This is surprising, because the unemployment rate would be much lower if those jobs were filled. It seems that even though the tertiary sector is most important to the American economy, a manufacturing job is still preferable to unemployment.
The number is so high because many
workers don't have the skills that area employers need
What would be some examples of skills or education people working in manufacturing would need? Would Fordist production eliminate this need, or would it only cause more productivity problems?
just the old job disappeared as new technology made the old job
obsolete. For people to compete for the new jobs,
"you need to get the new skills," he said.
The inclusion of representatives from China shows the importance of globalization in the American economy. This is mostly related to a regional issue, but even other countries are involved in American manufacturing.
collaboration among
universities and the business community.
This includes both the secondary and tertiary sectors. The secondary sector includes the industrial portions of businesses. The tertiary sector is found in the business people who handle the finances related to manufacturing, as well as the educators at universities.