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Virtual School House / Introduction - 1 views

    The Virtual Schoolhouse is a compendium of project-based learning practices from across the country. We invite you to explore the site and discover both the principles behind project-based learning, as well as the work of teachers and students who are making project-based learning happen in the classroom.

Created by Russell Stannard for Teacher Training - 0 views

    TimeToast is a way to create historical timelines. Could be used for project- or content-based learning, or for personal autobiographies. Also has several good content examples, such as Moon Landings, The Great Gatsby, and Western Civilization. You place points on the timeline and then add text and pictures to go along with the dates.

Videos | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    This page has videos about a wide variety of PBL projects across the U.S. This is a great place to start in planning how to institute PB and content-based projectes in your school.

Free Online Learning at - 0 views

    Use mobile apps to learning anything anywhere - lessons are free. Great for content-based learning. Spanish version.

Watch Free Documentaries Online - 0 views

    This site is a geat resource for content-based learning for teens and adults. You can browse by categories (right-hand column) for topics in history, nature, people/biography, science, etc. There are no lesson plans or other educational apparatus.

6 Activities you can do online with songs and music | TeachingEnglish | British Council... - 1 views

    Another of Nik Peachey's excellent blog entries, this one included ideas for teaching and an example activity for students: "I've found that in class most students enjoy lessons based around songs or music. More recently I've been trying to discover and develop activities that students can do online to actively engage with the vast variety of resources that are available. "These are six things that I have discovered so far. Each one links to an example activity that I have developed for students."

Fotobabble - Talking Photos - 2 views

    This would be a great project base for students. They take photos, upload them and then record a voice description. Has connect to Facebook option also.

YouTube - How to make an RSS feed in about a minute - 1 views

    This video shows how to use Feed Marklet to create a button on your browser toolbar to add an RSS feed. Takes about 1 minute. You can use an RSS feed to keep track of student Webpages, and have them use it to keep track of each other's work. For instance, they might add all the pages they are making, or their blogs, and so be able to read them quickly when new content is added.

Educational Videos | Teacher Videos for Students | SnagLearning - 1 views

    "SnagLearning is dedicated to presenting high-quality documentary films as educational tools to ignite meaningful discussion within the learning community." A great place to gather information and stimulate discussion. Also links to other respected content sites, such as PBS for Teachers and Discovery Education.
TESOL CALL-IS - location based audioguides - 1 views

    Listen, create and share FREE geolocalized audioguides. Share your voice and make the world a more interesting place.
    This might be a great tool for an extended project, e.g., have your students create an infospot audio guide to their local community. Lots of examples are linked on the front page, and there is an iPhone app to scan, listen, and record wherever you happen to be. There are currently over 1300 guides created by users, and more coming.

Project-Based Learning with Technology by Diane McGrath - 1 views

    Sponsored by the ISTE, PBL with Technology adds new links quarterly and has a nice back-log of projects on a variety of themes.

Learn English | British Council - 1 views

    "Learn English online with the help of this free website from the British Council with games, stories, listening activities and grammar exercises. You can search for your favourites, or have a look at the site map to find out where everything is. This is a BETA site and you will find lots of new listening activities and video content in Listen & Watch. We also have a new Grammar section and new IELTS exam practice materials. Click here to return to the 'old' LearnEnglish website. Double-click any word to see a dictionary definition. You can contact us if you have a question or want to report any problems. Become a member and you can add comments to the site and ask questions to get help with your English." This site has thematic/situationally based videos.

The Living Roof at CA Academy of Sciences: Cora-ESL - Home - 0 views

    "City College of San Francisco ESL students explore the Living Roof at the California Academy of Sciences with its 1.7 million native plants and exciting green technology which controls the building's temperature. Instructor: Cora Chen (visit Cora's ESL Page)" This is a nice example of how a day-trip can be combined into a media and reading-writing project for adult students.

Khan Academy - 1 views

    "The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Despite being the work of one man, Salman Khan, this 1600+ video library is the most-used educational video resource as measured by YouTube video views per day and unique users per month. We are complementing this ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World."

iEARN | Learning with the world, not just about it ... - 0 views

    "iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world."

Welcome to - 0 views

    " is ETV's educational Web portal, a collection of fun, interactive websites for K-12 students, teachers and parents." Has culture snapshots (eg, Gullah Net), how-tos, history-related features (Road Trip through Civil Rights History). jobs, health, career development resources, etc. K-12 with an emphasis on younger kids.

The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper - 2 views

    "Create a newspaper, ninja text, a clapper board, wizard text, talking squirrels, talking flowers, a cigarette packet, talking tomatoes, talking cats, talking owls" - Fun projects for younger learners or teens, with fairly simple interface. The final project can be downloaded and images placed on your own website or blog.

50 Summer Sites for Kids and Teachers « Tech:-)Happy - 2 views

    Not well organized, but packed with fun-learning sites that kids can use on their own, or that teachers might want to incorporate into class projects. Not just for summer!

What makes Argentineans special? | People of the world - 1 views

    This is one of a long series of "pocket culture" snapshots of peoples of the world. This site would be great for students, both for learning about other cultures, and for participating in a project about their own region. Places and topics are listed, as well as blogs about culture.

Edmodo | Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students - 1 views

    A social blog oriented to middle-school learners. Teacher can set questions and request students to join. Free. Nice instructional video at the >Learn more about link. There are also many teacher/school district blogs to view as examples.
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