Magret en Croûte de Lavande
2 duck fillets or magrets, about 400 grams (14 ounces) each
4 teaspoons unsprayed dried lavender flowers (check with the vendor that the lavender is safe for consumption)
2 teaspoons whole cumin seeds
2 teaspoons whole coriander seeds
The zest of one lemon, finely chopped
2 teaspoons fleur de sel
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Serves 4.
Slash a few diagonal cuts in the skin of the meat. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a small mortar or spice grinder, and pestle or process until finely ground. Sprinkle this rub on the flesh side of the meat, wrap each piece tightly in plastic, and chill for an hour.
Remove the meat from the fridge 15 minutes before serving. Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F), and place the fillets or magrets (without the plastic wrap!) skin side down in a baking dish. Slip into the oven to bake for 15 minutes, flip the meat, and return into the oven for 5 minutes. If desired, you can switch the oven to grill mode at this point to get the skin crispy and golden.
Transfer the meat on a cutting-board, and reserve the cooking juices. Cover the meat with foil, and let rest for 5 minutes. Cut each fillet in 1-cm (1/2-inch) slices, drizzle with the juices, and serve with mashed purple potatoes.