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Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Eumom - 0 views

    Have you ever had a light bulb moment? A glimpse of clarity brought on by the comment of a friend, spouse or colleague that just clicks with you? The aim of lifecoaching is to help individuals develop clarity of vision and achieve their goals.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Single Mother | Eumom - 0 views

    If you're a single mother, then there may be times when you'll find it difficult to cope without the benefit of an extra pair of hands. The demands on a single parent can be quite high, and you may also feel sad about not being able to share the magic moments that you have with your baby with a partner.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Eumom - 0 views

    The initial few weeks with your baby will probably be the hardest as you embark on a whole new learning experience and change your daily routine at a time when you may be feeling physically and emotionally drained. This section offers tips and information on subjects such as: how to cope with the crying, early care, bonding, and FAQs.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Early Care | Eumom - 0 views

    It's inevitable that your daily routine will change for a while after having a baby, and because of this it's important that you don't underestimate exactly what parenthood entails and try to understand and embrace your roles as new parents.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Mother Knows Best | Eumom - 0 views

    Now that you're a mum, don't miss out on the reassurance and advice your mother and/or your mother-in-law can offer. After all, years of experience bringing up babies and children must count for something! But what happens when your views are poles apart? Does mother really know best?
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Bonding | Eumom - 0 views

    All women feel differently after giving birth, and while some bond with their baby at first sight, others may not experience this initial attachment and love, possibly because they are just so tired, or feel a bit under the weather or tearful.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | How Will I Manage? | Eumom - 0 views

    However you respond to motherhood at the start, it's important that you continue to look after yourself by eating well (which is particularly vital if you breast-feed), keeping up with some gentle physical exercise and giving yourself time to sit back and relax so that you'll be able to manage better.
Bijayani Swain

Breastfeeding-What are the Benefits, Are they worth it? - 0 views

    Breastfeeding is one of the most natural methods of feeding a baby. It may take some time for new mom to get used to breastfeeding. Motherszone describes how Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and baby.
    Breastfeeding is one of the most natural methods of feeding a baby. It may take some time for new mom to get used to breastfeeding. Motherszone describes how Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and baby.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Coping with Crying Baby | Eumom - 0 views

    Just because baby number one was a darling, doesn't mean number two will bring peace on earth. But before you despair, apparently there's a very good reason why some babies cry at the slightest whim and some, well, don't. Psychologists believe that all babies are born with their own unique personalities and inherited characteristics from their parents.
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