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When Do People ¬Not Protest Unfairness? The Case of Skin Color Discrimination... - 1 views

  • This is the phenomenon of “colorism” – “the tendency to perceive or behave toward members of a racial category based on the lightness or darkness of their skin tone”
    • mariakanarakis
      Colorism: (Definition) It is discrimination towards the more dark pigmented people, which excludes them from social and daily activities. Colorism is found all around the world since people have spread and this is prejudice against the darker skinned humans. 
    • mariakanarakis
      This website separates skin discrimination into different sectors so we can see that there's isn't only one place that the discrimination is affecting us. All of the examples which are highlighted in blue are a tool that helps us really understand what this professor is talking about. 
  • lighter-skinned black soldiers in the Union Army of the Civil War were, compared with darker-skinned soldiers, more likely to be skilled workers rather than field hands before entering the service
  • however, is that how people behave and are treated is affected not only by the nominal category of race, but also by the ordinal category of multiple shades of skin tone
  • ...40 more annotations...
  • This is the
  • Colorism can occur within one’s own community, or across racial and ethnic groups
  • any other “racial” group.
  •  Skin Color Hierarchy in History
  • Our more systematic historical research shows that the importance of skin color on life chances dates back at least to the nineteenth century.
  • it may emerge as an indirect effect of the person’s ability to take advantage of the higher social status that has accrued over many generations to light-skinned African-Americans
  • Skin Color, Education, and Income
  • skin tone within a given race or ethnicity is associated with socioeconomic outcomes.
  • over a quarter of African Americans had earned college degrees.  But light-skinned blacks were more likely to have a college degree than were medium- or dark-skinned blacks; conversely, dark- and medium-skinned members were less likely to have completed high school.
  • In a year when blacks’ averaged about ten years of schooling, there is a gap of almost two years between the schooling of the darkest and lightest African Americans.  Dark-skinned blacks earned less than seven tenths as much as light-skinned blacks – during a year in which black families’ mean income was just over six tenths of that of white families.
  • Being dark-skinned has psychological as well as economic, educational, and temporal costs.
  • “colorism” may be a direct response to the behavior of or, more likely, the appearance of a person standing before the potential employer, judge, or teacher.
  • people who suffer from discrimination may not protest it because they are unaware of their unfair treatment, because they perceive no alternatives, or because they see no means of effective protest. 
  • Light-skinned blacks tend to come from families with relatively high status on these dimensions, so skin tone affects educational attainment indirectly.
  • light- and medium-skinned blacks received shorter sentences for all crimes than the darkest category of blacks.  In every case except property crimes [i.e. for drug, personal, and miscellaneous crimes], the darkest group of blacks received higher sentences, on average, than whites
  • sentences are 2 percent shorter for light-skinned blacks compared with whites, 4 percent longer for medium-skinned blacks, and 2 percent longer for dark-skinned blacks. Those differences seem small, but 4 percent of a 2,560 day sentence (the average length for whites) is over three months of prison time.
  • Skin Color and Political Attitudes or Behaviors:
  • light-skinned African Americans are relatively advantaged in the social and economic arenas,
  • they have a similar advantage as voters and political actors, and that dark-skinned blacks perceive more discrimination.
  • Light-skinned blacks may be slightly more likely to perceive discrimination against other members of their race, and they are a little more likely to participate politically.
  • So why isn’t colorism an issue around which blacks organize politically?
  • What’s the Matter with Kansas?
  • Unenlightened Self-Interest:
  • Public opinion in this instance was ill informed, insensitive to some of the most important implications of the tax cuts, and largely disconnected from
  • a variety of relevant values and material interests
  • light-skinned blacks as roughly analogous to middle-class Americans – certainly not at the top of the distribution, but enjoying enough benefits from the unfair structure that they would be hesitant to disrupt it too much.
  • he implication is that dark-skinned blacks ought to perceive that they are doubly maltreated, that skin color hierarchy is just as unfair as the racial hierarchy within which it nests, and that protest is warranted. 
  • We vote our values; why should we be surprised if they vote theirs?
  • the task is to understand their values on their own terms.
  • Applying this logic to the case of skin color discrimination yields several hypotheses.  Perhaps dark-skinned blacks are aware of their doubly unfair treatment, but choose to ignore it because they too care more about some other political value, such as racial solidarity or individual autonomy.
  • Similarly, light-skinned African Americans may recognize,
  • that “for generations of black people, color and class have been inexorably tied together,” but they too care more about racial solidarity than about either taking advantage of or fighting this internal division. 
  • in short, one form of unfairness may be worth accepting or ignoring publicly for the sake of fighting another, or simply pursuing some unrelated goal.
  • The deeply religious, in short, vote their values, not their interests.
  • Andrea Campbell shows that the elderly mobilize to act jointly on behalf of social security, to the benefit of most but at the expense of the poorest (
  • At the turn of the twentieth century, both black and white media frequently used “mulatto” (and sometimes “quadroon” and “octoroon”) – sometimes favorably, sometimes unfavorably, but to a surprising degree simply as a common and unremarkable descriptor.
  • those descriptors were never used or were terms of opprobrium or shock.
  • one can explain the lack of collective attention to the unfairness of skin tone discrimination by pointing to the dissemination of and allegiance to other, apparently stronger values.
  • Racial nationalists have traditionally been hostile to black feminists or black Marxists who seek to draw attention to unfair practices within the black community
  • they are similarly hostile to any discussion of skin color differentiation because it appears to be a strategy of “divide and conquer.
Catherine Preston

An introduction to the John Scopes (Monkey) Trial - 0 views

  • Dayton, Tennessee courtroom in the summer of 1925.
  • The Scopes Trial had its origins in a conspiracy at Fred Robinson's drugstore in Dayton
  • American Civil Liberties Union announcement that it was willing to offer its services to anyone challenging the new Tennessee anti-evolution statute.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • The conspirators summoned John Scopes, a twenty-four-year old general science teacher and part-time football coach, to the drugstore
  • Dayton. Darrow was not the first choice of the ACLU, who was concerned that Darrow's zealous agnosticism might turn the trial into a broadside attack on religion
  • Nearly a thousand people, 300 of whom were standing, jammed the Rhea County Courthouse on July 10, 1925
  • Judge John T. Raulston, the presiding judge in the Scopes Trial
  •   William Jennings Bryan, three-time Democratic candidate for President and a populist, led a Fundamentalist crusade to banish Darwin's theory of evolution from American classrooms
    • Catherine Preston
    • Catherine Preston
    • Catherine Preston
  • The proceedings opened, over Darrow's objections, to a prayer
  • Judge Raulston and his entire family listened attentively from their front pew seats.
  • Judge Raulston
  • A jury of twelve men, including ten (mostly middle-aged) farmers and eleven regular church-goers, was quickly selected
  • including ten (mostly middle-aged) farmers and eleven regular church-goers, was quickly selected
  • A jury of twelve men
  • moved to quash the indictment on both state and federal constitutional grounds. This move was at the heart of the defense strategy.  The defense's goal was not to win acquittal for John Scopes, but rather to obtain a declaration by a higher court--preferably the U.S. Supreme Court--that laws forbidding the teaching of evolution were unconstitutional
  • Judge Raulston denied the defense motion.
  • As expected
  • titanic struggle between good and evil or truth and ignorance
  • if evolution wins, Christianity goes.
  • The prosecution opened its case by asking the court to take judicial notice of the Book of Genesis,
  • asked seven students in Scope's class a series of questions about his teachings
Daryl Bambic

A Viking Mystery | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine - 0 views

  • Oxford
  • anuary 2008
  • 4,000-year-old religious complex—an earthwork enclosure, or henge, built by late Neolithic tribesmen, probably for a sun-worshiping cult.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 400 feet in diameter
  • Britain’s prehistoric henges
  • garbage dump
  • uman bones
  • but now a mass grave as well.”
  • all of them victims of violence
  • 960 to 1020—the period in which the Anglo-Saxon monarchy peaked in power
  • riginally from Germany, Anglo-Saxons had invaded England almost six centuries earlier, after the Roman Empire had fallen into disarray.
  • “execution cemeteries”
  • n average, more fish and shellfish than did Anglo-Saxons.
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