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2More » Repositioning The Traditional Advertising & Marketing Ag... - 0 views

  • Audiences are skipping TV spots with their DVRs and  learning how to ignore ads on the web. Instead, they’re talking (bluntly) about products and brands on Twitter, chatting about them on Facebook and searching for the reviews and opinions of other customers on Google before they buy. Armed with free, easy-to-use tools that allow them to ask trusted friends what they think or give an unsolicited opinion to hundreds in an instant – it’s word of mouth on fire. The truth is, as people are increasingly empowered by social media, marketers are losing control.
    Audiences are skipping TV spots with their DVRs and learning how to ignore ads on the web. Instead, they're talking (bluntly) about products and brands on Twitter, chatting about them on Facebook and searching for the reviews and opinions of other customers on Google before they buy. Armed with free, easy-to-use tools that allow them to ask trusted friends what they think or give an unsolicited opinion to hundreds in an instant - it's word of mouth on fire. The truth is, as people are increasingly empowered by social media, marketers are losing control. In a lot of ways these trends are great news for the world because more customers are getting the real story and finding out from each other which products and services have real value, and which ones don't. But where does this leave the people who've build honest businesses being experts in push strategies that used to work? A lot of them are scratching their heads wondering "How the hell are we going to make money now?"
1More » Tech Burgh now Trains Priced Right - 0 views

    Don't forget that we're offering online training too. 1:1 training showing you what to do, and how to do it online, in your own time, on your own computer. Cpanel, analytics, SEO, wordpress, online safety and more. On your schedule and at just $25/hour. (multiple hour discounts available). Spread the word and thanks again. Andy
1More » Reblog About Lijit - 0 views

    Have a look around my site and if the content interests you, consider subscribing to my site's feed. You can also use the handy search box below to find other interesting content from my blog, my on-line content, and throughout my trusted network and blog roll.

marshal sandler .com : Before, After and After........... - 0 views

1More » tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog - 0 views

     found Rick Klau's Blogspot while reviewing comments on a post by Louis Gray! It s no secret that I am a fan of Google and like the fact that their  employees use a blog to express their ideas and thoughts-I am 73 years od and grew up in an era when an employee was never allowed to express themselves Publicly! These Employee Blogs let we the Unwashed know behind the Logo there are people just like US! RICK KLAU I'm Rick Klau, and this is my personal  weblog. I'm a  Product Manageron the Blogger team at Google. Unless otherwise noted, the views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. Thanks for stopping by.
1More » "We don't see things as they are We see things as we are... - 0 views

    Occasionally I get an E Mail from some- one questioning what I add to my website! If they read my About page it might give them some insight but then they couldn't rag on me. " Why do you add so many Google features or how come you feature The Bing Blog and the Lijit Search Box! " I could tell them that Andy Quayle at Tech burgh my web hosting service is a Google Expert and has thru his blog taught me about Google! Lijit is not only a great addition to any website but has the best tech support on the WWW. The Bing Blog is a great read and also a fun search application! I use all my blog features period no favorites! My reblogs are done with Zemanta and I add good stuff with Apture
1More » Facebook Maps Their Growth To 250 Million | - 0 views

    Suggested Read  from   STEFFAN ANTONAS by STEFFAN ANTONAS on SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 The Facebook team put this visualization together with their internal data and posted it today. Watch how Facebook has grown to 250 million users around the world starting starting in Boston, MA. If you're read " Accidental Billionaires: The Founding Of Facebook - A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal", the visualization of the growth to 50 million puts the second half of the book in pretty sharp perspective. Facebook Maps Their Growth To 250 Millio
1More » Flipping abundance and scarity - 0 views

    Flipping abundance and scarity I think it's dangerous and often fatal to put free on top of an existing business model. Things fall apart. People look at the free revolution and say, "oh, that could never work. If I gave x, y or z away for free, I'd fail." They're right. They will fail... If they keep the model the same and just give away stuff for free. The way you win is by reinventing the model itself. So, for example, lululemon doing giant free yoga classes in New York. The more people come, the more clothes they'll sell... it'll become a movement. Or Crossfit, publishing their insane work outs online. The more people do them, the better the scarce part (private coaching, etc.) does. We spent a generation believing certain parts of our business needed to be scarce and that advertising and other interruption should be abundant. Part of the pitch of free is that when advertising goes away, you need to make something else abundant in order to gain attention. Then, and only then, will you be able to sell something that's naturally scarce. This is an uncomfortable flip to make, because the stuff you've been charging for feels like it should be charged for, and the new scarcity is often difficult to find. But, especially in the digital world, this is happening, and faster than ever.
1More » Video: The Wall of Headlines - The Steve Rubel Lifestream - 0 views

    How About this New Form Of Communication! "This week we moved into our new offices in New York City. Among the highlights, is a giant wall of headlines. Richard Edelman gives us a tour. There's something about headlines that still gives me goosebumps. I hope that even in the age of streams, headlines don't lose their punch. Another noteworthy item in our new offices is a giant HP Touchsmart PC. I had
1More » Understanding the Veterans Pension Benefit - 0 views

    Lots of Good Information !
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