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The0d0re Shatagin

Outlines for Conceptual Units - 3 views

    Links to a number of Conceptual Units, especially Literature and media - a number are in IRA's Read Write Think site which also has links to state standards. A work in progress.

JISC RSC Scotland N&E: EduApps - 0 views

    MyStudyBar to the EduApps Family. MyStudyBar continues the EduApps philosophy of free and open source software to support teaching and learning and is a free alternative to similar commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to support literacy. AccessApps provides a range of solutions to support writing, reading and planning, as well as sensory, cognitive and physical difficulties. TeachApps is a collection of software specifically designed for teachers or lecturers. LearnApps , as its name implies, is specifically designed for learners. All learners or students can benefit from LearnApps. MyStudyBar is our new kid on the block, providing a suite of apps to support literacy. Currently we host over 90 open source and freeware software applications which can be entirely used from a USB stick on a Windows computer. Download now ... Select the bundle of applications which best suit your individual needs. Click here for a full list of applications and comparison of bundles on offer . MyStudyBar MyStudyBar Description Similar to popular commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to suppor literacy. Includes applications for mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, talking dictionary, text-to-speech, voice recognition and more Version MyStudyBar for Windows XP MyStudyBar for Windows Vista and 7 Download Size 117MB 117MB Extract Size 235MB 235MB USB Stick 256MB+ 256MB+ AccessApps, LearnApps and TeachApps AccessApps LearnApps TeachApps Description A range of e-learning solutions to support reading, writing, and planning as well as sensory, cognitive and physical difficulties A range of applications with learning in mind (including some games) Includes applications specifically for developing and testing learning materials Full Version
Christopher Bugaj

Direct Link to Audio for A.T.TIPSCAST Episode #92: Thri Mor Speling Strategeez - 0 views

    Episode #92 features a number of easy-t0-implement strategies to help students learn to be better spellers and to correct spelling errors.
little Royals

No 1 Shoes Websites In India | Tips & Queries | Little Royals - 0 views

    India's number one website that focused on best footwear technically and non technically .Please visit our Faq page that provide information how you can buy a product and much more.So look at today and enter a glad kingdom for little feet! infant items india

Reg and Lellow - 4 views

    On this site you can find a series of PowerPoint stories featuring the characters Reg and Lellow by Chris Roland. The stories have been designed to help young children learn English and can be used in class with pre-school, infant and primary levels.  As they have been written by an English teacher, they also have a  number of pedagogical features to aid language acquisition, make in class storytelling as easy as possible for the teacher and story content easily integrated into schools' English curriculum.
The0d0re Shatagin

Autism Software by MouseTrial: fun exercises to play online - 8 views

    Autism - Mouse Trial - Click on "_" Letters, Numbers, Food, etc.
The0d0re Shatagin

Education Week: Differentiate, Don't Standardize - 0 views

    Nell Noddings, Stanford.What do advocates of national standards expect to accomplish? Unless the ends sought are both significantly important and feasible, we should turn our attention to problems that are truly pressing, such as reducing the number of high school dropouts and curbing youth violence. It is unlikely that national standards will have a substantial effect on academic achievement.
Eric Sailers

Google Sets - 6 views

    Could provide useful for students to practice categorization skills. I typed in apples and bananas, then Google Sets generated a number of other fruits. 

Fun-n-Learn: Toddler Training Phone - 2 views

    app developed by a mother to help young children memorize important phone numbers

Podcast Directory | Best Free Podcast Directory On Web - 0 views

    call toll free number and create a pod cast. then upload it to your website and people can listen to your podcast

A.I. type - 7 views

    A.I.type is a text predicition program that  "understands" what users are typing and offers word and sentence completion that help the user type just a minimal number of letters. A.I.type's smart prediction algorithms maintain the context and the meaning of the text, while making typing easier, faster and better, with the correct grammar, syntax and spirit. 
Dwayne Abrahams

Ramven Mobile Web Apps - 3 views

    Ramven has released Mobile Web Apps for informative and productivity. Our Mobile Web Apps include financial calculators, unit converters and many more categories. These Mobile Web Apps are light weight and support all major mobile, tablet, smart phone and desktop web browsers.
Patrick Black

An Introduction to a Tool You Must Have! Supporting Students With Disabilities in Inclu... - 9 views

  • Lately I have been working with a number of parents and schools during this busy time of year, when IEPs are needing to be revisited and plans for next year put in place for kids with disabilities (take a minute to read my posts about IEPs for some ideas of where to begin and important things to think about during this very necessary, and hopefully meaningful, process). During the conversations I have been having lately, it dawned on me that when people are planning for next year and thinking about what did or didn’t work well this year, the use of paraprofessionals to support kids with disabilities is a central issue that can make or break a student’s success. IEPs that include paraprofessionals must consider quality professional development and the time to do that development effectively for paraprofessionals. Now is the time to start thinking about how that can look, and planning when it will happen. I have a great resource to offer.
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