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Mr. Reidy

Syrian Refugees - 0 views

shared by Mr. Reidy on 02 Oct 15 - No Cached
Mr. Reidy

Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S. | Pew Research Center - 1 views

    How might this website be a valuable resource for us as we learn about migration trends these next few weeks?
Mr. Reidy

Record 522K migrants arrive in Europe by sea in 2015 - 0 views

    Why is Europe such an attractive destination for migrants around the world?
Mr. Reidy

Who owns outer space? - BBC News - 0 views

    Does anyone have an answer to this? What would war look like in space (think Star Wars movies)?
Mr. Reidy

U.N. Dreams Big: 17 Huge New Goals To Build A Better World : NPR - 0 views

    Hello APHUG! Enjoy your day off from school.  Which one of these new UN goals is needed the most in your developing country?  Let's see if any patterns emerge. 
Mr. Reidy

What is Putin's end game in Syria? - BBC News - 0 views

  • With American policy stalled and arguments about the degree to which its bombing campaign has blunted Islamic State (IS), the president's envoy, retired General John Allen, and several other senior officials have decided to step down. Gen Allen was known to believe the US should harden its position on the overthrow of President Assad, and in the need for a safe zone in the north of Syria - instead the prospect seems to be slipping away of either happening.
  • What is his end game? Will Syria be his Afghanistan?
  • Sitting next to Mr Netanyahu yesterday he said, "our main goal is to protect the Syrian state".
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But for now, we can watch events on the ground, asking in the coming weeks: when will strikes start? What will their targeting tell us? How will Russia react if its personnel are captured? And will larger ground forces be deployed?
    • Mr. Reidy
      I think that Russia would use any attack against it's military as justification to advance it's influence.
Mr. Reidy

Countries With The Most Arable Land In The World - 0 views

    How can this information assist us with our population studies?  
Mr. Reidy

The Population Bomb? | Retro Report | The New York Times - YouTube - 1 views

    We'll be checking out this viewpoint later next week. 
Mr. Reidy

Ebola: Mapping the outbreak - BBC News - 0 views

    Are you ready to learn about epidemiology during our population chapter? This is the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. Check out this resource and highlight something of interest to you!
Mr. Reidy

2015 World Population Data Sheet - - 0 views

shared by Mr. Reidy on 11 Sep 15 - No Cached
    Can't wait to begin our Population chapter on Monday. We'll be using this resource from PRB. 
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