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Nelba Quintana

TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos - 2 views

    "TubeChop allows you to easily chop a funny or interesting section from any YouTube video and share it."
    "TubeChop allows you to easily chop a funny or interesting section from any YouTube video and share it."
Nelba Quintana

KeepVid - 1 views

    Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!Recommended by Rita

Explain a Website demo video on Vimeo - 1 views

    Despite the explanatory text, this app is indeed ready to download for iPad ($0.99). This is a nice use of technology to explain other technologies. You go through a browser screen to a Website, then draw on the iPad screen to demonstrate functionality while the app records what you do. Publish to Evernote or YouTube. You will have to do your own audio over, however. What a cool app.

YouTube - How to make an RSS feed in about a minute - 1 views

    This video shows how to use Feed Marklet to create a button on your browser toolbar to add an RSS feed. Takes about 1 minute. You can use an RSS feed to keep track of student Webpages, and have them use it to keep track of each other's work. For instance, they might add all the pages they are making, or their blogs, and so be able to read them quickly when new content is added.

Khan Academy - 1 views

    "The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Despite being the work of one man, Salman Khan, this 1600+ video library is the most-used educational video resource as measured by YouTube video views per day and unique users per month. We are complementing this ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World."

Spezify - 0 views

    Another way to use tagging. if it can be found in a search engine, you will see it displayed on a visual wall, as in this example from the Webheads in Action: Makes using tags of all kinds even more important. Be sure your students select really unique tags. (In this example, there is a YouTube video and other materials related to Spider-Man, whose fans are also called "Webheads.") Extra nice feature--click an image to expand. If you click elsewhere, the video or whatever will stop playing.

Jing - by Russell Stannard - 0 views

    Jing is used to make screen casts, and Stannard uses it for his own Where to get it, how to use it, and so on. Screencasting is a great way to show students how to use a program by making a video (with audio) of its operation on your own desktop. With a small fee you can also make MPEG-4 videos, post on YouTube, etc. Or have students make screencasts of new tools for each other.

YouTube - APA Citations : How to Cite Sources Inside APA Style Text - 0 views

    This video is spoken very slowly, with subtitles, so it is quite useful for ESL/EFL students.

YouTube - APA Format Citations-Sixth (6th) Edition - 1 views

    Screencast with basic information about APA format and style of citations and reference list. Although it spends a lot of time on formatting, it is a helpful video, esp. for students just starting to use a computer and MS Word.

YouTube - APA Formatting : How to Create a Reference List in APA Style - 0 views

    Spoken slowly with screencast video for beginners to academic writing conventions.

Screenr | Instant screencasts: Just click record - 2 views

    A screencaster on the Internet--nothing to download. For Mac or PC, you can record anything within a liited frame for 5 min., so this would be nice to help students start running a program or to create their own short presentations. Easy to upload to YouTube, embed on a Website, or download as mp4. See R. Stannard's instructional video
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