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Tracy Watanabe

8 Great Sites for Reluctant Writers « Ed Tech Ideas - 0 views

  •  Storyjumper
  • Read Write Think Printing Press
  • Kerpoof
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Story Starters
  • My StoryMaker
  • Writing With Writers
  • Zoo Burst
  •  Bitstrips
  • EdTechIdeas: These sites can be great tools to help struggling writers, as well as kids who love to write.  I’ve seen my students so excited about story writing with StoryJumper and Kerpoof. The Printing Press makes it quick and easy for elementary kids to create nice looking publications. Story Starters is a quick go-to tool when you’re in need of prompts.
    Great ideas
    Great ideas
Shauna Hamman

SRP: Instructional material - 0 views

    They have tons of free resources for Arizona teachers to order. Lots of them could be used across the curriculum.
Tracy Watanabe

Transforming Education - YouTube - 0 views

    Great video capturing the power of 21st century learning and 1:1 in Kindergarten. -- They don't need the devices to be 21st century learners that's where the PBL comes in... The devices just makes it easier to connect beyond the four walls and create and learn from an authentic audience outside the classroom.
Tracy Watanabe

Science Projects Experiments, Educational Toys & Science Toys - 0 views

    Great science experiments you can try!
Tracy Watanabe

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » ABC Mouse: math, reading, geography, and s... - 0 views

  • What it is:  ABC Mouse is a complete online curriculum for pre-k and kindergarten students that provides a step-by-step learning path.  There are six academic levels that include curriculum that includes over 350 interactive lessons and more than 2000 learning activities. 
  • This is a comprehensive, well put together site that is FREE to public schools in the United States and Canada.  It is a wonderful addition to the kindergarten classroom!
  • How to integrate ABC Mouse into the classroom:  ABC Mouse is a fun website.  Activities in ABC Mouse are fantastic for center use in a one-two computer classroom (or more).  The activities and games are short enough for a center activity that students can cycle through.
Tracy Watanabe

Lessons - Science NetLinks - 0 views

    Find Lessons for K-12 in earth science, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, health/medicine, engineering, social sciences, technology, math/statistics, nature of science, careers. All lessons at ScienceNetLinks include: 1. Purpose (essential question explained) 2. Context (content knowledge and application to real world 3. Motivation (advance organizer serving as a entry event building on need to know) 4. Development (specific lesson plans and scaffolding) 5. Assessment (range of formative, summative, content specific, and 21st century) 6. Extensions ( next steps, scaffolding, and differentiation) 7. Related resources (useful for related investigation). -- @mjgormans
Tracy Watanabe

Writing Contest - So You Wanna Be a DogEared Blogger for National Geographic Kids? - 0 views

    Authentic purpose & audience Contest for ages 9-14
Tracy Watanabe

Qwiki - 0 views

    Great for finding a video to help with background knowledge
Tracy Watanabe

A Place Called Kindergarten - 0 views

    This is a great example of a kindergarten's class blog... and there are tons of ideas/resources for you!
Tracy Watanabe

50 Must-See Teacher Blogs Chosen By You | Edudemic - 0 views

  • In a world of social media and connectivity, what role does a blog play for teachers? Is it worth having one?
  • . It’s a place for authors to craft their thoughts in long-form statements that wouldn’t be possible or appropriate for social networks. It’s also become quite apparent that some of the best articles I’ve read all year were on teacher blogs.
Tracy Watanabe

Mr. Salsich's Class - Juan Pablo Asks a Question - 0 views

    What can you do if you are reading and you aren't understanding what you are reading? Great discussion prompt by Juan Pablo, the frog. Add your response to the comments...
Tracy Watanabe

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Mrs. Yollis' Class Journeys to South America! - 0 views

    Just a reminder of this awesome resource and how Mrs. Yollis uses it. and it's FREE!
Tracy Watanabe

Mr. Salsich's Class - Grinding Cornmeal - 0 views

    If your curriculum includes Native American culture, this would be a relevant post to get students discussing prior knowledge, and writing their thoughts down as comments (or have them dictate what to write and do a whole group comment by modeling for them how to collect their ideas and form a comment/friendly letter).
Tracy Watanabe

Glogster Learning Stations & iHybrids « techchef4u - 0 views

  • Word Problem Videos:
  • Recording Sheet
  • Glogster Learning Station
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • While this is a teacher-created station, the idea is so simple that students could create their own learning centers or create resources for a classroom learning station
    Fabulous ideas for math learning stations with iPads (but it could give you some ideas for other subjects too!)
Tracy Watanabe

Engineering Interact - Interactive science & engineering for 9-11 year olds - 0 views

    great for 45th-5th grades
Tracy Watanabe

Common Core Map | Khan Academy - 0 views

    Common Core math videos for K-12
Tawnya Woronec

Get Involved - Curriculum Materials - 0 views

    California Gold Rush Curriculum for 4th, 5th, 8th, & 11th grades
Tracy Watanabe

10 Steps to Managing Cooperative, Project-Based Learning Groups | 1 to 1 Schools - 0 views

  • Even with these tools, scaf­fold­ing is nec­es­sary.
  • 1. Con­tent Comes First Be clear about how stu­dent projects will be eval­u­ated
  • 2: Choose and Defend A Par­tic­u­lar Pre­sen­ta­tion For­mat Once stu­dents know what they want to com­mu­ni­cate, they can begin dis­cussing the clear­est means for com­mu­ni­cat­ing their ideas.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 3. Stu­dents “Divide and Con­quer” the Work­load
  • Divi­sion of labor should be explicit
  • Crit­i­cal ques­tions are: What needs to be writ­ten? Can that be divided into chunks? What needs to be pur­chased? Who wants to go where? When? What needs to be researched/read? Can that be divided? Can the project be divided into sec­tions so that each stu­dent is respon­si­ble for one of those sec­tions? Posters can be divided into sec­tions — Who will be respon­si­ble for which sec­tions? Pre­sen­ta­tions are divided into slides — Who will be respon­si­ble for which slides? iMovie sec­tions can be pro­duced on sep­a­rate com­put­ers and assem­bled in the end — Who will be respon­si­ble for which sec­tion? Prezis work like Pre­sen­ta­tions - Who will be respon­si­ble for each part?
  • 4. Stu­dents Plan a Time­line Time man­age­ment is one of those crit­i­cal skills that is miss­ing from the writ­ten cur­ricu­lum. The key is back­ward planning.
  • 5. Group mem­bers work as Indi­vid­u­als After stu­dents have decided on con­tent, defended a for­mat for pre­sen­ta­tion, and “divided-to-conquer” the work, they can be mean­ing­fully engaged in their own mini-projects. Each work ses­sions should have a work goal. M
  • 6. Indi­vid­u­als Com­ment on Part­ners’ Pieces Dur­ing the revi­sion and assem­bly stages, some trouble-shooting may be necessary.
  • 7. Groups Reflect on Their Work Finally, the group needs to come together and com­ment on the “fit” of all the parts.
  • 8. Allow Groups to see other Groups’ Work Some stu­dents are risk-averse. They want to work on project for­mats they know. But when they see oth­ers’ work, they have a frame­work they can use when con­sid­er­ing for­mats for other projects.
  • 9. Use Projects to Inform Report Card Com­ments Those who chose to make Prezis don’t know this, but I jot­ted down a quick report card com­ment about self-motivated learn­ing.
  • 10. Cel­e­brate! Stu­dents should cel­e­brate work well done.
Tracy Watanabe

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Super Math World - 0 views

  • Super Math World isn’t a totally free site but it does have a LOT of free content that kids can access. 
  • Free topics include: adding, measures, number patterns, percentages, place value, area, estimating, fractions, negative numbers, set theory, venn diagrams, and series.  The kids will enjoy the arcade-like practice area.
  • How to integrate Super Math World into the classroom:  Super Math World makes a great computer center activity during math.  The games are quick-enough that students can filter through classroom computers for their turn over a few periods.  The games would also make fun whole-class interactive whiteboard games.  These are intended to be one player, so you can split your students into teams and have them take turns at the board. 
Tracy Watanabe

AAAS - AAAS News Release - "SCIENCE Honors Electron Bugscope Project with SPORE Award" - 0 views

    K-12 FREE Opportunity: If your students investigate bugs, use a microscope, need an authentic purpose for research, I'd like to suggest partnering with Bugscope. You get to collaborate with expert scientists to explore bugs (i.e. looking at a bug's tongue). You would do this all via the internet. It looks amazing! Below is a response from them, with an attachment.  A news-release summarizes a history of Bugscope ( Bugscope allows teachers everywhere to provide students with the opportunity to become microscopists themselves-the kids propose experiments, explore insect specimens at high-magnification, and discuss what they see with our scientists-all from a regular web browser over a standard broadband internet connection. You sign up, ask your students to find some bugs, and mail them to us. We accept your application, schedule your session, and prepare the bugs for insertion into the electron microscope. When your session time arrives, we put the bug(s) into the microscope and set it up for your classroom. Then you and your students login over the web and control the microscope. We'll be there via chat to guide you and answer the kids' questions. If you would like to see the response from one class who have done this, read Mrs. Krebs' blog post:  If you need any help with this, just let me know. If you end up taking them up on this FREE collaboration, please let me know when/where so I can drop by. This looks fascinating! Kind regards,Tracy
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