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Kate Smith

ADHD in children, ADHD symptoms, Causes of adhd, adhd diet, ADHD treatment, ADHD medica... - 0 views

    ADHD disorder is a condition that strips the kids of their focussing and attentive capabilities. Get information about adhd, adhd symptoms, causes of adhd, adhd diet, adhd treatment at AllMothers.
Kate Smith

Signs of Pregnancy with other possible cause ! - 0 views

Planning pregnancy, you are so much in look out for those signs of pregnancy that you misinterpret as pregnancy which results in False Pregnancy.

signs of pregnancy early sign

started by Kate Smith on 17 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
Eumom Louise

For You | Pregnancy Well-being | Belly Dancing | Eumom - 0 views

    With a mental picture of lithe, scantly clad women gyrating sinuously to exotic music, you may laugh at the idea of trying to belly dance in pregnancy. In fact, belly dancing, or more correctly Oriental dance, has its roots in the birthing dances of the Middle East, taught to young girls from childhood as a preparation for childbirth.
Eumom Louise

Exercising | Eumom - 0 views

    Regular exercise of some form or another is encouraged during pregnancy, as long as it isn't strenuous or potentially dangerous. In fact, being fit and active during your pregnancy offers a number of benefits as you prepare for the months ahead, including keeping you mentally and physically in good shape and in tune with your body, adapting more easily to your changing body, extra strains and weight gain and helping to improve muscle tone, flexibility, stamina, strength and posture.
Eumom Louise

For You | Pregnancy Well-being | Morning Sickness | Eumom - 0 views

    Wonderful as the state of pregnancy is, it's unfortunate that Mother Nature threw this thing called morning sickness at up to 70% of pregnant women. The name isn't accurate, either, with most women suffering these unpleasant symptoms all day long until week 16.
Eumom Louise

You | Your Well-Being | Relationships | Maternity | Support | Eumom - 0 views

    This section is devoted entirely to you and your well-being - during pregnancy and after birth. We look at: the physical and emotional changes you will experience during this life-changing and momentous journey; the importance of relationships with your partner, family and friends, the lifestyle changes you will go through and how to cope.
Eumom Louise

Domestic Violence During Pregnancy | Eumom - 0 views

    You are not alone in feeling something is not right with your relationship. 1 in 5 women in Ireland are affected by domestic violence. Thousands of women live in fear of their boyfriends, husbands and partners every day. Sometimes, they are experiencing abuse after the relationship has ended.
Eumom Louise

For You | Relationships | Friends | Eumom - 0 views

    Having a baby will change your relationship with your friends. You no longer have the same freedom you used to, spontaneity is out the window and outings have to be planned in advance according to babysitters and feeding times. Other parents will understand this, but your childless friends may distance themselves a bit - their time will come!
Eumom Louise

Flora Mini Marathon | Eumom - 0 views

    Flora Women's Mini Marathon 2011 Congratulations to our 50 runners, joggers and walkers who took part in the Flora Women's Mini Marathon on behalf of Friends of the Rotunda in association with on Bank Holiday Monday, 6 June.
Eumom Louise

For You | Preparing Your Home | Lighting | Eumom - 0 views

    You'll need to check on the baby while he/she is sleeping, so lights with a dimmer switch are good. A nightlight or a shaded table lamp will also work but make sure the baby can't reach the lamps or the wires.
Eumom Louise

For You | Preparing Your Home | Furniture | Eumom - 0 views

    Apart from a cot, you'll need somewhere to change the baby. A special changing unit with drawers for equipment or a chest of drawers is ideal. Check for splinters and make sure that it's easy to clean. Also make sure the surface is the right height for you and your partner so you don't have to bend over while changing your baby.
Eumom Louise

For You | After Childbirth | Pampering | Eumom - 0 views

    It's amazing how relaxing an aromatherapy bath can be. Once your baby is fed and asleep, run yourself a bath with a few drops of your favourite essential oil and relax. Forget about the pile of ironing that needs to be done or the housework you didn't have time for: these things are not important.
Eumom Louise

For You | After Childbirth | Relaxation | Eumom - 0 views

    Your new baby is the centre of your world and you'll be totally preoccupied with catering for his/her needs. Don't overlook your own needs, however. Feeling good about how you look is important, so make the time to pamper yourself a little - you deserve it.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Eumom - 0 views

    Have you ever had a light bulb moment? A glimpse of clarity brought on by the comment of a friend, spouse or colleague that just clicks with you? The aim of lifecoaching is to help individuals develop clarity of vision and achieve their goals.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Bonding | Eumom - 0 views

    All women feel differently after giving birth, and while some bond with their baby at first sight, others may not experience this initial attachment and love, possibly because they are just so tired, or feel a bit under the weather or tearful.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | How Will I Manage? | Eumom - 0 views

    However you respond to motherhood at the start, it's important that you continue to look after yourself by eating well (which is particularly vital if you breast-feed), keeping up with some gentle physical exercise and giving yourself time to sit back and relax so that you'll be able to manage better.
Eumom Louise

For You | Well-Being After Childbirth | Up & About | Eumom - 0 views

    Unless you have undergone a Caesarean section or had a traumatic vaginal delivery with a lot of stitches, there's usually no reason for you not to be able to get up and walk around shortly after you have given birth.
Eumom Louise

For You | Your Well-Being After Childbirth | Eumom - 0 views

    Giving birth can be a highly rewarding experience, although it may perhaps leave you completely drained and somewhat fazed for a while. After so many months of carrying your baby inside you, your pregnancy will have suddenly come to a dramatic and relatively quick close, leaving you with a baby that will almost certainly change your life.
Eumom Louise

For You | Pregnancy Well-being | Travel | Eumom - 0 views

    Although it's generally safe to travel during your pregnancy, you may find that long journeys in the early and later stages of your pregnancy can be uncomfortable. Additionally, if you need to travel late in pregnancy or abroad, it may be advisable to check with your doctor or healthcare professional first.

Is Adoption Right For me? Resources for Pregnant Women - 0 views

    There are three types of adoption, open, closed, and semi-open adoption. Open Adoption Open adoption means that you choose to have a relationship with the adoptive family that you have selected to parent your child. You and the adoptive family can get to know each other personally and work together to plan visits and receive updates on the child periodically.
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