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School attacked by Pakistani Taliban - 1 views

  • The people they came, they had no sense of humanity in them. They killed little children. Muslims would not do this."
  • Not satisfied with their slaughter in the auditorium, the Taliban attackers went upstairs to a computer lab. Pools of blood on the floor show how their young victims, many of them sons and daughters of army personnel from around Peshawar, were sprayed with bullets as they sat at each machine.
  • more than 140 of them, mostly children, who'd blithely left home for an ordinary day at school, never to come home.
    A Taliban group attacked a Pakistan school. Many children and teachers were killed. These groups were opposed because they had different views on education. What was the Taliban seeking to accomplish by this action and how did they justify it?
    I'm asking the same question and I struggle to understand how these actions will solve the Taliban's problems. I don't get how killing the people they disagree with is the resolution they fall upon. Even other Muslims disagree with their way of dealing with these things.

Amid Violence, Iraq Fractures Again Along Religious Lines : Parallels : NPR - 2 views

    -Violence arose between the Shiites and the Sunnis in Iraq because ISIS was murdering anyone who wasn't a Sunni. A while back the Shiites drove the Sunni's out of their houses but now it's the opposite.  -Why can' t these two groups get along since they are part of the same religion?

BBC News - The Russians fighting a 'holy war' in Ukraine - 1 views

  • Even when the morning sun catches the gold domes of its Orthodox churches, the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, stronghold of the pro-Russian rebels, doesn't look much like Jerusalem.
  • And the defenceless, for him, are the citizens of eastern Ukraine, mainly Russian-speaking, who are under attack, as he sees it, by a ruthless Ukrainian government intent on wiping them out culturally, or even physically.
  • Why do I say Donetsk is Jerusalem? Because what's happening here is a holy war of the Russian people for its own future, for its own ideals, for its children and its great country that 25 years ago was divided into pieces," Pavel says.
    This article is an example of territorial conflicts and religion, because the Russians believe the reason they are fighting is for religious purposes, and that their war in Ukraine is a holy war. How do the Ukrainians view the conflict and it's involvement in religion?
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    The Orthodox population of Ukraine is fighting for their churches and religion. These people are fighting against the Ukrainian government which is looking to overtake any religious land in order to wipe out the culture of eastern Ukrainians. The people of Ukraine are comparing their fight to the Crusades, so will they manage to take over their holy land like the Christians did?
    I really liked the way that Katie described the crusades and how they are really involved in the conflicts in Ukraine and Russia. Why do Ukraine and Russia have bad history together?
    Ukraine has been part of Russia several times and has fought for their freedom from Russia in several wars. Currently, they have only been independent since 1991.
    Adam brings up a good point, the history of the Ukraine and Russian conflict must be deeply rooted in historical conflict over the centuries. It would be neat to dig into the history, particularly how the ethnicity differs between the two countries.

Myanmar Army: Ethnic Rebels Kill 7 Gov't Troops - ABC News - 1 views

  • Ethnic rebels attacked an army outpost in northeast Myanmar, killing seven government troops and wounding 20 others
  • dozen ethnic rebel groups that have been fighting for decades for greater autonomy
  • The army's offensive was part of an effort to force ethnic groups to incorporate their militias into a government border guard force, a move most resisted
    Myanmar is a region of high ethnic conflict because there are about a dozen ethnic groups who all want more power in the government.  How would ethnic conflict in Myanmar effect religious tension?
    Kara- I liked how you chose an article that dealt with ethnic conflict. In Myanmar, the ethnic groups struggling to gain power are a great example of how ethnicity effects the way people live and what their culture is like. This situation shows that ethnic conflicts are more common than people seem to notice.

Inside the Kachin War Against Burma | TIME - 1 views

  • On Nov. 19, a heavy artillery attack by the Burmese army overwhelmed another KIA training camp in Laiza, killing 23 officers in training
  • The Burmese want to steal all our land
  • the hills surrounding Laiza, and spreading across Kachin, are some of the most bountiful on earth. There is jade, gold, timber and hydropower.
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  • in the mountains of northern Burma, soldiers in the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) face off against Burmese positions
    Territorial conflicts arose between the Burmese and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) because the Burmese want the KIA's land which is abundant in resources such as timber and hydropower. Is it possible for there to be peace between the two groups after all the violence and fighting that took place?
    After reading your article, it doesn't seem like there will be peace between the two groups anytime soon. The Burmese are determined to steal the KIA's land, and it doesn't sound like the KIA is going to give up very easily in protecting their territory. As long as the Burmese continue to want the KIA's land and resources, then violence and wars are going to keep breaking out until one of them succeeds in stealing or protecting their territory.
    I agree, I do not see peace between the two groups happening soon. The Burmese won't give up until they get the KIA's land, but the KIA will most definitely put up a fight. In my opinion, the Burmese don't have any right to the land. The KIA own it and therefore they should not have to share their resources.

Northern Ireland hears an echo of itself in Israeli-Palestinian conflict - 4 views

    3 main ideas of the article: -Ultimately, Northern Ireland is a very small place, with a lot of madness, and in this sense it is also very similar to Israel. -Peace in Northern Ireland is there, but it's an unsettled peace. -Protestants, many descendants of Scottish and English settlers, see themselves in the Israelis' position - staking a righteous, ancient claim to territory in defiance of a force they view as bloodthirsty insurgents, the Irish Republican Army. This article talks about how there is still some unsettled people in all of Ireland, regarding religion. Also, during the unsettled peace, there are some incidents between Protestants and Roman Catholics, that connects to the Palestine-Israel conflict today. Will there be another religious war in Ireland?
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    I liked this article because it talks about how the Ireland and Israeli-Palestine conflicts are not much different. With Catholics acting as Palestinians and Protestants acting as Israelis. In my opinion, the dispute will most likely keep getting worse until it hits a climax and a war between the religious groups over the land will break out.
    It reminds me of the book I read, "Angela's Ashes" where the author mentions the stereotypes about Protestants that the Roman Catholics held even though these people weren't part of the conflict so long ago. The article is a reminder that history often repeats itself.
    I liked how this article talked about two different conflicts and made a connection between the two. I also read Angela's Ashes, and it discussed the same religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants. Both of these issues signify the importance or meaning of territory to a religion, especially universal religions because of the hearth or birthplace. They have expanded and now try to return to the hearth which creates conflict as there are already people who have inhabited the area.

Northern California rattled by magnitude-6.0 earthquake; governor declares emergency - ... - 0 views

    Very recently an earthquake hit California with a magnitude of 6, causing much devastation and destruction. Buildings collapsed and fires started all without warning because of human's inability to predict this natural disaster. Will humans ever be able to control the environment? Or will the environment we live in always dominate us?

Kansas City Police work with Secret Service for president's visit - + - 1 views

    This current event relates to the theme of region.  It is shown in the regions of Kansas City and the state of Kansas.  This is because both of these regions are measured geographical locations that have characteristics based on the aspects, actions, and lifestyles of the culture of that area.  How does this article represent mobility?

Development Groups: Charity - CARE - 0 views

  • Smallholder dairy farmers in Bangladesh, most of them women, are enjoying success through accessing a stronger dairy value chain.
  • CARE works in 87 countries around the world to support over 900 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian-aid projects.
    CARE is an international charity organization focused on improving the quality of life and development of people, increasing their HDI, that I would like to support.  The charity would improve the quality of life and development of people (increase their HDI) by helping people, women to be more successful in their day-to-day life, and by supporting certain projects that work to end the existence of poverty, and that support humans.  By helping women and other people and being against poverty they are working to increase countries' HDI's because if women are given more help, then they could know ways they could improve their life (e.g. getting a job, attending classes, etc.).  This would help the economy, thus improving their country's HDI.

Folk Clothing-Jocy and Molly - 26 views

    When viewing our website about a variety of unique folk clothing items, you will be pulled into our "journey"around the world as we travel to Africa, the Arctic, the Middle East, and South America in search of folk fashion.
  • ...19 more comments...
    I think you guys did a really good job of showing how unique each country's style of dressing is. I really liked the game and your pictures!
    I really liked how you added the game, the Pinterest page, and the pictures of you dressed up. It made the site fun to look through. Great job!!
    Yours kept me interested the whole way through, especially looking at the pictures of you guys dressing up. You were very creative and nicely represented fashions from all over the world.
    You guys did an excellent job with the appearance of the site and information that adhered the viewer. The representations you guys did goes back to the concept of folk clothing influencing popular clothing that we wear today.
    I really like the idea of the games and Pinterest page! It added to the site and made it really interesting. I also thought it was creative how you dressed up.
    Your site was really pretty and I liked it! The idea of the Pinterest page made your site so much better. I think you really did a good job making this project.
    I liked your site a lot! As we described in class, I saw how the culture of a group affects the style of clothing. The Pinterest page and game were nice touches!
    The pictures were very interesting and I learned a lot about how different cultures wear different types of clothes!
    I like how you chose cultural dresses from very different parts of the world! It really shows how diverse the world's styles really are. I dare you to pick one and wear it to school!
    I liked the entire page, it was easy to use, which is wonderful. Information involved was very informative, which is great for an informative site
    Your website was really cool and had a great use of pictures and placement of information! One connection I noticed in your work that was learned in our class activities, when we took notes from the book, was from the picture of the Eskimos wearing boots, because the book talked about that people living in colder areas might wear boots.
    This is a very creative website that shows all different types of clothing styles all around the world. I like your presentation with all the clothes, it looked like a lot of fun to make!
    I really enjoyed viewing the folk clothes from different places in the world. It's amazing how different they all are from place to place.
    I love the site! my favorite part was the Eskimos who have the right idea about how to bundle up in this weather. They also rock a nice fashion style. Makes me wish I could wear dead animals in school. Great job!
    It is interesting to see what clothing around the world looks like when it is not influenced by popular fashion styles. The pictures on your website are neat and the website is east to navigate. Great job!
    I liked how you showed the diversity of clothing in world today by picking outfits from different parts of the world. Your presentation of you wearing the clothes looked like fun! Your website was very good!!
    Great simple and informative layout with nice looking use of pictures. I liked how you used clothing from around the world to show the many different styles and there histories, as well as their diffusion.
    Your website was very well put together and informative and you guys can pull off those folk outfits really well! haha Great job!
    I really enjoyed learning about the different regions you chose and the clothing they wear. I found similarities with the website I created because of the South American clothing, and how some clothing was influenced by immigrants. I also made a connection with what we learned in class being that a popular clothing item in developed regions is the UGG boot, which was inspired by folk clothing in arctic regions.
    I liked how well organized and informative your website is. In addition to the hijab, I know that women in the Middle East also wear burkas (which were in the top picture) as well as chadors.
    I enjoyed this website a lot! I thought it was very interesting to see how different the dress is in places all over the world, as well as the impact that the environment has on style of clothing. Your website is organized and overall very well done! Great job!

NEXT TOP CHEF-Lauren and Sadhana - 21 views

    Tune into NEXT TOP CHEF with Lauren Labell and Sadhana Marikunte! See the finalists in action. Lauren will be making a traditional dish from Spain and Sadhana will be making a traditional dish from Qatar. Who will win?
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    I really enjoyed watching your video! You both did a great job explaining how to make the dishes! I also liked how you brought in the "judge" to make it look like a real cooking show! Great job guys!!
    I like how you gave a lot of history on each of the dishes. You provided good background knowledge on the dishes for the viewers before they watch your video. Also, your idea to have a judge for the food was really cool! Good job on your video!
    Great job, ladies! I really liked how organized your website was. You also gave a lot of information about your dishes, which was very good. They both looked so good! I think you guys are both winners!
    The cook it at home recipe is pretty cool. Your information is very detailed and covers any questions I might have had.
    I really enjoyed watching your video. The directions were very specific and the food looked really good! I especially liked the part where the judge, "Gordon Oliver", tried the dishes because it was different than a lot of the other food videos.
    I really liked how your video was like a real cooking show! I liked the taste test at the end and the interviews at the beginning that showed the history of the dishes.
    It's pretty cool how you guys made this seem like a real show. Good work!
    Great job guys! Your video was really creative and entertaining while also being informational.
    Very good idea to make it into a real cooking show! Great information and organization of the site. Good work!
    Good job with your video, especially with the beginning intro scenes and the last scene! Sadhana, you should have won by default because of Lauren's brother being the judge! I wonder which one of your recipes was actually better?
    Your website was very neat and easy to navigate. I like how you made it like a real show with the judge at the end. Both foods follow the characteristics of folk culture and that the origin is anonymous.
    I liked how the website was well managed and and easy to navigate, plus those foods look REAAAAAAALLLY good!
    I liked how the video was set up like a real cooking show. You guys also presented great information about the food's background, as I never heard of the Qatar dish.
    I really liked the design of the website and that it was based on a real cooking show. I thought the dishes were interesting and displayed how the resources available to countries often affects their folk culture.
    Great job! The beginning scenes were very informative, and I thought it was interesting how there are different theories on the origin of the tortilla española, which is a great characteristic of a folk culture.
    I enjoyed your website very much! I like how you incorporated background information into your video as well as your website. It was great to see how well these folk foods relate to what we learn in class. For example, Lauren's food dish has no known origin. This is one of the characteristics of folk culture. Great job over all!
    I loved the concept of "The Next Top Chef"! The organization of the website is great and I liked how you provided background information. It was also interesting to see the characteristics of culture embedded in the food. Overall, great job!
Nick Miller

Fertility and living standards: Go forth and multiply a lot less | The Economist - 7 views

    • Nicole Weenink
      I found this very surprising. As first I believed, that women all over the country decided how many kids they want. Then as I read on, I realized that there are many factors to the amount of kids a women will have. First, many women in lesser developed countries are not very well educated. They do not have much knowledge about contraception, specifically birth control. Along with this idea, many women do not have access to birth control, either it is not available where they live, or it is too expensive for the family to afford. Finally, I realized from the video that we watched previously in class that sometimes due to the lack of education a woman has, they do not have a say  in the family planning. If the husband wants more kids than there will be more kids. All in all, I found this statistic very shocking and I took away that many people don't have the ability to stop having children which is very disappointing especially since most of the time, this occurs in poor areas and the family is struggling already. 
    • Mr. Reidy
      Excellent commentary, Nicole! Great job citing examples from the text and adding your own insight.
  • By about 2020, the global fertility rate will dip below the global replacement rate for the first time.
  • One study in 2002 estimated that as many as a quarter of all pregnancies in developing countries in the 1990s were unintended.
    • Veronica Werner
      This was the most surprising piece of information because it shows how preventable our uncontrollable population growth could be. If developing countries all had available contraceptives, the world's population would not nearly be so high. Unfortunately, the solution is not so easy. Women in those developing (stage 2) countries would need to be educated and allowed to use contraceptives. Societies that valued more children would need to transition into wanting fewer. Even though many women want fewer children, it will require a shift in culture and society before this is actually accomplished. In many developed countries, this shift has already taken place, and the population growth rate there is decreasing. This gives hope that population growth in developing countries may not be such a problem in the future.
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    • Nick Miller
      The national fertility rate is dropping which leads to economic stability.
    10/2 Class Activity APHUG students: Highlight one thing from the text that suprised you the most. Then, create a post-it note in the document that summarizes the most important thing you took away from reading this article.
Jessica Wray

The foreign born in the United States as percentage of total county population, 2000 - 0 views

    I took a look at this map and wasn't surprised to see that many immigrants to America settle along the coasts/borders of the United States. The map legend indicates that regions with darker blue have higher a high percent of foreign born citizens within their county. Much of the south west border is dark blue, evidently due to is proximity to Mexico, a country undergoing violence from the eternal drug wars. In addition, major cities here and there, such as New York City, display dark blue. This is logical, as these cities provide job opportunities and serve as major ports, historically and in the present today.
    Also look at the area around Louisiana. It's interesting that there is a small amount of migrants there knowing that the islands off the coast are not too far away. I would figure that there is a small amount of immigrants there, because of Hurricane Katrina, and the thought that that area is more vulnerable to natural disasters than other areas.
Elina Wright

Total and Limited English Proficient Adults (Age 18 and Older) by US Citizenship Status... - 0 views

    This data sheet was interesting because it shows the number of people who do not speak English well who live in the United States. It is weird that the number of people who were born in the USA that don't speak English well is still high. One would think that citizens would learn the country's language.
Matt Juliana

State Proportion of the Cuban-Born in the United States - 0 views

    The reason why so many Cubans are located in Florida and especially in Miami is because it is only a short distance between Cuba and Florida, allowing for easy access. The other areas are major cities and metropolitan areas that will provide many job opportunities.
    I think that you are right in the fact that many of the immigrants would be going toward the cities in search of different jobs. They would probably want to get a higher paying job so maybe send money to family back home.
    Most native Cubans that live in America are found in similar latitudes and climates as Cuba itself. Most live in states that are farther south, like Florida, Texas, Nevada, and California. The exceptions are New Jersey and New York, where many immigrants come through, and there are many jobs. This suggests that immigrants often try to live in a climate that may be similar to the one that they are used to.
Veronica Werner

Annual Immigration to the United States: The Real Numbers - 2 views

    • Veronica Werner
      This fact sheet shows data about the numbers of immigrants into the U.S. per year, which is useful on its own.  However, it also uses this data to identify problems with the official numbers of immigrants that are recorded.  The tables and graphs serve to illustrate that there is a difference between the official statistics of immigrants and the actual immigration.  The problem is because the government only counts people gaining legal status, which excludes illegal immigrants and includes those moving from temporary to permanent citizenship.
    • Veronica Werner
      Note: I could not highlight a pdf, but I would have highlighted "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS_ reports that there were 1.1 million "immigrants,"...However, this number does not accurately reflect actual levels of immigration to the United States." "DHS statistics count "immigrants" as those who obtain lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in the country in any particular year."
    Shows errors in official data relating to how many immigrants the United States receives per year.
Thomas Nicewicz

Foreign born from the Hurricane Katrina disaster areas, 2000 - 0 views

    The amount of foreign born babies is relatively low with most counties having less than 1% of the babies being foreign born. This is most likely due to the hurricane which caused the area to not be an attract location for migrants.
    This makes sense because areas of natural disasters tend to be major push factors for migrants.
Kelly Gallick

Indian Immigrants in the United States - 1 views

    Indian immigrants that reside in the US make up the third largest immigrant group in the nation. This is most likely because of the freedoms that Americans have that Indians don't usually have, plus the protection and job opportunities are equally attractive to migrants.
    I'm not surprised that there are so many Indian immigrants. The crisis at hand in India is the unstable rise in population. With this issue, many citizens are probably looking to leave the country if they have the chance.
    It does seem that there is a rising Indian influence in the United States... I imagine they migrate primarily to large cities and/or states like California, a state with plentiful, arable land. This would make sense, as these conditions precipitate ample job opportunities. This is key, as the exploding population in India induces growing job scarcity, as Brendan touched on.
Jake Kurtz

Top Ten Countries with the Largest Number of International Migrants (2010) - 2 views

    In this map, it shows the top countries of immigrants. #1 is USA, which didn't really surprise me.... but the second was Russia, which puzzled me. Then I realized maybe the country looks more attractive to others now that the Soviet Union fell and Cominism with it. That may bring more people in, making it #2 in the world.
    That is interesting Jake! Another contributing factor may be that Russia has a lot of space for people to spread out and not be crowded.
    I was also puzzled Jake, because most of Russia has a harsh climate like Siberia. But there are also large cities located in the West that may be attractive.
Liam Darr

The foreign born from Africa by county in the United States, 2000 - 0 views

    There aren't many foreign born Africans residing in the United States. The ones that do live in the United States live in either New York City, Washington D.C., or Southern California. I believe this happens because those areas are major cities in the US.
    Also when Africans migrate to the States, they may look for a lifestyle change in the city which may not be as common in Africa, just another though......
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