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FBI says it interviewed FedEx mass shooter last year - 4 views

    What do you guys think about this? Do you think the FBI should have watched him more to make sure nothing like this would have happened?
    I think if someone seems to be a threat to the community we should have a closer look at them and monitor them often whether that means checkups, some sort of surveillance, etc. I think this situation may have been avoided had they been checking up on him more frequently after this incident or had someone done some sort of mental health evaluation as it was obvious to his mother he was planning something.

In light of UNMC study, teachers' union wants PCR tests in all schools - 7 views

    "after a first-of-its-kind study by UNMC and Omaha Public Schools found infection rates were six times higher in students than what was being reported in the community."
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    I think it's crazy just how large the rates actually were compared to what was being reported. My mom is a teacher in Omaha, so it makes me kind of worried that the rates are that high. I definitely think that they should be working on adding more protection for students and staff.
    I think it's good they are going through these measures to protect students and its crazy how high the rates are and something should be done about it
    I'm glad that schools are pushing for more testing. I think that students who are asymptomatic are more likely to think they are immune to Covid-19 and start disobeying Covid-19 safety measures. It's problematic because these students can spread Covid-19 to someone who will truly suffer from it. So, more testing is a good way to prevent this from happening.
    A lack of testing always gives the illusion that things are better than they are, so it's good that they got this done and found out these numbers because I think it's very important to realize this number especially since it was six times what was previously observed.
    it's good that they want to test kids more regularly. some kids will just brush it off and say "it's a cold". this way, the kids who are tested pos. won't be affecting others as well as the asymptomatic students.
    It is smart to be continuously testing students to know how the spread is going and in order to make sure that the students are being properly taken care of to prevent future cases.
    It's a good idea that schools are wanting to do more testing. It's crazy how these rates are getting and it's better that we do something about it now.

Supreme Court to hear cheerleader Brandi Levy's First Amendment case on student speech ... - 23 views

    ""This is the most momentous case in more than five decades involving student speech," said Justin Driver, a Yale law professor"
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    I don't think she should have been kicked out for expressing her opinion about the squad. There are so many people who do that especially about teachers.It doesn't effect how anyone is i.e bullying/ harassment these are just things that she thinks about the school and the sport.
    I believe that the coach had the right to kick her off of the squad. Her speech may have been protected however sports while they may be connected to the school ultimately if the coach decides that a participant is setting a bad example for their team they will be kicked out.
    I don't think she should have been kicked out for expressing how she felt if anything make her do more conditioning but dont kick her off the team
    I dont think that the coach really had any right to kick her off the team, she was expressing how it all made her feel and it was not at school, and why would someone even show the coach? why did they feel then need to do they
    I feel like the coach should not have had the right to kick the girl off the team because she expressed her feelings. The girl did this outside of school and it happens daily everywhere it is just never reported to the coach.
    I don't think the coach should have been able to kick her off the team she was expressing her feelings. I mean if they would have just let her on the team in the first place this situation wouldn't have happened.
    I think it was wrong for her to be kicked off the team just because she was expressing her feelings. It didn't even happen at school so she should not get punished by the school.
    Here is another link to the story if the original is not available for you...
    i think he was right to kick her off the team because the speech wasn't appropriate and that represents the teams, but i also think that she had the right to say what she was thinking, just not in that way. if he kicked her off for expressing her thoughts in a different way, then that would not be okay.
    In my opinion the coach should not have been able to kick her off the team. She was simply expressing her emotions and feelings about school. Many students say stuff like this in school and don't get punished for it.
    I personally think that kicking her off the team was the right decision. Her speech directly affected the team, the coaches, and the school, and action needed to be taken so it was clear that inappropriate conduct won't be tolerated. If she had worded her thoughts differently, maybe the outcome wouldn't have been the same.
    I feel like they shouldn't punish her. She was off school and had the right to voice her opinion. The school can't do anything if she wasn't even on school grounds.
    I think in this specific case they shouldn't have kicked her off the team because she was expressing how she feels. She didn't say anything offensive and she wasn't specifically targeting people. If what she said was targeting someone negatively or she was targeting the coach then maybe it'd be a different story but she was vaguely expressing her feelings and I don't think there is anything wrong with what she said.
    I don't think she should have been kicked off the team because she wasn't directly targeting someone. She was just voicing how she felt, I don't think she should be punished for that.
    I don't think she should be allowed to be kicked off for this because with something like this there isn't really anyone in specific that this is aimed towards so there's no targeted harm.
    I feel like they had a right to kick her off of the team. I'm on a competitive dance team and if I say anything that bashes or offends people at or people that work at my studio, then I would be kicked off of the team. She posted a photo saying that she's done with cheerleading and that is definitely something that would cost her a spot on the team.
    I feel like that is the right to free speech and she shouldn't be punished, but at the same time if its F School and F Cheerleading then why do it? Why participate in it then? Seems stupid on her part and disrespectful to the team, which I can see why she should also get kicked off. Because they don want someone like her representing their team.
    I think that it was right for them to kick her off because on a team you want to have responsible and respectful teammates. What she did affect the wholes teams image so I agree with what was done
    I think this case is dumb and a waste of time. So what she said F school everyone does. She's also a teenager she should be focusing on more important things other than a case.
    Obviously, she shouldn't have said this but I think the punishment was a bit harsh and she shouldn't have gotten kicked off the team for this. Yes it was disrespectful and no okay but the punishment seems extreme.

Ban Trump? Not so fast. Florida is about to pass a law to stop Facebook and Twitter fro... - 11 views

    "Ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to… Football World Reacts To Michael Vick's Current 40 Time One of the nation's largest states is taking on Big Tech.  Pause Current Time 0:13 / Duration 7:08 Loaded: 7.04% Unmute 0 Fullscreen VP Harris speaks out in support of Newsom as he faces recall election Click to expand Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is likely to sign into law a bill that would prevent social media companies Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube from "deplatforming" politicians such as former President Donald Trump."
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    I disagree with the bill that prevents companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, from banning politicians. According to the bill, companies would have to notify people that their post will be removed/censored seven days before. I think that's too much time. The Capitol riot occurred within hours, not days. Also, it would also suggest that politicians are "special" and can get away with hateful posts for some time.
    I don't think they understand the first amendment only covers government institutions. They always site freedom of speech for things like this but companies have no reason to hold up that standard, they can censor any content they want because they aren't government institutions.
    I don't think this bill should be put in place. Like Jackie said, it makes it seem like politicians are special cases, and that they don't have to follow the online guidelines that we all follow.
    Florida shouldn't be able to control media outlets at all because they are all private entities that aren't affiliated with politics.
    I don't think that Flordia should be able to do this. They shouldn't be able to regulate what a privately own company does when a person using their product violates their rules.
    I completely agree with this idea. Social media cannot stop the president/ politicians from spreading their ideas and opinions as they shouldn't be able to for anyone else. They should get treated the same and if anything is better for us as people to see what they post and get better/ easier insights on their personal views. We have the right to know our president's views and they have the right to express them. Especially since so many people are on social media it helps educate people better than just reading what the news say that they say.
    I dont agree with this becuase it's dumb why would a state be able to control what a private owned company does or doesn't do.

North Korea warns of Very grave situation after Biden called it a security threat - 11 views

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    Personally i feel like this is a step backwards in our relations with North Korea. In Trumps presidency we created peace with North Korea rather than accusing them of a world threat and raising tensions.
    I think we need to be careful but North Korea is a terrible place and has a terrible leader who murders his own citizens. We can't be friends with them while their leader is going against American ideals and committing atrocities in his own country.
    I believe that North Korea is a threat but not one to the United States. He claimed before that we were within reach of his destruction but that wasn't the case. Kim called Biden ¨a rabid dog¨ so this seems to just be him showing that he doesn't like Biden and would prefer Trump.
    I think Kim Jong Un certainly has bad intentions, and he certainly is a threat. However, he's making empty threats because not only is the US military far stronger than North Korea's, but also because if North Korea launched an attack on any country, many other countries would immediately come to their aid and fight against N. Korea
    Yes, I think that we did take a step back from where we were with North Kora but honestly, I don´t see them as that much of a threat. I think that America´s army and tec is so ahead of North Kora that we're much more of a threat to them than they are to us. I think that most likely Kim Jong Un will continue to make threats like this but will never act on them. Hopefully, at some point, North Kora will be able to overcome being controlled by a dictator and can be treated fairly.
    North Korea is such a terrible place to even live with. We shouldn't try to "mess" with them and cause a bigger problem. This could cause us so much danger. Not only because the President has bad intentions, but also because they have more and bigger weapons than us.
    North Korea is a failing nation and really the only reason it doesn't fall as it is is because of china not wanting the influx of refuges fleeing there. When North Korea does all this show of it being a threat it's really not that much of a threat to the US because of the far greater military potential of the US. With Military bases around the world there's not really any way to wage an effective war against the US since they can strike anywhere, and countries know this and they know they couldn't win a war with the US so they will never try and ultimately North Korea will fall in on itself over time anyway.
    I wouldn't really call North Korea a major threat but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep an eye on them though. The Government has threatened the United States with an all-out war or a nuclear attack, but with no actual outcome. North Korea is a country that is bark with no bite. Our military arsenal is far superior in every way possible and for any country like North Korea were to attack us it would be their entire government brought down to rubbles. Saddam Hussein found out the hard way in Iraq.
    North Korea has always been an issue and I think they should keep an eye on them. We've almost always had issues with them it's hard to imagine being allies with them like that.
    North Korea has always been a threat to the U.S. because of how unpredictable they can be. We have literally always had problems with them.

Volunteers provide oxygen as India's COVID-19 cases near 20 million | Reuters - 16 views

    Do you guys think they should go into a lockdown? Do you think we should join the UK in sending aid to them?
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    I think India should seriously considering going into a lock down, even for a few days or weeks. That way it can contain the spread of the virus outbreak. Last year, we learned about the dangers of not containing this virus. I also think the U.S. should join the UK in helping them. I know our country has it's own problems, but if we can -- even just a little bit -- we should help others in the world during these tough times.
    i think that india should go into lockdown. cases are rising and if they don't quarantine, it will continue to rise
    They should consider a lockdown. So many people are getting sick, it's the best way to go. If they don't, who knows what could happen?
    they should definitely go on lockdown because it will just get worse and worse if they do not do anything right now when they should.
    I strongly feel that India should go on a breathly lockdown. The virus could spread more than it already is. With caution and responsibility, I feel like the numbers would go down by a lot. Now that covid has been going on for more than a year, we should think and do more research of how we should help others.
    I think for a country like India it's more complicated then just going into a lockdown. They have a population much higher than countries that have been able to successfully have lockdowns which makes it inherently much harder. On top of this India socioeconomic makeup make up is substantially poorer than countries that have had lockdowns as well. For a lot of India's population a lockdown just isn't viable, and you can see this in what happened in America as well where poorer people worked through lockdowns and because of this in poorer areas COVID spread easily. However this is a large portion of India's population, so this is an area where America needs to start exporting our extra vaccines since we have already had major success in our vaccine roll out and this is a grave situation
    I think India needs to go on a heavy lockdown. It's important that they take a lot of precautions because the virus could spread more than it already is and prevent another world lockdown from happening and keep other people safe. It would also help their numbers go down and to keep the threat of it spreading contained.
    India should go on lockdown right now when they can before it gets even worse for the people/
    With the severity of COVID in India, I think they need to come up with a strategic plan to control the virus. Whether that means a heavy lockdown or something else it's important they do something now before it gets even worse. They are in a terrible place right now with the amount of COVID cases and I don't think anyone wants to know what it will be like if it continues to get any worse.
    India definitely needs a lockdown right now. With COVID cases rising so drastically, this is the best possible thing for them to do to hopefully slow the spread of the virus.
    Understandably the severity of COVID-19 is extremely high, but India is also a third world country that relies heavily on their work force to bring in any kind of revenue for their government. In a country like India the governments respect for the residents is slim so while they should go into lock down I don't believe they will.
    They definitley need a lockdown as soon as possible. That could be a huge mess for India if covid isn't solved. I do think the US could provide aid I don't see why we couldn't?
    They should go on lockdown, it'd benefit them so things don't get worse. They are suffering and need as much help as possible so we should help them.
    I do believe they need to go into lockdown very soon so they can try to help keep themselves safe.
    I think they should go into lockdown to make sure everyone is safe.
    I think they should go to lockdown since covid is very bad there.

Advocates sound alarm as restrictive voting laws pile up | TheHill - 7 views

    People are trying to restrict voting rights, while other's are trying their hardest to expand them. States have already started to ban the bill that would expand on those rights and it's honestly sad.
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    The article discusses how states are trying to implement restrictive voting laws. I understand that after the 2020 election, there is a lot of suspicion surrounding voting fund. However, I think we should ensure that these new voting laws aren't another way to discourage people from voting. The article claims that voting fraud is "exceedingly rare," so it's clear that some legislators want to stop certain groups of people from voting to fit their needs, which is very wrong.
    voting restriction is the largest enemy of democracy and the fabricated campaign of voter fraud being an issue is terrible to go and say that with less than 2000 confirmed fraud cases in the last 40+ years there is a problem and that who can vote needs to be restricted is absurd this is no different than post civil war voting laws like a literacy test and the grandfather clause and the arguments supporting them are no different either
    Funny how the same people who say all lives matter are the people trying to restrict people's voting rights. I thought we were all equal??
    I feel like we shouldn't people's right to vote, it's a right that should be left alone.
    I don't think they should restrict the voting laws, it's fine as it is.

South Carolina adds firing squad to execution methods after running out of lethal-injec... - 20 views

    "Politicians in South Carolina have voted to add a firing squad to the state's execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs"
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    South Carolina has the electric chair and now a firing squad as their execution methods. It's absurd that the firing squad passed and that South Carolina is now the fourth state to allow this. Personally, I don't believe that there should be any execution methods and this just seems completely crazy to me that a firing squad is now one.
    I find it kind of funny they would use a firing squad. It is a waste of money and a lot more extra work and time spent on worthless people. I believe executions for those kinds of people should be quick, easy, and cheap. Firing squads just seem ridiculous especially since it's not like they are being attacked and need to use multiple people for one person.
    I don't understand why they would choose a firing squad of all things. I feel like there are more humane ways to execute someone but I suppose some people may want to go out with a bang.
    I don't understand why this is even a thing. No one should be sentenced to death and if they were sentenced to death, it should be a humane way, not a firing squad or electric chair.
    This is just stupid. This would be such a painful and awful way to go, even if you did something bad enough to get sentenced to death. Imagine what these people's families would be thinking, watching their son or daughter getting shot to death.
    I don't understand why South Carolina thinks this should be aloud. Granted the death would happen anyway but having people line up and shoot people just seems inhumane and unnecessary.
    I personally don't understand how they came to the decision that this was smart or found a way to justify it. I don't think that it is something that is going to be used in other states...hopefully. I think that this should be intervened by the national government considering how inhumane the idea is.
    I agree with Joey, this seems like a recreational activity that fire squads would enjoy participating in, rather than an act of justice.
    I think this is a pretty cruel punishment even for large criminals and seems like its more for the firing squad than it is about justice.
    Having a firing squad as an execution method is ridiculous. It's a cruel and inhumane punishment that shouldn't be used, and the fact that four states have it listed as an execution method is disturbing.
    I think that there should be a death penalty in cases where the criminal is too dangerous to be kept in captivity but a firing squad is an insane method. Not only is it a waste of money, time, and effort but do they really need a full firing squad for one person? That just makes no sense and seems nothing but cruel and disturbing.
    I disagree with this they should not be adding new way of execution. This a cruel way to punish people and it should not be allowed. There are other way to punish people other than getting violent.
    I think a firing squad is very extreme. I think the death penalty in general is very extreme. I can't believe South Carolina is the 4th state to allow this as well. There are definitely other ways to go about this than a firing squad or a death penalty at all.
    I don't believe as we are such an advanced society that we should resort back to such a harsh capital punishment.
    I can't see a death sentence not being a cruel punishment let alone the electric chair as the method, but South Carolina seeking to go further by adding the firing squad is even worse the fact that anyone would be convinced this is acceptable is astounding to me and shows the disconnect people have from the people around them
    I really hope they get more injections, so the executions can be more humane again
    Honestly, lethal injection isn't any better they still suffer even with that method so I don't really see a problem with this because they will be killed either way.
    I think a firing squad is a more humane death than lethal injection. Trained men with rifles and a well-placed shot to the head are the swiftest way to go.

New mask rules trust Americans will be honest about vaccine status - 15 views

    I think that all of us know that people are going to lie about their vaccine status. It will be interesting to see how stores and other public places are going to handle this new rule.
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    Honestly, the mandate is lifted (for Iowa at least) so if you do not want to wear a mask, vaccinated or not you shouldn't have to. It is your choice. And you should especially not have to have the vaccine to travel and put something in your body not proven to be safe or cause long-term effects. There are bigger problems to worry about than if Americans will lie and say they're vaccinated to not wear their mask especially if it's not mandated in the area.
    I am interested in how the cases will turn out now that more people are not wearing masks. If it gets too bad I'm sure something else will be put into place.
    I wonder how the government is going to force non vaccinated people to wear a mask. It is real easy to just say you're vaccinated when you really aren't.
    i don't think that people will be honest about their vaccinations only to not wear their mask. not everyone carries their vaccination card with them(although we should, i know i don't)
    I think this is going to be interesting to see. So many people were already refusing to wear masks and I think this might just make it worse.
    I don't think this was the right move, as America is nowhere close to herd immunity
    I have still seen people on social media that have admitted to not wearing masks and not getting vaccinated citing "My body, my choice". This is idiotic and people think that the government is out to get them and control them by wanting them to wear masks and getting the vaccine. There are also people who don't trust the vaccine for no good reason.
    I don't think many people are out there being honest. Many are going to think that if it isn't required why would they wear one? It's a lot of trust on something you don't have a definite answer for.
    now people might not be required to wear a mask if they are fully vaccinated so fewer people will stop wearing masks. Even people who are not vaccinated are going to use that excuse that "they are vaccinated"
    People are going to lie about being vaccinated, just like they lie about having a medical exemption. All we can do is hope that people will be honest.
    A lot of people now getting vaccinated, meaning that when they have their proper doses they don't need to wear a mask, which means that a lot of people will either be honest or lie to not wear a mask. It will be interesting how republic places will make people either wear their masks or not.
    Good discussion so far! I'll also point people to the new thread on the new Iowa law banning mask mandates in schools and local governments. Definitely some overlap in these topics.

Should people pump gas into plastic bags during the fuel shortage? Please don't, offici... - 16 views

    It amazes me that people would even think this is a good idea. What are your thoughts?
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    People should definitely not pump gas into plastic bags or any container that is not meant for gas. My main thought is that people shouldn't take more gasoline than they truly need. People stalking up on gas is just going to make the shortage worse than it already is.
    people hoarding gas in this situation only worsens the situation in a fuel shortage when you take more than you need you're just taking a conscious decision to disadvantage other people who wouldn't be able to get gas.
    I´m not surprised by this at this point. I had a gas can spill over in my car and I couldn't breathe when I was driving so I think it´s a hazard that so many people are driving around with bags of gas in their trunk that I bet not only leak but the gas probably destroys the plastic causing more leaks. Theoretically, you can ruin the gas this way not only by spilling it but by the plastic infecting it. It´s also just a bad idea in general to hoard gas because if it runs out at a slow pace the more likely there will be time to refill the stations.
    People need to stop putting gasoline into plastic bags because it's only causing more contamination to the planet. I think people instead should try to calm down and we try to figure out what to do about the fuel shortage.
    I don't think people realize that the gasoline will burn the plastic bags so you're pretty much wasting your money by the time you get home from the gas station.
    I feel like just because something became more expensive, doesn't mean you can get it while it is "cheaper" excessively.
    This is crazy to think that people actually do that and think that it's a good idea. Fighting to get to the gas first also isn't going to help, it will just start a craze and everyone going for gas will cause the prices to rise even more.
    It amazes me that people would even think this is a good idea and even try putting gas in a plastic bag.
    I feel like this is wrong and not even a safe, smart, efficient way to go about collecting fuel for yourself. And the people that are taking more than they need and know it are completely wrong, there are people who rely on that and being selfish is just ridiculous for them.
    I feel like this is just unsafe and not smart. If the bag broke they would spill everywhere, wasting more gas. Also, if there is gas in bags you're being selfish and could potentially put yourself in danger.
    What no who comes up with these ideas
    I thought this was dumb because they were scared of a shortage but like stocking up with gas would only be making it worse because they are helping the storage.
    This is not only idiotic but unsafe as well for so many obvious reasons. People scrambling and trying to hoard gas is only going to make this 'shortage' worse.
    This one of the stupidest things I've heard in a while. Why would anyone even think to do this? First off it's unsafe and hazardous and second just plain dumb. People need to not be greedy and just calm down with trying to hoard gas.
    What? No way. Not only is that a selfish thing to do, but it's dangerous as well. This could be like the toilet paper incident from the beginning of last year but for southerners.

Iowa Legislature passes, Reynolds signs bill banning mask mandates in schools | News | ... - 3 views

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    Many students asked my view on this law.... I will simply say that I have felt grateful that 99% of my students followed my classroom policies 99% of the time with regards to seating charts, sanitizing, masks, etc. They respected my classroom all year long even if they personally disagreed with that. Now because of this new law (which is based more on partisanship than science) I am in the opposite role and I will trust and respect the choices students make in the last week of school whether or not I personally agree with their view. I know how to make changes in government when I feel a need for change. As always, if you have an opinion on this topic, I would love for you to respectfully share it here.
    I do not believe the mandate should be lifted seeing as a lot of people are un-vaccinated, susceptible to COVID, and the herd immunity process is barely beginning. There's no way that we're going to eradicate COVID if we can't do the bare minimum of wearing masks. Most people don't even wash their hands for 20 seconds,and wear their masks under their nose. If we can't wear a mask correctly, can't wash our hands, and refuse to get vaccinated, I sincerely believe we might have to deal with COVID as we do with the flu by taking yearly shots and such.
    I personally believe that the mask mandate should not have been lifted. Yes, some people are vaccinated but there are not enough people vaccinated for herd immunity to work well. I also believe that she should have just waited to lift the mask mandate. We have gone through this whole school year wearing masks and for that to change overnight is just confusing to understand. She should have just waited until schools got out for summer and then lifted it if she really wanted to.
    I think the maks mandate should have been kept for a little longer, at least until more people are vaccinated

Iowa bans mask mandates in schools, cities after Reynolds signs law - 6 views

    I believe that it is good that the mask law has been lifted a little because Texas and Florida did it first and they have not had any negative results in doing so. What are your thoughts?
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    I think that it's about time for us to not have to wear masks anymore. We have had to wear them for a long time, and at this point, I feel like enough people are vaccinated or going to be vaccinated to lift the mask mandate.
    I think the mask mandate was lifted way too early. There are not nearly enough of us vaccinated to reach herd immunity and schools ends in the next week or two for the majority of schools in Iowa. I think it would have been much smarter to wait until next year to do so that way we could finish out the school year without disruption.
    I'm glad the mask mandate was lifted and a lot of people weren't really wearing them, to begin with, and a lot of people are getting vaccinated so I think a good step forward and getting closer to normal.
    don't really like this idea. It was lifted way too learnly. Most of the people who decided to take off their masks aren't even fully vaccinated. it will be sad when most of them die.
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