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Poll: Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - - 3 views

shared by jborwick on 18 Mar 15 - No Cached
    Hillary Clinton continues to be a dominant force heading into the 2016 presidential election, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. The former secretary of state maintains a broad lead over the field of potential Democratic challengers she could face in a nomination contest and sizable advantages over the leading contenders from the Republican side in general election match-ups.
    I would think what is going on in the media right now can hurt her in the Presidential run because people might think different of her so 2016 could get a little interesting.
    Honestly, in my opinion, and take it as you will, i think that people are just choosing Hillary so we can say we got the first female president. They don't care about anything she stands for. Just like with Obama, i asked many people before he was elected, and a majority said, well it'll be a thing "get the first african american president in, the next one we will get in for the right reasons. but lets get the first one in there." so i feel its the same with Hillary, everyone wants to get the first female in. 'then they'll vote the right one in for the right reasons'

In the Era of High-Tech Law Enforcement, Who Will Keep Our Privacy Safe? - 7 views

    While the Western world was watching and grieving over the slaughter in Paris last week, and my colleagues in the media were fomenting a meaningless debate about whether President Obama should have gone to Paris to participate in a televised parade, the feds took advantage of that diversion to reveal even more incursions into our liberties than we had known about.
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    I really don't like being watched by other people. We should think that we can talk to someone privately without someone knowing. BUt we can't, I really don't think we are free doing anything in our daily lives.
    Supposedly law enforcement having access to all of this information is in our best interest. But is it really? I know as well as you that there are some crooked cops out there. Who knows what they could do with that information. It does concern me that there are too many people that have access to everything we do or have on devices. This is a major violation of rights who is to say that they don't start violating our other rights just because it MIGHT keep us safer.
    I don't think that it's right that the government has a right to see our bills, listen to our phone calls, see our emails, etc. I think that if there isn't something that gives them a reason to suspect you they shouldn't be able to go through our stuff. In my opinion, it is absolutely ridiculous.
    This problem won't be faced until the populous takes action and that may take to long for the majority to realize the problem and the violation of privacy.
Bryan Pregon

Gun Rights Activists Sued Over Trump's Bump Stocks Ban - 0 views

    "The suit from three gun rights groups on Tuesday points out that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - a division of the Justice Department known as ATF - has repeatedly found that the devices cannot be banned by the National Firearms Act and Gun Control Act."
Bryan Pregon

Abortion laws in the US: Here are all the states pushing to restrict access - CNNPolitics - 2 views

    "These laws may be unenforceable because of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all 50 states. But abortion opponents are hoping that the legal challenges will serve as a vehicle for the Supreme Court to eventually overturn the Roe ruling."
    banning abortions is against the constitution because the 14th amendment gives a women the right to have a abortion or not
    While I personally agree that abortions should be legal, the 14th amendment doesn't give any particular rights to anyone. The 14th amendment basically just says the government can't take away the inalienable rights away from legal citizens (such as freedom of speech, press, religion, right to a trial, etc.) Nowhere in the constitution does it guarantee an abortion for any reason. That's the exact reason this debate is so large and divided. There are no legal standards because we've never had the technology for these procedures before. The only standard is the Roe v. Wade decision which essentially says that first trimester, there can be no regulations. Second trimester, the government can impose regulations that are reasonably related to maternal health. Third, states are allowed to entirely prohibit third-trimester abortions. But even Roe v. Wade is just a supreme court decision that can be overturned.

Shia LaBeouf Arrested After Allegedly Attacking 25-Year-Old During Anti-Trump Protest - 33 views

    Shia LaBeouf was arrested in New York early Thursday during a protest against President Donald Trump after he allegedly attacked a 25-year-old man - and video of the entire incident was posted online. The 30-year-old actor was taken into custody around 12:30 a.m.
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    Not only did Shia have the courage to do this, but he kept going which was his mistake, and all outside the museum with his art in it. This could lead to multiple up riots, maybe even more violence. But Shia got off about scott free.
    If you don't know the background of Shia, you wouldn't understand why he went off like that. First off, the man he was yelling at was a neo nazi. He had said 1488 which is a reference to Hitler and the holocaust. Shia is Jewish, his name literally means praise god in Hebrew. Shia may have gone too far if it were just a common mistake, but when your ancestors have been killed in WW2, you're not going to be happy. He shouldn't have been arrested, the white supremacist should've for representing hate.
    I agree with Deven the man was just picking a fight and he got exactly what he wanted, nothing against Shia.
    I think it was wrong for that person to say that to Shia LaBeouf, that guy just want to see how mad he would get, most did it on purpose.
    I think that the guy got what he deserved. Maybe Shia shouldn't be so aggressive towards opposing sides of politics, like supporters, protesters, ect, but you can't fix or control somebody else's behavior and beliefs. So, since the man was pushing Shia's rage on and on, Shia snapped, and I believe the man got what he deserved.
    Everyone has there opinions and beliefs obviously and everyone is not going to get along, when you act out and hurt people for expressing there opinions you cant expect to not get punished. Especially when your around lots of people, you can't expect to not do or say anything.
    Shia could've used less violence but in a way I don't blame him because the man was saying things that were really bad and offended shia.
    I agree with Deven and Sydney. The man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't all innocent but I don't blame him for his actions
    This is an example of growing tension between groups. nation seems divided by pro and anti trump people. the fact that people are speaking their mind is a positive, the fact that our president is causing so much negative uproar so early into his term is a negative.
    him using violence only builds support towards the opposite cause.
    The young man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't innocent but I don't blame him for what he did.
    I agree with Jake, this fight shows the nation being further separated between pro-trump people and anti-trump people.
    I agree with Lauren that the man was picking a fight and I also don't blame Shia for his actions either.
    I don't think it was right for Shia to do what he did but I don't blame him and I see why he did what he did.
    I think this is kind of stupid, Shia should have had the self control not to get into that type of interaction especially because he's a well known person it kind of puts a shadow over him in some ways
    Shia should of had some self control, but I see why he did it and don't blame him as well.
    I agree with Deven. The Neo Nazi was just trying to pick a fight because he knew Shia's background. I understand why Shia did what he did but maybe he does deserve some type of consequence for his actions. Even though the man was trying to pick a fight Shia could've easily just been the bigger person and should've had the self control to walk away.
    The man he attacked shouldn't have said what he said so I think Shia was justified to do what he did. The man was asking for it.
    I don't blame Shia for fighting this man. Shia could have taken care of it in a different manner but it was out of reaction and the man was pushing his limits. Shia should have not been taken into custody for this.
    I think he did nothing wrong, he was defending what he stood for and the Neo Nazi was saying unfair things.
    I think maybe hitting him was going far but he was telling this man to knock it off by what he did to him which is because ti disrupts the social environment. That wasn't the place for someone to talk about hitler and i think it was fine that he taught that man a lesson.
    I don't think Shia is wrong for fighting the man, but she could of did something different then fighting him.
    I agree with most of the comments above, The man that Shia attacked should have not said anything to him because the guy just wanted a reaction from him. Also Shia was in the wrong for attacking the man, he could have just walked away and not put his hands on the man.
    I believe that the comments of the man who claimed victim were wrong. However, everything comes down to perspective. The whole debate is whether or not Shia being arrested for assault was right or wrong. Both sides are at fault. Shia should have had more control especially due to his celebrity standing. Everything a celebrity does is under close inspection and is able to be blown way out of proportion. The man was obviously saying the things he was to get under Shia's skin. However, assaulting someone with physical scrathches being documented is immature. Be the bigger person and walk away.
    Shia LaBeouf attacked a 25-year old man for saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" outsid eo ghis museum. I believe he could have handled the situation better than the way he did, i understand he was sticking up for what he believes in but he could have approached the guy a different way.
    With all due respect, I don't believe that most people saying that he should react differently would handle the situation peacefully. You'd be outraged if there was a genocide of Christians that had happened not even a century ago, and a random stranger (knowing you are of that religion) said something similar to "Hitler did nothing wrong", you'd be livid. It is essentially implying "they deserved it." Yes, he has a right to share his opinion. But opinions are more along the lines of "I prefer coffee over tea", not "I think that Jews are less than human, therefore Hitler did nothing wrong because they deserve to die." But it's not simply that, it goes beyond the Holocaust. Jews were the world's scapegoat for CENTURIES before the Holocaust. They've been targeted for centuries, and if I were religious and devoted to my religion and somebody said that to me. I'd more than likely react the same way. Yes, Shia deserved to be punished, he assaulted the dude. But the other guy had it coming for egging him on at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.
    I think the man was trying to pull a publicity stunt on the actor because he's aware of some of his past actions and he purposely tried to get a rise out of him. Was it legal? Yes. Was it Right? No
    I agree with Reed, the person did this to get a rise out of the actor.
    The protester was clearly trying to upset Shia enough for him to attack him. Because once that happened, he was arrested and it was put all over the news, making him look like he attacked an innocent person for absolutely no reason.

Things Will Get Better. Seriously. - 26 views

    Personally, I think every day is a step forward in going back to our normal lives. We should be more hopeful and optimistic.
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    I think that we are going in the right direction more people are following mask rules. Of course some people will not but that is to be expected.
    I feel like that it is true that things are getting better, but we can't forget the HOW of how they're getting better. We need to continue following guidelines and wearing masks so that we can get back to normal.
    I think things will eventually get better but people have to be patient and do the things that they need to do.
    I think things are slowly getting better. We just need to be more patient.
    I agree that things are getting better. There's also an issue with too many people panicking making the situation seem worse than it is at times.
    I think things are slowly getting better but it is gonna take time and patience for everything to be fully normal again.
    Actually, I think is not, the coronavirus come to stay, and am pretty sure that Joe Biden is going to win,and he will change all the laws we know and been for almost all the time, and we have to be prepared because this year would be a hard year.
    I think things are really tough right now, but, I think things have gotten a little bit better. I think that everyone just needs to take the right precautions so we can go back to how things were.
    I think every day is a step forward in going back to our normal lives. We should be more hopeful and optimistic.
    I think that times right now can be scary and worrisome, but I do agree that we need to be more hopeful and optimistic for the future.
    I think things will also definitely get better. We all had to face issues in 2020 but we needed them to happen to learn and grow. I feel we are much stronger going into 2021 with everything that happened.
    I think this will end up being a tough change before things get better
    I think that even though covid has caused a lot of devastation it's also will lead to a lot of advancements that will help us in the following years. If we follow the guidelines and get through the next few months I think that things will get better.
    I think that thing will get better as well and hopefully it does so that things can go back to normal and so we can feel safe again and live our lives more freely.
    I think we can solve covid, it will become something like the flu so all we have to do is vaccinate each year. I think it will get better in the future.
    I feel like things will stay in the same state for a while. If people would learn to get a long and not make everything controversial we will eventually move forward and have a better society. But if people keep judging and hating on people because of their beliefs things will continue to go downhill.
    With masks now seen as a political statement and the many people who are not going to get the vaccine, I am very pessimistic about COVID going away as soon as people want it. With President Biden's new plan we should have enough vaccines to get everyone in America vaccinated. But from what I've seen there are just too many people who don't wear masks and won't get the vaccine.
    I don't think things will get better for a while since we have covid and other bad things going on
    Just because some restrictions are being lifted, it doesn't mean that things are getting better. By lifting these restrictions in restaurants, movie theatres, etc. we are actually making covid cases go up, ultimately making things worse.
    I think that things will in time get better, but it will defiantly take some time. Simply because no one was really ready for this pandemic to hit and so people who were struggling before are struggling worse. My hope is once the vaccine is widely rolled out things will really start up again.
    I think that we need to ease back into "normal" and this is still very far. People shoulnd't just believe that since things are starting to get better that they are.
    Yeah things will get better but if people want it to get better quicker they should listen and get vaccinated, the covid vaccine has proven that it is safe and works.

Volunteers provide oxygen as India's COVID-19 cases near 20 million | Reuters - 16 views

    Do you guys think they should go into a lockdown? Do you think we should join the UK in sending aid to them?
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    I think India should seriously considering going into a lock down, even for a few days or weeks. That way it can contain the spread of the virus outbreak. Last year, we learned about the dangers of not containing this virus. I also think the U.S. should join the UK in helping them. I know our country has it's own problems, but if we can -- even just a little bit -- we should help others in the world during these tough times.
    i think that india should go into lockdown. cases are rising and if they don't quarantine, it will continue to rise
    They should consider a lockdown. So many people are getting sick, it's the best way to go. If they don't, who knows what could happen?
    they should definitely go on lockdown because it will just get worse and worse if they do not do anything right now when they should.
    I strongly feel that India should go on a breathly lockdown. The virus could spread more than it already is. With caution and responsibility, I feel like the numbers would go down by a lot. Now that covid has been going on for more than a year, we should think and do more research of how we should help others.
    I think for a country like India it's more complicated then just going into a lockdown. They have a population much higher than countries that have been able to successfully have lockdowns which makes it inherently much harder. On top of this India socioeconomic makeup make up is substantially poorer than countries that have had lockdowns as well. For a lot of India's population a lockdown just isn't viable, and you can see this in what happened in America as well where poorer people worked through lockdowns and because of this in poorer areas COVID spread easily. However this is a large portion of India's population, so this is an area where America needs to start exporting our extra vaccines since we have already had major success in our vaccine roll out and this is a grave situation
    I think India needs to go on a heavy lockdown. It's important that they take a lot of precautions because the virus could spread more than it already is and prevent another world lockdown from happening and keep other people safe. It would also help their numbers go down and to keep the threat of it spreading contained.
    India should go on lockdown right now when they can before it gets even worse for the people/
    With the severity of COVID in India, I think they need to come up with a strategic plan to control the virus. Whether that means a heavy lockdown or something else it's important they do something now before it gets even worse. They are in a terrible place right now with the amount of COVID cases and I don't think anyone wants to know what it will be like if it continues to get any worse.
    India definitely needs a lockdown right now. With COVID cases rising so drastically, this is the best possible thing for them to do to hopefully slow the spread of the virus.
    Understandably the severity of COVID-19 is extremely high, but India is also a third world country that relies heavily on their work force to bring in any kind of revenue for their government. In a country like India the governments respect for the residents is slim so while they should go into lock down I don't believe they will.
    They definitley need a lockdown as soon as possible. That could be a huge mess for India if covid isn't solved. I do think the US could provide aid I don't see why we couldn't?
    They should go on lockdown, it'd benefit them so things don't get worse. They are suffering and need as much help as possible so we should help them.
    I do believe they need to go into lockdown very soon so they can try to help keep themselves safe.
    I think they should go into lockdown to make sure everyone is safe.
    I think they should go to lockdown since covid is very bad there.
Megan Funkhauser

Kansas teen won't apologize to governor's office for Twitter post - - 26 views

    updated 1:49 AM EST, Mon November 28, 2011 (CNN) -- A high school senior, who faces a Monday morning deadline to apologize to Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback for a disparaging tweet, has said she will not write the apology letter.
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    Good story
    I wouldn't apologize either, i think she's doing the right thing.
    Personally, I don't think he should be forced to apologize. Yes, his comments were hurtful, but as a public political figure you have to expect these kinds of negative comments. Plus, like the last line of the article said "the governor of Kansas has more important thing to worry about."
    very intristing
    It wasn't meant for anybody but her friends, it was simply an accident. They shouldn't be so worried about it but she is right about freedom of speech. I wonder what's going to be done about it.
    I think she should at least apologize. Although free speech is an unalienable right, everyone should still share opinions in a respectful manner.
    Interesting story.
    I like the story, its very interesting that the governor took the twitter post from the teenager to heart and requires an apology letter to be productive and move on, he should be focused on more important things.
    Not gonna lie, I've seen far worse things on Twitter.
    I find this story very interesting, I do agree that we have freedom of speech. However lying is not in our Constitution. There are multiple worse things that are posted on Facebook, and Twitter.
    When it takes a apology letter is needed to work with the gov then they need some one new to take that office. If it was his own kid then it is understandable. but when he does not know them then they shouldn't bother him as much as they have. and it is true that twitter holds many things that are far worse that deal with the gov't.
    Lots of comments on this story... looks like the Governor ended up making the apology... here is a followup article
    The girl was at no fault, even though she did not actually do the things she said in the tweet. Hundreds of millions of posts about politicians are posted every. If all of the politicians took the things said to heart the government would be in ever deeper trouble than they are now.
    She should be able to say what she wants. Freedom of speech
    yeah, she should have used her words more wisely, but freedom of speech is a very important law as long as it is not abused. I'm glad everything worked out, and the gov. corrected himself.
    that girl was a meanie bo-beanie
    She should have the freedom to voice her opinion however she wants
    Teenagers these days have no respect for adults and Authority.
    at least she was voicing her opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    she shouldn't even have to apologize for anything like freedom of expression so she has all right to post what ever she wants on twitter isn't that what it was made for to post things your thinking of or your opinion on something
Bryan Pregon

Acquitted again by Senate, Trump still a powerful force in Republican politics | Reuters - 31 views

    There are MANY issues to discuss in this article. Now that the Impeachment trial is finished, I am interested to see what your thoughts on this process are and if you have any predictions of the future of politics for Donald Trump and the Republican party!
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    Because of all of the people who are in the Republican party, and very strong with their beliefs in this party, I feel that future elections are going to have more Republican votes and we will have the same thing happen with what happened with Donald Trump. I feel that Trump will make some sort of comeback with his belief that the election was rigged with the fact he did not "win" and will make another appearance in politics or any other form of big media.
    The Republican Party is a joke. Over the past four years, it has turned into the party of Trump and little else. I fully expect, nothing else considered, that he will run for president again in 2024. Unfortunately, politics aren't much better on in the Democratic party. Due to the influx of "Never Trump" Republicans being welcomed with open arms into the Democratic Party, they've been shoved further to the right than ever before. America lacks an opposition on anything but optics. I expect American politics to take a hard right-wing turn in the next few years, or at minimum America's swing to the right will continue in full-force.
    I fully expect Trump to run again for president in 2024 as well as an exponential amount more in votes towards the republican party.
    I will expect Trump to run again in 2024 if or after the people see that voting him out of office goes and if they like this better then i dont think he will.
    I expect that Trump will more then likely end up running for president again. You can see that the people currently in power don't want that because of how hard they are trying to impeach him so he can't run again.
    I think that the amount of power he has over the republican party is insane. It makes sense that a lot of Republicans would vote for him but because the ones that went against him received immediate backlash it makes me wonder if truly people voted for what they truly wanted or ensure that they still had a positive image.
    i think trump is smart enough to know that he does not have a chance of winning in 2024. I also disagree with Brandon, saying the republican party is a joke could make a few people mad, that would be like saying the democratic party is full of snow flakes. these are people beliefs while we may have different ones we still need to respect one another. Respect is key in this world its time we start showing some.
    I think Trump did a lot of monumental things throughout his presidency (not all for good reasons). Although I wouldn't doubt him to run again for president in the future I think he knows he wouldn't win. I think he has caused problems that will last for years to come. Trump holds a lot of power within the Republican party and has always made sure it's been known. I think people are genuinely scared of him due to the power he holds. I don't want someone running my country that is feared by its people.
    I agree with everyone who says that Trump will likely try to run again at some point. When he left office, he even said something about how he would try to be in politics later again. He still has a lot of supporters who will try to get him into office. However, if he didn't win this election, especially against Biden, I don't think he'll win another. In 2024, most Gen Zs will be able to vote, and based on what I've seen on social media, a lot of young people are not agreeing with Trump. Therefore, I doubt he would win popular vote and- most likely- he won't win electoral vote either.
    Great to read comments so far... does anyone want to give thoughts on whether you think the Republican party leaders will embrace the Trump voter-base to avoid having him run as a third party in 2024 (which could split the support they need to defeat Democrats)
    I think the Republican Party will be forced to embrace the Trump voter-base. If Trump was to create his own party, I think there's a very real possibility it could become more popular than the republican party. As the article stated, 70% of Republicans believed that Trump being acquitted was the right decision which is a very large majority. This alone shows that he still has a lot of his influence in the party, but his run as a republican president was marked by him tailoring the party to fit around him and not necessarily the actual ideals of the Republican party. The amount of people he got to to the capitol off of just one rally illustrates their attachment to him rather than the party. So if Trump was to detach himself from the party then since his voter-base is attached to him rather than the party they would very likely come with him and undoubtedly take an irreparable number of voters from the republican party, but in worst-case scenario takes a majority leaving Trump on top of the Republican party.
    I disagree with what Jackie said about how Trump won't have a chance against Biden in the next election because in the past president Stephan Grover Cleveland served two term that were not consecutive. So it is possible it's probably just more difficult.
    I think that Trump is going to run again maybe in the next election, saying he'd be in politics again in the future. He just made a mess of everything, if he does run again, I doubt he'd become president since this election showed there were more people against him rather than with him. This whole impeachment thing is just whack.
    I don't completely understand the Freedom of Speech compared to the Inciting of a Riot. I think that what he said invited the people to the capital and was inciting it, but if you compare that to having the freedom of speech, then why can he say this and not get in trouble. Anyways, even if he hadn't completely incited the riot, he was continuously tweeting about how the "patriots" were doing nothing wrong... okay... His video which he had released was considerably compared to someone speaking to children reminding them that he "loved" them and to be safe. He was trying to "cover" it up by putting out the video by making it seem as if there were no consequences to their actions and to just leave as if what they weren't doing was illegal. I think that if the voters were able to vote anonymously, that the outcome would have definitely turned out much different.
    i agree with the people saying trump will try to run again but i think his chances of winning are very low despite the fact that he still has tons of supporters. i think the only way trump would win is if Biden really messed things up in these next four years.
    I would not be shocked if Trump runs again but it might be a little harder for him. We will see how Biden does for the next four years. If he does goof things I'm guessing more people will like him more.
    I agree with the people saying that Trump will run for president again in 2024. He may have a lot of people that hate him, especially people of power that influence the majority of people, but he has many supporters as well. This makes his chances of winning lower. But also, I think that by that time more people may choose him after Biden being president because already, people regret voting for him after new revelations.
    The reason Donald Trump has so much power and influence over the Republican party is that to republicans he was the last "hope" with the Bush's not being eligible and with no predecessors, Trump was easily able to take the spot of the GOP frontrunner in the 2016 election and with a very split four years that brought the country to more diverse levels(falls on both party lines) Trump's impact was easily picked up by republicans, look at MO Sen. Hawley who was one of the congressional leaders on Jan. 6th who voted to overturn the election results and the impeachment trial just recently. No matter if Trump runs we know he will stay in the political light and his influence will be heavily given to republicans in congress and the GOP front runner for 2024 wont be to far from Trumps ideology.
    I also agree with the ones saying that Trump has extreme power over the Republican party. We all know he said he was going to try again to get back on the reelection path. He might be very supported by his own party but it doesn't mean that others will
    I agree that Trump will run for president in 2024. But even though he has power over the Republican party, I think it'll be harder for him to win. After the whole situation with the capital building, I think some of his supporters have been rethinking their support of him.
    I agree that Trump will run for president when he gets the chance again but it is hard to say if he will even be president again after what he did with the capital.
    Trump said he will be running for president in 2024. I believe it's going to be hard for him to win After the capital situation because it showed he's not accountable for his actions
Bryan Pregon

Manning plea statement: Americans had a right to know 'true cost of war' - 1 views

    "Bradley Manning, the solider accused of the biggest unauthorised disclosure of state secrets in US history, has admitted for the first time to being the source of the leak, telling a military court that he passed the information to a whistleblowing website because he believed the American people had a right to know the "true costs of war"."
Melissa Diaz-Aguilera


    Interesting issue. Biological father suing for visitation rights for baby he relinquished custody over when he and girlfriend put the infant up for adoption. I am curious to know what you think should happen.
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    I think that the adoptive parents should be able to keep the child because I agree with the adoptive father they should not be able to use the tribe law when the child was given up for adoption even after the child was born so she was never taken away from the tribe.
    I think that her Biological father should actually get a chance to raise his daughter but It's interesting since in today's day and age there are some parents that give away there babies but then they realize they shouldn't have since they would have been able to take care of themselves and the baby, In some cases when the children are returned to there biological parents instead of there adopted parents it can actually be healthier and better for them.
    I feel bad for both sides of this issue and most of all the child in which it involves. Although I believe that the child should be in custody of their biological father.
    These situations are always sad in my opinion. I really feel bad for the biological father but I don't think he should get custody of his daughter. He signed away his custodial rights for whatever reason and he shouldn't, in my opinion, be able to back track on that after his daughter was adopted by another couple. The adoptive couple raised her for two years and they formed a bond and loving relationship which would be unfair to both the couple and the little girl to take away because the father decided to "take back" his custodial rights after giving them up.
Megan Frush

Giffords, Kelly launch gun control initiative - 1 views

    I think it is good that Giffords is pushing for gun control because I believe that we need it.
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    ya its nice that she has taken such a tragic event and used it to try and prevent more shootings in the future
    Should we focus on gun control or preventing violence in general? This is a pretty interesting follow up: "US suffers far more violent deaths than any other wealthy nation, says a new study"
    i am all for freedom but when it comes to gun control people in general should know that if their children or themselves know they have a mental health disorder that they shouldn't have guns in their house or in cases they have children with mental disorders keep them in a gun cabinet and hold on to the key
    Gun cabinets are just as easy for kids to break into even if the kids do not have the key. I don't think you should not include people with disabilities from being able to have firearms in their homes, it may not be the safest thing but it is still a right that they have. Most people who have firearms in their homes have them to protect themselves and their families, not to harm other people. I think we need stricter gun laws for everyone, not just certain people.
    I think that the government should force people to own a gun safe big enough for all of the guns they own. We can't just take away guns! One way or another people are going to go out of their way to kill people.
    I agree with you, Grayson. The government should make people own a gun safe to store all of their weapons. It is dangerous for guns to be located somewhere where anyone can get their hands on them. Despite that fact, the second amendment gives you the right to own weapons. Although there have been many gun crimes in the United States, lately, you cannot take away that right. Just because some people handle weapons irresponsibly, all people should not be punished for it.
    i do like my guns and i dont want the government telling me i cant have them. taking guns away wont stop murders it will just make them happen in a different way
Bryan Pregon

Georgia high school to host first integrated prom - 4 views

    "Students at one south Georgia high school share classrooms and sports fields; but, they don't share the same prom." Welcome to 2013. How far have we come in fighting segregation... not far enough.
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    This is just wrong. The students are being segregated because of their race and color. Shouldn't racism be illegal? especially in schools!
    I think having separate dances based on color is just wrong. If they can attend the same school, games and classes, then they should also be allowed to attend the dances with their friends, no matter their color.
    I can't believe to this day that there are people separating blacks from whites in some kind of activity. They share the same class rooms and everything else. Why can't they attend the same prom together? It amazes me how people think that they need to separate prom by the color of their skin.
    I can't believe there is a school that integrated but yet they separate dances for the students? I think what the girls are trying to do is a good idea cause there isn't a good enough reason for the school to have separate dances.
    I didn´t know segregation still was a problem.. This is annoying they have seperate proms for the races. It blows my mind how one can dislike and discourage people of a different color and race. We are all human beings.
    I think the fact that there is still segregation at all means the government isn't doing its job. They need to crack down on stuff like this.
    Even now there's still a problem segregation. Having two different proms for whites and colored kids is crazy.
    I didn't know schools were still allowed to do this. I don't understand why they can play sports together but not go to dances together.
    I thought segregation was no more but guess I was wrong. It doesn't make sense that they can play sports and attend other activities but they cant attend prom together. This isn't right!
    They shouldn't be able to do that. Th government ordered desegregation for schools in the 50's with the rights movement.
    Oh gosh, I'm pretty sure it feels like a slap in the face to the people who can't go to the "white" prom because they are black. I didn't even know they still did that. Or the fact that they were allowed too. It doesn't make any sense to me that they can have sports together but not dances?! Boggles my mind.
    Its sad how their are still people out their that believe this is the right thing to do. I mean come on its a school dance they have these students do everything else together whats the point in separating them for a dance.
    I can't believe this stuff still exist. The football team is segregated but the prom isn't? What took so long?
    Is this even legal?
Bryan Pregon

Facebook vs Gang Crime - 2 views

    "How authorities use online activity to fight gang-related crime"
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    I think the internet in general is such a great resource and If that means the authorities use it to crack down on suspects more power to them! If the suspect post about those illegal activities then its there own fault. I think what many people don't realize is even If you delete something of of Facebook It never really goes away Its on the internet for everyone to see for forever.
    I agree with Hope on this, once it's posted, it's posted. Even if you delete it, its still there.
    They know the risks if they post something. They know what they are putting out there and if they do they deserve it for at least not being sneaky.
    The legality of this is interesting. I would assume that I do have some right to privacy upon getting online, but I also know that I am on something anyone can view at almost any time. So I would have to ask myself a few things if I were to determine the legality of this. 1. Is facebook public even if you have privacy settings? 2. Do privacy settings give you a right to privacy online 3. Is there an assumption of risk for posting anything online? This is interesting to me, I mean, I assume that I have a right to what I text a friend to be a private conversation between my friend and myself. I also know that every text I send, a copy is sent to be stored somewhere, somehow, and can be accessed by someone with legal authority.
    Hope worded this perfectly, I couldn't have done better myself. People need to be more aware of how permanent and public the internet is. Think twice before posting online. Try to brainstorm all the possible consequences of what you are posting.
Mallory Huggins

Oops, I left my sexual orientation at home - 5 views

    I think that is crazy, why people think that some people would choose to be tortured everyday is beyond me. I mean come on. I think this issue should just resolve like now, yes I understand that in the bible it says that homosexuality is a sin. But God made you who you are. People have to understand that, obviously there is a plan, it just hasn't showed itself to everyone yet. Being Homosexual is a life, if a Heterosexual stepped into a Homosexual's life for one day they would understand that they go through so much crap constantly. I think if it was just passed as a law people would forget about it. And everything in the world would be a lot less hectic. P.S.... I love the translation at the bottom!! That is hilarious!! :D
    my whole view on this is that it is ridiculous. gay people should get their rights already.
    In all reality..... If Religion is your reason to say, "Being gay is not okay," then you really need to know your history. First, Christmas, if I recall the documentary that I watched not to long ago correctly, was a time for grown men to beat there wives, and go out and have "gay sex" with each other? So, if you denounce gay marriage because of Catholicism, or Christianity, you just denounced Christmas. Second, for those of you who are Hindustan, you have a celebrated holiday that is for 2 guys, and 1 girl, to "get it on." It's called Karma Sutra. Yeah, religion should not be allowed to interfere in America's choice to permit/deny gay marriage, and not just for those 2 reasons. (Those reasons being that the religions allow it themselves, yet say it is not okay.) Let's just read out constitution. We've all heard, "Freedom of Religion," before, right? Well, right there, religion should not be allowed to found a reason as to deny gay relationships. To add, let us look at the Declaration of Independence, "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Pursuit of happiness includes marriage correct? If so, define marriage Religion definition: The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. Actual definition: Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people called spouses that creates kinship. Just by out constitutional freedoms, and foundations, most of it points in the direction of gay marriage should be legal, which Jenny, is why I agree with you. As for being gay being something you can fix, don't think so. I don't see people changing there skin color. (Except Micheal Jackson, but we all still know that he was not as light-toned as that.) Do you see people choosing there eye color? Either that is one expensive (or failed) surgery, or it does not happen. I don't think you are capable of changing the way someone is born, (unless it changes your physical appearance, which does not change you
Bryan Pregon

Senate to vote Wednesday to override 9/11 lawsuit bill veto - - 7 views

    "The Senate will vote Wednesday to override President Barack Obama's veto of a bill to give victims and families of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the legal right to sue Saudi Arabia for any purported role in the plot, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday."
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    I like what he is trying to do by helping those people, but I also think that it isn't worth it. It happened so long ago that they should bring up all of the pain again. Everyone might not sue them but if so many people do then that sounds to me like an unfair trial kind of thing. A lot of money against them I don't think they should get this law passed. Also that may hurt the whole city and the whole city didn't want those attacks to happen, only the extremist. Taking away that money from the city can make it fail.
    In my opinion people need to get over the whole 9/11 attack. Sure it was a big deal, but the culprits have been found and executed. This whole thing with Saudi Arabia being involved is absolutely ludicrous.
    I agree with Obama that those people should not have the right to sue Saudi Arabis because its not all those peoples fault.
madi christensen

Meryl Streep attacks Trump in Golden Globes acceptance speech - 5 views

    "In her nearly 6-minute address, the actress highlighted the importance of the "most vilified segments in American society right now" -- "Hollywood, foreigners and the press." Without referencing him by name, the actress also blasted president-elect Donald Trump for mocking a reporter with a disability in 2015."
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    I think "attack" is not necessarily the appropriate word for this particular situation... Everyone is entitled there opinion, and I see how some people could find this unprofessional to do it at such an event like the Golden Globes. I was watching at the time when she said what she did, and the audience applauded her afterwards, so overall I believe that Meryl stated her opinion and theirs nothing wrong with that. I am not for sure, but I do know that these actors are asked to give speeches before hand and rehearse before the show... and she must have been given the right to give the speech anyway, possibly to start talk and get attention.
    I agree with delanie because everyone is entitled there opinion. But at the same time, i don't think that this was the time or place to bring it up. But in the same way, it needs to be brought up, just not in that setting.
    I agree with delaniehubbard because I wouldn't consider it an attack. Meryl was just stating that she didn't think that what Trump did was appropriate. I think it was right for her to address this and she was also correct when she said "This instinct to humiliate when it's modeled by someone in the public ... by someone powerful, it filters down into everyone's life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same." Its not correct for someone that will be the next president to be doing this, because its disrespectful
    I agree with delanie because everyone does have their own opinion
    I think that Streep calling out Trump was very appropriate. When Kanye called out Taylor Swift years ago at an awards show it was glorified so I don't think that a highly respected woman who is voicing her opinion over serious conflict, not trying to start drama or a "twitter war" is very appropriate and is in no way a problem. I agree with everything Streep said and I'm sure many people in the audience and viewing the award show did also.
    Definitely agree with these guys, attack would be pushing it too much. She didn't like what Trump did was all not an attack, even though it was disrespectful, not an attack.
    Trump never attacked an disabled person. The reporter was was normal except that one hand really? The press is going retarded. The hand gestures he did he used that on everyone. He used it on ted Cruz, macro rubio, and obama, But oh no Trump is making fun of someone. Stupid press. Than when she called him out that completely stupid. For one it was lie like i said he never did. For two she was just trying to gain attention, and make everyone feel bad for her. For three she went completely off topic. She is just as pathetic as the press.
Bryan Pregon

Iowa bill would let women sue doctor after abortion - 9 views

    "Iowa bill would let women sue doctor after abortion"
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    It is a women's choice to choose abortion but you have to make sure it's what you want. if you feel you made the wrong choice, you should deal with it because the doctors did what you wanted.
    I think that this is stupid because the article says that it's a difficult decision for the woman, and that they should get a recourse if they have mental health issues because of the decision. It's the woman's choice to have it done so why should she get money back for her mistake, the doctor has no choice in doing the procedure so they should not get sued for doing their job.
    It was the women's choice to get the abortion in the first place. Which means that they wanted the doctor to the procedure. It is NOT the doctors fault if you get an abortion and then feel bad about it. You should NOT be able to sue the doctor for emotional damage. I can understand physical damage only if the doctor did not do the procedure right and the physical damage is because of that. But emotional damage is total ..... Anyway, in the article it says "that many studies show that only a small percentage of women regret their abortions." Regret is NOT the same as emotional damage. Just because you REGRET something that YOU did does NOT mean that you can put all blame on the doctor because of a decision that YOU made. "Chelgren's emotional distress bill says a woman could sue the doctor who performed the abortion anytime during her lifetime." this means that you could have had an abortion 20 years ago and then sue the doctor. It doesn't even make sence and it is NOT the doctors fault for doing his or her job.
    I agree with Kelsi because it is the women's choice to have the abortion in the first place and its the doctors job to do the procedure. The doctor did not make the choice, the women did, the doctors are just doing their job. It's like suing a dog for peeing in the wrong place. It's just ridiculous. The only thing it will accomplish is putting abortion clinics out of business causing people to try aborting the child on their own which can cause a lot more deaths.
    I agree with kelsi, I don't think women should be able to sue a doctor for an abortion she choose. The doctor gives you a choose if you want an abortion. You can't blame the doctor of your mistake.Women have a choice and if they decide to have an abortion and if she regret later, then you have to deal with it.
    I agree with Sydney, this is ridiculous. It was the woman's decision in the first place, the doctor is just doing his job so I think it's unjust to sue them if they later regret their decision.
    I agree with Kelsi! The doctor is doing his job and I think that once a woman has made a choice to or to not to get an abortion, there should be a contract signed that before the doctor does the actual abortion the woman can not sue later in the future. Its not like the doctor is forcing you to get an abortion they are only doing it for the sake of the woman's decision.
    I agree with Sydney and Lauren. It was the woman's choice to get the abortion. Not the Doctor. They shouldn't be able to sue because they had a change of heart and thought they made the wrong decision.
    I think that when women choose to have an abortion they are giving the doctor permission to kill their baby. Its not the Doctors fault their just there to make sure you have the procedure done right. Everyone is aware of the emotion damage of losing a child.
    Its the woman's decision not the doctors. There just doing there job and if they could be sued for it then no doctor is gonna do it.
    Women should not have the right to sue the doctor for carrying out their act kill their baby, because with their body their choice saying, their choice, their consequence not the doctors.
    I don't think that women should be able to sue a doctor due to emotional distress after they gave consent to the doctor to go through with the procedure. If they have emotional distress they should blame themselves because they were the one who decided to have an abortion. Now if a doctor forced it then i can see why she would sue.
    i think that a women should not be able to sue a doctor for her choice of having an abortion
    I agree with Sydney, Lauren, and Landon. You made the choice of getting the abortion, and the doctor just did what you wanted. YOU should have made sure that it was the choice you wanted.
Bryan Pregon

Disinterest and apathy are crushing it in the US elections right now - Quartz - 0 views

    "Disinterest and apathy are crushing it in the US elections right now"
Bryan Pregon

Justice Department challenges North Carolina transgender law - - 3 views

    "The Justice Department has sent a letter to the North Carolina governor and state university system leaders notifying them that the state's transgender law violates the U.S. Civil Rights Act, according to a Justice Department official."
    North Carolina has set a new transgender law that prohibits people from entering a bathroom that is different from their biological sex. The Justice Department is challenging this law and how it goes with our nations rights.
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