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Annual Immigration to the United States: The Real Numbers - 2 views

    • Veronica Werner
      This fact sheet shows data about the numbers of immigrants into the U.S. per year, which is useful on its own.  However, it also uses this data to identify problems with the official numbers of immigrants that are recorded.  The tables and graphs serve to illustrate that there is a difference between the official statistics of immigrants and the actual immigration.  The problem is because the government only counts people gaining legal status, which excludes illegal immigrants and includes those moving from temporary to permanent citizenship.
    • Veronica Werner
      Note: I could not highlight a pdf, but I would have highlighted "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS_ reports that there were 1.1 million "immigrants,"...However, this number does not accurately reflect actual levels of immigration to the United States." "DHS statistics count "immigrants" as those who obtain lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in the country in any particular year."
    Shows errors in official data relating to how many immigrants the United States receives per year.

MPI | Data Hub | Maps of the Foreign Born in the US - 0 views

  • and concentration of various immigrant populations in the United States in 2010 and 2000.
  • Use our maps to learn about the settlement patterns and concentration of various immigrant populations in the United States in 2010 and 2000.
    • Veronica Werner
      These maps, individually, are useful for recognizing total immigration patterns in the U.S.: where immigrants are distributed and where they are most likely to be concentrated.  However, a new level of understanding can come from comparing the maps to each other.  For example, comparing where immigrants from Mexico are distributed to the overall distribution of immigrants shows specific characteristics of those immigrants.  It is interesting to see what countries are included on the maps; they seem to be mostly from either Latin America or Asia.
    • Nick Miller
      You are right, this is a extremely useful tool to have at your disposal.
    These maps show interesting patterns of immigration in the U.S. and where immigrants are most likely to go.

Change in the Number of Immigrants Residing in the United States by Decade, 1850 to 2010 - 1 views

    This graph portrays the fluctuations in immigration to the United States, starting with 1850 until 2011. There is a dramatic decrease in immigration through the years 1930-1960, for these were the periods of the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War with Russia. In addition, there is a decreasing in immigration between the decades of 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 due to the U.S. recession.
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    I agree with the conclusion that not many people immigrated to the U.S. during the Great Depression since there were not many jobs and the economy wasn't doing well. I find it interesting that immigration increased by a lot in the years 1990-200. I wonder why that is.
    I question why immigration had not picked up in the 50's and 60's, when the wealth had picked up in the States. Had the depression hit other nations by then?
    I wonder why immigration was so low during WWII because you would think that Europeans would've wanted to get out of there as soon as possible to get away from the violence, and America would've been the perfect place to escape.

Ten states with the largest foreign-born population from Poland, 2000 - 0 views

    Mexican immigrants appear to settle in CA the most. This may due to the situation of CA and Mexico and the amount of job opportunities involving agriculture.
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    The chart on this page shows the top ten states with the most people who immigrated here from Honduras. 18.7% of Honduranian immigrants live in Florida, which makes sense because Florida is a coastal state that is relatively close to Honduras in comparison to other US states.
    UK immigrants tend to settle in California the most. This could be in part to the cultural opportunities available and the wealth of the immigrants in the UK, not to mention jobs in technological corporations based in Silicon Valley.
    Once again, California leads the nation in immigrants, this time from Afghanistan. People may come to California for the plentiful job opportunities and the area of access: a coastline only a few hours east of the Middle East.
    The largest percentage of Polish are currently in Illinois. This may be due to the presence of the polish culture that these folks are attracted to, drawing them in. The second most is in New York. This is most likely due to the fact that many Polish migrate through NY and as Ravenstein says that many people settle near their entry and the farther you leave that point the less there are (paraphrased to what he said.)

Migration Trends of the Future | - 2 views

  • Over the past 40 years we have seen two such surges—large-scale immigration from Latin America and Asia
  • People are less likely to move in times of economic distress
  • our future will continue to be shaped by the mass movements of people who are pursuing dreams or escaping nightmares.
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  • acceleration in immigration by high-skilled foreigners, mostly from Asia but from other parts of the globe as well.
  • People join mass migrations not just for economic reasons but also because of personal choice and the forces of history.
    • Alec Gehman
      Many immigrants leave their country for economic reasons, but many others also leave because they are in a mass movement, escaping wars, or personal choices.
    We have already touched on the topic that a large amount of immigrants today are from Asia and Latin America. In the future it is expected that America will see an increase of immigrants that are skilled workers. These mass migrations in the future will most likely not be for economic reasons, but will be for personal reasons or forces in history.

Indian Immigrants in the United States - 1 views

    Indian immigrants that reside in the US make up the third largest immigrant group in the nation. This is most likely because of the freedoms that Americans have that Indians don't usually have, plus the protection and job opportunities are equally attractive to migrants.
    I'm not surprised that there are so many Indian immigrants. The crisis at hand in India is the unstable rise in population. With this issue, many citizens are probably looking to leave the country if they have the chance.
    It does seem that there is a rising Indian influence in the United States... I imagine they migrate primarily to large cities and/or states like California, a state with plentiful, arable land. This would make sense, as these conditions precipitate ample job opportunities. This is key, as the exploding population in India induces growing job scarcity, as Brendan touched on.

Children of Immigrants: Number and Share of All Children Under 18 - 0 views

    It makes sense that the number of children of immigrants continues over time. This is because the immigrant numbers continue to increase and the TFR for immigrants in the U.S. is most likely the same as the U.S. overall. This would cause the numbers to increase as the U.S. population increases.

Will illegal immigrant kids stay or be sent home? Depends if they have a lawyer - 1 views

    Border control and immigration has been heated topic lately. How does this problem relate to geography?

Forced Migration Online - 3 views

    What's one new idea you learned from this resource? How would the world be different if people weren't forced to migrate or people weren't restricted in their movement?  Post your comments, APHUG. Let's get a discussion going! 
    One new idea that I learned from this resource is that, regarding population, "One of every six people on earth is an adolescent" and also that "Children and adolescents constitute some 50% of all refugees assisted by UNHCR." This idea shows that forced migration greatly influences young people because young people are a major group who make up the group of refugees that get help from the UNHCR. The world would be different if people weren't forced to migrate or if people weren't restricted in their movement by containing less safe environments because terrorists could come into a country more easily. If people weren't forced to migrate, more land areas might be more sparsely populated.
    If people weren't forced to migrate, some cultures would thrive while others might not survive at all! In Europe today, there are many strict immigration laws that try to limit the amount of immigrants from many countries in Africa and Asia. One reason that these laws are so strict is to try to preserve the culture. So imagine what it would be like if there were no immigration restrictions at all! The culture in Europe would become mixed and intermingled with the cultures of countries all over the world. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it would just be different. Also, because of the idea of increasing globalization, the cost of migrating is decreasing (relatively), so the intervening obstacles are also decreasing. This makes it easier for more people to migrate if they are looking for economic opportunities. And when they do move, they will bring their culture with them. The land they leave behind, if enough people move, will then be deprived of the previous inhabitant's culture. So overall, many different cultures would be greatly affected if there was no restriction on immigration.

State Proportion of the Cuban-Born in the United States - 0 views

    The reason why so many Cubans are located in Florida and especially in Miami is because it is only a short distance between Cuba and Florida, allowing for easy access. The other areas are major cities and metropolitan areas that will provide many job opportunities.
    I think that you are right in the fact that many of the immigrants would be going toward the cities in search of different jobs. They would probably want to get a higher paying job so maybe send money to family back home.
    Most native Cubans that live in America are found in similar latitudes and climates as Cuba itself. Most live in states that are farther south, like Florida, Texas, Nevada, and California. The exceptions are New Jersey and New York, where many immigrants come through, and there are many jobs. This suggests that immigrants often try to live in a climate that may be similar to the one that they are used to.

Foreign Born in Hurricane Rita Area - 0 views

    I think it is interesting how there were more foreign born immigrants on the western side of the disaster area of Hurricane Rita in the South.
    An explanation for why the west side of the disaster area has more foreign born immigrants could be because those areas are located close to a large city.
    It is interesting that most of the foreign born immigrants were born near the west. This is probably because the west suffered from less hurricane damage than the rest of the region, so migrants decided to move to the west.

Children of Immigrants: Number and Share of All Children Under 18 - 0 views

    The graph shows that each decade, there are more children born from immigrants than the prior decade. This must be a result from the increasing amount of immigrants coming to the United States.
4More - 3 views

    • Nick Miller
      Most of the Mexican-Born population is found in California, and Texas. They are also found in Illinois, and New York. The rest is located in the western part and the southern area of the United States
    • Mr. Reidy
      This makes sense. Many cities are located in these areas. Also, Texas and Calif. are situated near Mexico.
    • Veronica Werner
      The majority of Mexican-born immigrants seem to be distributed near the Mexican border, as well as along the East Coast.  Large cities, especially those in the southern US, attract the most Mexican immigrants.  States with few cities and/or a significant distance from Mexico have fewer immigrants.
    Wow this is very unusual to me because I expected there to be more Mexican born people in Texas because it is on the border but instead there are more in California which is still a ways from Mexico.

Migration Information Source - United Kingdom: A Reluctant Country of Immigration - 2 views

    • Katelyn Kopacko
      The U.K. wasn't willing to let any other immigrants into the country to decrease the threat of a a possible attack from the U.S.S.R. This was during the  beginning of the Cold War, which could explain why they didn't want any outsiders in their country.
    The U.K. hasn't been willing to let in a lot of immigrants since world war 2. They made a policy that increased the strictness of how many people were allowed into the country.

Immigration Driving Broad Demographic Shifts In U.S., Report Says : The Two-Way : NPR - 0 views

  • — The percentage of immigrants in the "gateways" of California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Texas, has decreased,
    Check out these statistics, APHUG.  How is ethnicity distributed across the United States?

Thousands Of Illegal Immigrant Children Will Be Able To Attend Public Schools - 0 views

    Many children are crossing the border to the US to have a better life, which will put a strain on the US budget. The theme of mobility is shown in this current event. The immigrants move from place to place bringing their ideas and practices, which will eventually change the culture.

Migration Information Source - Australia's Boat People: Asylum Challenges and Two Decad... - 1 views

  • The country has been criticized for avoiding its responsibilities under the United Nations refugee conventions by making it difficult for asylum seekers to claim refugee protection on Australian soil.
  • Because Australia is a signatory to the United Nations' 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, any person who falls within the convention's definition of a refugee is entitled to government protection.
  • Similarly, the number of asylum seekers awaiting a decision on whether they will be granted refugee status is relatively low compared to other countries.
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  • As with immigration in other countries, some politicians have argued that without strict policy, the country's shores would be inundated with asylum seekers — genuine and otherwise. Others contend that in addition to being saddled with the financial burden of having to process and provide for these claimants, the presence of more migrants would lead to an increase in crime.
  • Under the provisions of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 — which formed the basis of the “White Australia” policy — the government used dictation tests in a European language selected by immigration officers to limit the number of non-white migrants to Australia.
  • In the 1940s and 1950s, Australia welcomed more than 170,000 refugees, the largest groups being from Poland, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. The Vietnam War led to the first significant increase in non-European refugees. From 1976 until 1986, some 94,000 refugees from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam settled in Australia — with about 2,000 of those arriving by boat. In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a clear demographic shift away from “typical” Western European asylum seekers in Australia.
  • Asylum in Australia came to international attention in August 2001 when a Norwegian freighter, the MV Tampa, rescued more than 400 Afghan asylum seekers whose vessel had sunk in the Indian Ocean as they attempted to reach Australia.
  • he court directed the government to consider re-establishing onshore asylum claim processing. Still, Prime Minister Gillard and her government vowed to continue with the Malaysian Solution.
  • First, the country has tried to limit the number of boat people claiming asylum by excising island territories from the migration zone, turning vessels around before they reach Australian territory, and disincentivizing Australia as a target destination through a policy of mandatory detention. And second, Australia has used extraterritorial processing centers in neighboring countries to avoid allowing asylum seekers to invoke their right to claim refugee protection in Australia.

The foreign born in the United States as percentage of total county population, 2000 - 0 views

    I took a look at this map and wasn't surprised to see that many immigrants to America settle along the coasts/borders of the United States. The map legend indicates that regions with darker blue have higher a high percent of foreign born citizens within their county. Much of the south west border is dark blue, evidently due to is proximity to Mexico, a country undergoing violence from the eternal drug wars. In addition, major cities here and there, such as New York City, display dark blue. This is logical, as these cities provide job opportunities and serve as major ports, historically and in the present today.
    Also look at the area around Louisiana. It's interesting that there is a small amount of migrants there knowing that the islands off the coast are not too far away. I would figure that there is a small amount of immigrants there, because of Hurricane Katrina, and the thought that that area is more vulnerable to natural disasters than other areas.
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