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Garrett Eastman

Behind the Scenes of Foldit, Pioneering Science Gamification - 0 views

    "Seth Cooper is the lead designer of Foldit, and one of the original creators of the game. He is currently the creative director for the Center for Game Science at the University of Washington. In a recent Science Observer, American Scientist associate editor Katie Burke discussed Foldit and other citizen science games. The following is an extended version of her conversation with Cooper"
Garrett Eastman

Crowd-sourced biotech: gamers tweak protein, give it big activity boost - 0 views

    via FoldIt and video-game interface, players engage in protein engineering
Garrett Eastman

Genome Biology | Full text | Games with a scientific purpose - 0 views

    The protein folding game Foldit shows that games are an effective way to recruit, engage and organize ordinary citizens to help solve difficult scientific problems. Modern science is filled with challenges of massive scale.
Garrett Eastman

What Can 135 Million Video Gamers Add to Our Collective IQ? | MindShift - 0 views

    In a new book, Howard Rheingold describes crowdsourcing efforts such as FoldIt involving gamers as "supercollaborators"
Garrett Eastman

A very serious game that can cure the orphan diseases - 0 views

    Fit2Cure, using a crowdsourcing model similar to projects like FoldIT, aims at cures for less-researched diseases affecting impoverished regions
Garrett Eastman

When Scientists Fail, It's Time To Call In The Gamers - 0 views

    All Things Considered interview with scientists and makers of FoldIt used to solve protein structure problem
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