Do you teach individuals or 'average' students? | Times Higher Education (THE) - 1 views
“dynamic systems approach, [which] starts by assuming individuals vary, and seeks to identify stable patterns within that variability”. This, of course, requires rather different training and analytical tools.
In order to rise to this challenge, Rose believes that universities need to stop offering “a batch process” and cater far more flexibly to what real individual students (rather than idealised average students)
Institutions should switch their focus from “grades” to “competency”, partly determined by employers and professional associations, so that students acquire the job-related skills they require and employers become stakeholders in the university system.
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Studies Show More Students Cheat, Even High Achievers - - 0 views
high achievers are just as likely to do it as others.
A recent study by Jeffrey A. Roberts and David M. Wasieleski at Duquesne University found that the more online tools college students were allowed to use to complete an assignment, the more likely they were to copy the work of others.
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PBL: What Does It Take for a Project to Be "Authentic"? | Edutopia - 0 views
A not-authentic "dessert project" would involve the kind of assignment students are typically given in school: compose an essay, create a poster or model, write and present a book report, or make a PowerPoint presentation on a topic they've researched.
Beyond their teacher and maybe their classmates, there's no public audience for students' work, no one actually uses what they create, and the work they do is not what people do in the real world.
PBL means students are doing work that simulates what happens in the world outside of school. In a project that is somewhat authentic, students could play a role (as in choice "c" above) -- scientists, engineers, advisors to the President, website designers, etc. -- who are placed in a scenario that reflects what might actually occur in the real world. Or students could create products that, although they are not actually going to be used by people in the real world, are the kinds of products people do use.
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misscalcul8: SBG - 0 views
Each year I have less than a handful of students who come in to retake any part of their test. It's more of an organizational tool for me than it is for the students. I don't know how to change this.
Sight and Sound Rubric - 0 views
Proposal Rubric - Science - 0 views
A Rubric for Rubrics - 0 views
Exemplars Standards=Based Math Rubrics - 1 views
Exemplars Science Rubrics - 1 views
TKI Online Assessment Resources - 0 views
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