "The continuous quest for ever increasing fidelity in 3D virtual worlds is running parallel to the emergence and adoption of low-cost technologies to implement such environments. In education and training, complex simulations can now be implemented on standard desktop technologies. However, such tools lack the means to represent multisensory data beyond audio-visual feedback. This paper reports on a study that involved the design, development and implementation of a 3D learning environment for underground mine evacuation. The requirements of the environment are discussed in terms of the sensory information that needs to be conveyed and techniques are described to achieve this using multiple modes of representation, appropriate levels of abstraction and synesthesia to make up for the lack of tactile and olfactory sensory cues. The study found that audio-visual cues that used such techniques were effective in communicating complex sensory information for novice miners."
Garrett Eastman

Lifespan - 0 views

    Abstract: "Lifespan is an Interactive Media and Game Development Major Qualifying P roject developed in the Unity game engine over the course of one year by six students. Lifespan is a first - person puzzle game in which the player affects objects in the environment by using a time - manipulation device. Designed with a unique spin on standar d puzzle games, Lifespan seeks to add realism, science, and nature to the environment with new and interesting mechanics."
Garrett Eastman

AmbiLearn: Enhancing the Learning Environment for Primary School Education - 0 views

    From the abstract: "In Northern Ireland a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) infrastructure is in place. However, statistics and government reports suggest that VLE use amongst the primary school sector is quite limited. In an attempt to redress the limited use of VLEs in the primary school sector this research investigates the potential of serious games and how they may compliment the National Curriculum with the development of AmbiLearn, an enhanced learning environment with a content neutral game-based approach and content creation and reporting modules. This paper presents the design and implementation of AmbiLearn. Preliminary analysis of data from evaluation of AmbiLearn shows promising results and directions for future work are discussed."
Garrett Eastman

Enhancing Adaptive Learning and Assessment in Virtual Learning Environments with Educat... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The rising acceptance of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) in the e- Learning field poses new challenges such as producing student-centered courses which can be automatically tailored to each student's needs. For this purpose digital games can be used, taking advantage of their flexibility (good video games always try to adapt to different players) and capabilities to stealthily track players' activity, either for producing an accurate user model or enhancing the overall assessment capabilities of the system. In this chapter we discuss the integration of digital games in Virtual Learning Environments and the need of standards that allow the interoperable communication of games and VLE. We also present a middle-ware architecture to integrate video games in VLEs that addresses the technical barriers posed by the integration. We present a case study with the implementation of the architecture in the game authoring platform, along with three examples of video game integration in educational settings"
Garrett Eastman

Academic Game Development: Practices and Design Strategies for Creating STEM Games - 0 views

    from the abstract: "The Meta!Blast project was developed to provide a medium that lends itself to the com- prehension of cell and metabolic biology by placing the student into a virtual plant cell and allowing them to experience plant biology rst-hand (Wurtele, 2011). By taking advantage of existing agile development methodologies, Meta!Blast has been designed to meet many of the challenges of developing video games in an academic environment. Using a special editor, educators and researchers can also modify in-game content in an e ort to tailor the game to their speci c curriculum needs. Due to the massive, explorative environment in which the game places players, Meta!Blast provides an ideal environment for a variety of other STEM-related mini-games. By leveraging existing methods of current software used to teach computer science, the initial development stage of a mini-game within Meta!Blast called TALUS (Technology Assisted Learning Using Sandbox) has been designed to let players experience di erent computer programming con- ix cepts. The rst iteration has shown that an environment can be created that allows players to interact with actual computer code in a fail-safe and non-violent manner; furthermore, it has the potential to augment a player's existing knowledge of computer programming."
Garrett Eastman

Disciplinary integration of digital games for science learning - 0 views

    From the introduction: "In this paper, we focus on theorizing the design of digital games to support the learning of core scientific concepts and representational practices. Theoretically, we consider two frameworks: Knowledge in Pieces (or KiP) (diSessa 1993; Hammer 1996; Sherin 2001; Clark et al. 2009) and Science as Practice (or SaP) (Pickering 1995; Lehrer and Schauble 2006a; Duschl et al. 2007). While KiP is a theory about the structure of human knowledge, SaP is a theoretical perspective about the development of scientific expertise. Grounded in the history of science, SaP argues that the development of scientific concepts is deeply intertwined with the development of epistemic and representational practices (e.g., modeling). We report how these theoretical frameworks have shaped the design of our digital games for learning Newtonian dynamics across an extended design experiment. We show how shifting from KiP to SaP as the underlying theoretical anchor has ena bled a shift from designing games that focus on conceptual integration (Clark and Martinez-Garza 2012) to games that focus on disciplinary integration. Whereas conceptually integrated games integrate the targeted conceptual relationships directly into the mechanics of the core game environment, disciplinary integration extends conceptual integration by incorporating disciplinary practices as well as conceptual relationships into the mechanics of interacting with, manipulating, or navigating the core game environment. "
Garrett Eastman

PLOS ONE: Teaching the Blind to Find Their Way by Playing Video Games - 0 views

    Abstract: "Computer based video games are receiving great interest as a means to learn and acquire new skills. As a novel approach to teaching navigation skills in the blind, we have developed Audio-based Environment Simulator (AbES); a virtual reality environment set within the context of a video game metaphor. Despite the fact that participants were naïve to the overall purpose of the software, we found that early blind users were able to acquire relevant information regarding the spatial layout of a previously unfamiliar building using audio based cues alone. This was confirmed by a series of behavioral performance tests designed to assess the transfer of acquired spatial information to a large-scale, real-world indoor navigation task. Furthermore, learning the spatial layout through a goal directed gaming strategy allowed for the mental manipulation of spatial information as evidenced by enhanced navigation performance when compared to an explicit route learning strategy. We conclude that the immersive and highly interactive nature of the software greatly engages the blind user to actively explore the virtual environment. This in turn generates an accurate sense of a large-scale three-dimensional space and facilitates the learning and transfer of navigation skills to the physical world."
Garrett Eastman

The Sorcerer's Apprentice - 0 views

    Abstract: "Serious games can help to improve efficacy of motor rehabilitation especially in a home environment. We introduce " The Sorcerer's Apprentice" , a serious game improving strength and mobility of the shoulder area targeting support of supervised phy siotherapy . It proposes a customizable environment for supplementary exercises in the context of rehabilitation for a one - sided Shoulder - Impingement - Syndrome. We introduce the medical background of the shoulder impingement syndrome, how the game aims to im prove the health status of the patients through several options of exercises and how these exercises are embedded into the flow of game play. We will further explain how motivational factors are implemented and which additional factors were relevant in the design process. As the game makes use of motion tracking for input, we utilized Microsoft Kinect as a low - cost IO device suitable for a home - environment use case. "
Garrett Eastman

Game Performance as a Measure of Comprehension and Skill Transfer - 0 views

    Abstract: "Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have begun to develop hybrid systems that balance the learning benefits of ITSs with the motivational benefits of games. iSTART-ME (Motivationally Enhanced) is a new game-based learning environment developed on top of an existing ITS for reading comprehension (iSTART). In an 11 session labbased study, 40 high school students interacted with the full iSTART-ME system and completed comprehension measures at multiple time points (pretest, posttest, retention, and transfer). The current work examined students' comprehension outcomes and how they were related to performance within three integrated practice methods: Coached Practice (non-game), Showdown (game-based), and Map Conquest (game-based). Results indicate that performance within the game-based practice environments was positively related to comprehension outcomes, whereas performance within the non-game environment had no relation to subsequent comprehension measures."
Garrett Eastman


    From the abstract: "A serious game for construction planning and scheduling education must provide an authentic environment for gameplay. To achieve this requirement, the game environment must be created from CAD drawings of a real project. The game engine must have components for providing timely scaffolding and support to the user. Storing the vast amount of data for a real project requires data structures optimized for fast rendering at the same time easily accessing and manipulating building elements and element data. This paper discusses a game engine developed for creating construction planning and scheduling educational games. The game engine is designed from scratch for performance and flexibility. It includes a component for directly importing data from a Revit model for building the game environment, interfaces Microsoft Project for scheduling, includes a feedback module, and a scoring system for measuring user performance."
Garrett Eastman

Redefining Constructionist Video Games: Marrying Constructionism and Video Game Design - 0 views

    Abstract: "In this paper we introduce a new class of constructionist learning environments: constructionist video games. These games blend constructionist design principles with video game norms in such a way as to remain faithful to both design traditions. Along with presenting a definition for this type of constructionist environment, we propose two principles for designing constructionist video games that we see as central to creating successful games of this genre."
Garrett Eastman

The Future Past: Intertextuality in Contemporary Dystopian Video Games - 0 views

    From the introduction:"Space functions in video games in a multitude of manners, many of which have been examined at length, but for the purposes of this analysis, I focus on several contemporary games that feature dystopian environments and also implement the oft-cited concept of intertextuality in their treatment of visual design. More specifically, I examine the visual design of video games that feature a dystopian setting, and use intertextuality to depict distinct, cohesive game worlds. Through the practice of drawing inspiration across mediums and recontextualizing existing aesthetics in hostile, alien, and oppressive environments, designers employ intertextuality within the spatial context of the 3D game environment and juxtapose the perceived nostalgia of historical visual references with the intrinsic oppression of a dystopian game world. This analysis rejects the notion that the postmodern practice of intertextuality is an intrinsically negative one that dilutes our past - rather, in the games that are mentioned - intertextuality does the opposite. It puts the player in contact with the aesthetic trappings of the past, and in turn, creates an ongoing visual lexicon within a specific, nuanced cultural chronology of the dystopian aesthetic."
Garrett Eastman

Preliminary Experiments with EVA-Serious Games Virtual Fire Drill Simulator - 0 views

    From the abstract: "The proposed methodology aims to study the viability of using a game that recreates a fire drill in a 3D environment using Serious Games. The information acquired through the player's performance is very valuable and will be later used to implement an artificial population. A sample of 20 subjects was selected to test the application. Preliminary results are promising, showing that the exercise had a positive impact on users. Moreover, the data acquired is of great important and will be later used to demonstrate the possibility of creating an artificial population based on human behaviour."
Garrett Eastman

The 5/10 Method: A method for designing educational games - 0 views

    from the abstract: "recent studies show that in spite of this potential games are often misused and are hard to integrate in the instructional environment. Often it is not clear what a game contributes to a students learning or how it should be used because of a lack of learning objectives and outcomes. (Young et al, 2012, Marino et al, 2011). In this thesis I propose a method that provides and clearly states these learn ing objectives allowing for a better assessment of the contribution it can offer to the existing instructional environment. To do this I combine the widely used design model ADDIE with the instructional design method 10 steps to complex learning by Merriën boer (Merriënboer, 2007). This method is then applied in creating the educational game Moth as a proof - of - concept."
Garrett Eastman

Visual Communicators Made Through Play: A Game for Learning in Graphic Design - 0 views

    Abstract: "This paper explores the possibilities of game-based learning within the context of a graphic design education. A global network now exists that puts all professionals in competition with one-another, and in order to stay competitive as educators, we must be able to produce professionals that can solve problems creatively. However, traditional teaching methods may in some contexts be unable to provide the kind of education students need, and initial research suggests that game-based learning may be a viable solution. This study establishes a framework of good game-based learning principles and a design for a video game to be used in a teaching environment. Primarily target audiences are teenage students, roughly ages 10 - 14, and college level undergraduate students, ages 18 - 25, of all genders. This video game is intended to teach players situated meanings for key visual communication concepts of grid and modularity, in a way that allows them to create high level relationships between these and their creative work."
Garrett Eastman

Leveraging Digital Game Design in an Informal Science Learning Environment to Motivate ... - 0 views

    Introducing high school students to biology concepts via Spore and designing their own science games via Spore Galactic Environment (SGA), over an eight week period with twice a week classroom meetings.
Garrett Eastman

Educational Computer Game Design Model for Malaysian Science and Technology Classroom - 0 views

    Abstract: "This paper propose an educational computer game design model for Malaysian Science and Technology classroom. The model consist of three aspects of game design which are divided into two core component: Learn and Play. The two core components represent the elements of learning and playing in the educational computer game. Balance integration of both components is essential in developing a good educational computer game. The first aspect of game design is the game elements. Game elements referred to elements that form the base of the educational computer game which are the National Curriculum and also computer as the game design platform. The second aspect of game design is the game environments which comprises of teacher and students. Integration of both instructional (teacher's role) and playing (student's role) elements in the game will form the base of the game environments. The third aspect is the factors that need to be considered by the game designer and education expert in designing effective educational computer game. The model aim to guide educational computer game designer and educational expert in developing educational computer game for Malaysian classroom."
Garrett Eastman

Getting Serious About Games: Using Video Game-based Learning to Enhance Nuclear Terrori... - 0 views

    "This thesis proposes the development of a video game platform to increase the publics knowledge of required protective actions in the event of a nuclear terrorism attack. Current scientific analyses have identified elementary steps the public should take to increase the likelihood of survival in the event of a nuclear terrorism incident; however, a knowledge gap currently exists with regard to the publics understanding of these required actions. Unfortunately, todays preparedness initiatives do not have the efficacy required to impact significant improvements in this area. Video games, more specifically a sub-genre of games known as serious games, are uniquely postured to address this knowledge gap. Not only do video games provide a motivating, enriching and engaging educational medium, but also they are unique in that they address the emerging educational needs of todays games generation, which desires more interactive educational environments since they have been immersed in technology for the majority of their lives. As such, leveraging this technology can help close the current knowledge gap and increase the nations resilience to nuclear terrorism."
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