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Tracy Watanabe

Transforming Education - YouTube - 0 views

    Great video capturing the power of 21st century learning and 1:1 in Kindergarten. -- They don't need the devices to be 21st century learners that's where the PBL comes in... The devices just makes it easier to connect beyond the four walls and create and learn from an authentic audience outside the classroom.
Tracy Watanabe

Solar System Webquest - For 3rd Grade - 1 views

    This was the first webquest I ever created in 2002. I think it's more of a pbl than webquest, but it was my first attempt. It had dynamic results.
Tracy Watanabe

Keeping Students Engaged in a 1:1 Project-Based Classroom [guest post] | 1 to 1 Schools - 1 views

    Great management tips for PBL with (or without) tech.
Melissa Martinez

PBL Examples of Math Project Ideas | Best Kids Educational Websites - 3 views

    Thanks for sharing!
Tracy Watanabe

How to Help Your Students Observe the 9/11 Anniversary | Edutopia - 0 views

    This was written by an amazing voice in PBL. There are some great ideas here.
Tracy Watanabe

Monster Exchange Project, English Writing Project - 1 views

    I'd love to see this turned into a mini PBL by adding a thought provoking Essential Question -- and have them focus on creativity, collaboration, literacy, fluency, and writing. Any ideas for an essential question?
Tracy Watanabe

2012 KidVote Mock Election - Every Vote Really Does Count! - 0 views

  • Welcome to #KidVote Mock Election for the upcoming US Presidential Election in November 2012.
  • DEADLINE TO SIGN UP: Friday, October 19, 2012. This will allow my students have time to prepare everything they need to track the data, and more importantly, get it shared on Election Day!
  • Thank you all for taking this event to the next level for our students. A mock election is fun, but a mock election shared with the whole country? THAT’s what 21st century learning is all about: collaboration and authentic experiences!
Shauna Hamman

Mystery Class: Tracking Sunlight, Discovering Reasons for Seasons | Journey North - 1 views

    Mystery Class starts January 28! Great longterm project integrating math (especially elapsed time), science, reading and research skills. Click on "Teachers" to see tips for adjusting for various grade levels.
Tracy Watanabe

Guest Lesson | For Authentic Learning, Start With Real Problems - - 1 views

  • For Authentic Learning, Start with Real ProblemsIf your students are prone to asking, “When will we ever need to know this?”, then maybe it’s time for a dose of reality.By sparking students’ interest in real issues that affect them and their peers around the world, you will give them cause to think more critically about what they are learning. Better yet, you may give them a head start on becoming tomorrow’s problem-solvers.
Tracy Watanabe

10 Steps to Managing Cooperative, Project-Based Learning Groups | 1 to 1 Schools - 0 views

  • Even with these tools, scaf­fold­ing is nec­es­sary.
  • 1. Con­tent Comes First Be clear about how stu­dent projects will be eval­u­ated
  • 2: Choose and Defend A Par­tic­u­lar Pre­sen­ta­tion For­mat Once stu­dents know what they want to com­mu­ni­cate, they can begin dis­cussing the clear­est means for com­mu­ni­cat­ing their ideas.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 3. Stu­dents “Divide and Con­quer” the Work­load
  • Divi­sion of labor should be explicit
  • Crit­i­cal ques­tions are: What needs to be writ­ten? Can that be divided into chunks? What needs to be pur­chased? Who wants to go where? When? What needs to be researched/read? Can that be divided? Can the project be divided into sec­tions so that each stu­dent is respon­si­ble for one of those sec­tions? Posters can be divided into sec­tions — Who will be respon­si­ble for which sec­tions? Pre­sen­ta­tions are divided into slides — Who will be respon­si­ble for which slides? iMovie sec­tions can be pro­duced on sep­a­rate com­put­ers and assem­bled in the end — Who will be respon­si­ble for which sec­tion? Prezis work like Pre­sen­ta­tions - Who will be respon­si­ble for each part?
  • 4. Stu­dents Plan a Time­line Time man­age­ment is one of those crit­i­cal skills that is miss­ing from the writ­ten cur­ricu­lum. The key is back­ward planning.
  • 5. Group mem­bers work as Indi­vid­u­als After stu­dents have decided on con­tent, defended a for­mat for pre­sen­ta­tion, and “divided-to-conquer” the work, they can be mean­ing­fully engaged in their own mini-projects. Each work ses­sions should have a work goal. M
  • 6. Indi­vid­u­als Com­ment on Part­ners’ Pieces Dur­ing the revi­sion and assem­bly stages, some trouble-shooting may be necessary.
  • 7. Groups Reflect on Their Work Finally, the group needs to come together and com­ment on the “fit” of all the parts.
  • 8. Allow Groups to see other Groups’ Work Some stu­dents are risk-averse. They want to work on project for­mats they know. But when they see oth­ers’ work, they have a frame­work they can use when con­sid­er­ing for­mats for other projects.
  • 9. Use Projects to Inform Report Card Com­ments Those who chose to make Prezis don’t know this, but I jot­ted down a quick report card com­ment about self-motivated learn­ing.
  • 10. Cel­e­brate! Stu­dents should cel­e­brate work well done.
Shauna Hamman

Peregrine Falcon Resources and Lessons - 1 views

    Live webcams, webquests and activities for all grade levels to study the peregrine falcon. The falcons return to their nests to lay eggs in late February or early March.
Tracy Watanabe

Lessons - Science NetLinks - 0 views

    Find Lessons for K-12 in earth science, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, health/medicine, engineering, social sciences, technology, math/statistics, nature of science, careers. All lessons at ScienceNetLinks include: 1. Purpose (essential question explained) 2. Context (content knowledge and application to real world 3. Motivation (advance organizer serving as a entry event building on need to know) 4. Development (specific lesson plans and scaffolding) 5. Assessment (range of formative, summative, content specific, and 21st century) 6. Extensions ( next steps, scaffolding, and differentiation) 7. Related resources (useful for related investigation). -- @mjgormans
Tracy Watanabe

Elementary School | Siemens We Can Change The World Challenge - 0 views

    Become Agents of Change! The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is the premier national environmental sustainability competition for grades K-12 students. Through project-based learning, students learn about science and conservation while creating solutions that impact their planet. Beginning August 13, 2013 through March 4, 2014, teams from across the country will be challenged to create sustainable, reproducible environmental improvements in their local communities.
Tracy Watanabe

Kids' Science Challenge: Fun Educational National Competition! - 1 views

    3rd-6h grade competition to submit ideas and experiments for scientists and engineers to solve Kids Science Challenge - Awesome and inspiring challenges involving bio-designed scientific inventions, sports on Mars, and detective science. Be sure to check out the great podcasts listed in Pulse of the Planet.
Tracy Watanabe

iEARN Learning Circles - 0 views

  • Learning Circles are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world. There are two sessions each year, September - January and January - May. To join iEARN Learning Circles, you must first be a member of iEARN and complete an iEARN Learning Circle placement form two weeks before the beginning of the session. Once you complete the placement form you will be placed in a Circle for the next session.
Tracy Watanabe

The Invention of Hugo Cabret Book Blog - 1 views

  • This blog is set to connect classrooms across the world as they read a book simultaneously in their classrooms. Throughout the book, the blog will help the classrooms with projects, discussions and possible skype discussions to open up classroom walls. My classroom is inviting any 4th, 5th or 6th grade classroom that might be interested in collaborating on this project.
    Collaborative readaloud project.
Tracy Watanabe

Contest: K-12 Students Can Change the World « Generation YES Blog - 0 views

  • The 2012 Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is now open! This national sustainability challenge empowers K-12 students to develop and share environmental solutions that may just change the world. Students from kindergarten to high school develop environmental solutions for their schools, homes, and communities for a chance to win prizes for themselves and grants for their schools. Teams of students work and compete with other students across the United States. The challenge is open August 24, 2011 through March 15, 2012. Prizes include scholarships and school grants – up to $50,000 for the first place team! For more information go to the contest website:
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