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Ian Yang

Flickr: Art.In.General - 3 views

    A flickr group exclusively for all the members from Art.In.General, a Diigo group where we collect and share bookmarks related to all types of news, information, knowledge and resources about Art.
    Finally and officially, we have another place on flickr to make a rendezvous! I believe that many of you have been a flickr member for a long time, so let's start sharing your works already! Have fun! :D - Ian
Ian Yang

Design Directory l - 0 views

    clear and general directory for any sort of designing like web, digital, craft, illustration, architecture, inteiror, magazine, etc.
c newsom

UbuWeb - 0 views

    A tremendous source for early and contemporary film, sound and written word. The focus is on avant-garde work from several different generations. You can find films by Yoko Ono, audio by William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg as well as the entire contents of each issue of Aspen Magazine here.
stvalentine stvalentine

Kaohsiung Cruise Terminal / Emergent - 1 views

    The design for the Kaohsiung Cruise Terminal by Emergent is interior driven, biasing building section, and interior spatial effects. The goal is to create a cavernous space which will appear simultaneously massive and lightweight. The project oscillates between volume and surface, avoiding the limitations of exclusively surface-based and volume-based architectures. The Port Services Center, made up of string of hard elliptical volumes, is pushed down into the soft bubble of the Ferry Terminal, so that exterior skin becomes interiorized. This nesting action allows for functional division between the programmatic elements while creating complex interior formations. While the Ferry Terminal is oriented towards the inside, the Port Services Center- consisting primarily of offices- is oriented towards the outside, with views out to the city and the ocean. It is a building within a building. The skin of the Ferry terminal is constructed out of transparent ETFE membrane and hard fiber-composite Armor Plates. These Armor Plates operate as both structure and ornament. They create stiff zones in the skin where the membrane can be affixed. Ultimately, the construction system is a hybrid of shell and membrane construction types- what we now call Shell-branes. A pattern of color flows over the armor, both responding to underlying formal features, and at times becoming graphic. Similar to a butterfly wing, coloration follows competing criteria, such as structural and optical pattern logics. Gradient effects begin to blur boundaries between opacities and transparencies, creating unifying visual crossovers between the two systems of the Shell-brane. The open space to east and west of the buildable area is designed as new kind of park, which does infrastructural work as well as supporting the picturesque. It is an organic machine, where energy is cultivated and grown inside algae photo-bioreactor pods. Using sunlight as well as artificial light at night, these pods gener
Scheiro Deligne

Art Tattler - 3 views

    Art Tattler is a journalistic-style reiterative web-based intervention of the organizational and curatorial aspects of exhibitions around the world. As a virtual journal Art Tattler publishes a comprehensive directory of extended form exhibition listings from around the world, organized geographically and archived in the categories of general, architecture and design.


    This website has a variety of different artists and musicians. The website creators will make a page for an artist if they like you work. I am happy to say that I was featured on the site as "Freshalex"  This is a good site if you want to get some more exposure, and if you like art in general.

Leather tote bags - 0 views

    Kaizer leather is providing a general elegance wallets for men and women. Kaizer has varied and exclusive designs of Italian leather bags for men and women. Buy branded leather bags, clutches wallets and more form Kaizer Dubai UAE

VIVA CLUTCH KZ2205 - 0 views

    Kaizer leather is providing a general elegance wallets for men and women. Kaizer has varied and exclusive designs of Italian leather bags for men and women. Also look our VIVA CLUTCH KZ2205. Visit Kaizer store for more product and offers.

Scintilla Hobo bag KZ1864 - 0 views

    Kaizer leather is providing a general elegance wallets for men and women. Take a look on Scintilla Hobo bag KZ1864. Kaizer has varied and exclusive designs of Italian leather bags for men and women. Buy branded leather bags, clutches wallets and more form Kaizer Dubai UAE
Trendbuddies paktrendbuddies


    VIVO S9 WITH DUAL-SELFIE-CAMERA LAUNCHED, STARTING AT 2399 YUAN ($371) In comparison to the previous generation models, it comes with an improved look. And we have to say the structure is greatly changed. The lightness and thinness also set a new record for the S series... #news #latest #smartphone #allmobiles #vivos9 #vivocameradetails #startingat2399yuan #371dollars #phonepanda
Trendbuddies paktrendbuddies

Cassie Ventura sexy Photos blood boil from her heat in 2021 - 0 views

    Cassie Ventura sexy Photos blood boil from her heat in 2021 Hot and sexy photos of Cassie Ventura will make your blood boil from her heat. While we are talking about her performances and about the actress in general, we want to ride with you through the Cassie Ventura bikini photo gallery... #news #singer #trendbuddies #cassieventura #sexyphots #bloodboil #otandsexy #actress #bikniphotogallery
Trendbuddies paktrendbuddies

Elliptical Frank Ocean Best Songs & Swim Record 2021 - 0 views

    Recognized for his idiosyncratic musical style, introspective and elliptical songwriting, unconventional production techniques, and wide vocal range, Ocean is among the most acclaimed artists of his generation.
Benjamin Hansen

Skout™ * resources + for designers + by designers - 1 views

    free fonts, photos, online mags, vector, photoshop, color tools, icons, text generators, typography, textures, print tutorials, web tools, wallpaper, inspiration.

Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet? - 0 views

    The time has come, and again, it is that we are the new generation of the vast Pokemon universe. It features Pokemon Scarlet Violet. This time with an open world, no limitations on what you choose to go upon at any given time, and what appears to be two worlds in the same area.
ruben vh

Romanticism - 3 views

  • second half of the 18th century in Western Europe
  • revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature
  • confronting the sublimity of untamed nature and its picturesque qualities, both new aesthetic categories
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • escape the confines of population growth, urban sprawl and industrialism, and it also attempted to embrace the exotic, unfamiliar and distant
  • ideologies and events of the French Revolution laid the background
  • in the second half of the nineteenth century, "Realism"
  • Romanticism elevated the achievements of what it perceived as misunderstood heroic individuals and artists that altered society. It also legitimized the individual imagination as a critical authority which permitted freedom from classical notions of form in art
  • Despite this general usage of the term, a precise characterization and specific definition of Romanticism has been the subject of debate in the fields of intellectual history and literary history throughout the twentieth century, without any great measure of consensus emerging
  • t is the period of 1815 to 1848 which must be regarded as the true age of Romanticism in music - the age of the last compositions of Beethoven (d. 1827) and Schubert (d. 1828), of the works of Schumann (d. 1856) and Chopin (d.1849), of the early struggles of Berlioz and Richard Wagner, of the great virtuosi such as Paganini (d. 1840), and the young Liszt and Thalberg
  • At that time Germany was a multitude of small separate states, and Goethe's works would have a seminal influence in developing a unifying sense of nationalism
  • The poet and painter William Blake is the most extreme example of the Romantic sensibility in Britain, epitomised by his claim “I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's.”
  • In predominantly Roman Catholic countries Romanticism was less pronounced than in Germany and Britain, and tended to develop later, after the rise of Napoleon. François-René de Chateaubriand is often called the "Father of French Romanticism". In France, the movement is associated with the nineteenth century, particularly in the paintings of Théodore Géricault and Eugène Delacroix, the plays, poems and novels of Victor Hugo (such as "Les Misérables" and "Ninety-Three"), and the novels of Stendhal.
  • But by the 1880s, psychological and social realism was competing with romanticism in the novel.
  • One of Romanticism's key ideas and most enduring legacies is the assertion of nationalism, which became a central theme of Romantic art and political philosophy
    very well developed description + analysis of the Romantic tradition
Ian Yang

Top 100 Deviant Artists - 1 views

  • This is my top 100 list paying tribute to the kings, legends, heroes and lords of DeviantArt. If you know of a deserving artist not on the list don’t worry, I plan on expanding to 200 artists in the near future.
    Read some familiar names here. Very interesting list, and maybe you will find some surprises as well!
    This is my top 100 list paying tribute to the kings, legends, heroes and lords of DeviantArt. If you know of a deserving artist not on the list don't worry, I plan on expanding to 200 artists in the near future.
Ian Yang

Graphic Design News & Competitions | Dexigner - 0 views

    Great place to get posted on topics/news/blogs like art, architecture, fashion, design, graphic design, product design, etc.
Ian Yang

Flickr: Graphic Design - 0 views

    About Graphic Design Anything from drawings you did in Paint to photoshoped images. If you made it, put it in the pool. =)The Top Five Group Tags    art    design    photoshop
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