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Ian Yang

Flickr: Graphic Design - 0 views

    About Graphic Design Anything from drawings you did in Paint to photoshoped images. If you made it, put it in the pool. =)The Top Five Group Tags    art    design    photoshop

Purane Hindi Gane - 0 views

    "Purane Hindi Gane" is the best application which contains free unlimited Old indian movie songs. This application is specially designed for old songs lovers as everyone has different taste and personality. people love to listen 80s century songs due to thier unique charms. This application "Purane Hindi Gane" is designed for Old ones who want to remember their youthful times through songs. This application "Purane Hindi Gane" has evergreen songs collection.You can find you all favorite songs in this application from the singers e.g. Mohammad Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Noor Jahan, Mukesh, Sonu Nigam, Shreya Ghoshal, Udit Narayan, Asha Bhosle, Kumar Sanu, Alka Yagnik and Arijit Singh old hindi songs. You need to download this app"Purane Hindi Songs" in your mobile and enjoy the melodious voice of your favourite singer in this single application. Now you can listen all the famous songs in a better quality through this application.
Benjamin Hansen

virtual gallery zademack - 0 views

    The artist was born in Bremen Germany on December 24, 1952. Freelance artist since 1980. Several artshows of his work in and outside his homecountry. Siegfried Zademack's surrealistic visionary paintings make recipients and reviewers wonder. The arrangement of his pictorial thoughts immensely exceeds a realistic reproduction. His pictures allow us to slip in metaphysical dimensions, between humorous irony and the unfathomable deepness of our souls. The semantic sources of this art are equally past and present. The quotation from art history stands alongside the Coca-Cola bottle. His true teachers were the masters of the earl and late Italien Renaissance up to the Mannerists. The syntax of his work is completely determined by that of the ciassical masters. What is astonishing is that, in adoptingit for his own pictorial inventions, he employs such perfect techniquie - though this is indispensable, in view his objectives. His figural inventions are clearly sculptured, but his iconology presumes considerable knowledge of art history and politic. In some of his pictorial quotes, we detect the difference to the Surrealist approach: it is the historical angle, which was yet possible and this is the present-day aspect - in manneristic periods. Descartes had seen this without making an issue of it: mundus est fabula, the world is a grand fable, a never-ending story in which we are forever entangled. lf we live from, stories, there are no sharp borderlihes between periods, for history is then the present, and anything we do now is already the future. This is the link between Boltraffio's Madonna and the American Way of Life, which makes no distinction betweeh the classics and Coca Cola.

Make Your Own Crimped Texture on Card or Paper | Make Your Own Card - 0 views

    If you are interested in making your own textures on paper, then check out this video. Using this technique you can make diamond crimped backgrounds, perfect to make your own card with a unique touch. It is a very simple process and it achieves an amazing result. You will need a paper crimper, sticky tape, glue and of course paper or cardboard. Watch this video to see how to make this diamond crimped background that you can use to make your own card.
imbunny12 - 0 views

    Emma and her friends discover the truth that is hiding from them, they develop an escape plan. The Promised Neverland is one of the best kissanime of 2019.
    How much in this word: school, friendship, carefree time, love. The youth strives to grab as much as possible from this time. But there are those who totally disagree with this. One of them is Hachiman Hikigaya
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | The 97 Wordpress Desktop Wallpaper Collection - 0 views

    In this article are 8 official wallpaper sets, each with 9 wallpapers in its' archive and 8 official mobile phone wallpapers. In the un-official wallpaper set collection there are 5 assembled wallpaper sets based on likeness. And there are also 2 more wallpapers that do not have sets. Total there are 97 Wordpress desktop wallpapers for you to enjoy.
    I joined this group to expand my horizon. Christopher you have made some good post, this is not one of them. I am a busy person I stop by this group to get some inspiration, knowledge, etc. I even double checked before I posted this to see if there was something I was missing. Why do I want to look at this? What does it have to do with art?
Skeptical Debunker

Celebrating Caravaggio: First Of The Bad-Boy Artists : NPR - 2 views

  • Art scholar Stefania Macioce points out the modernity of these works. "If you think of the age, 16th century, there is same way to use the light like modern photography," she says. "It’s fantastic."Caravaggio's use of light and shadow mirrored the ups and downs of his turbulent life.It was the time of Galileo and Monteverdi, and the painter's life reads like a play by Shakespeare, another of his contemporaries.Born in Milan in 1571, Caravaggio arrived in Rome at the height of the Inquisition, when the church was all-powerful. But Rome also had a rich low-life of courtesans, gamblers and brawlers. Caravaggio led a double life, dividing his time between the gilded salons of the powerful cardinals who were his art patrons, and the back-alley demimonde of whorehouses and taverns — the inspiration for his paintings.Art historian Maurizio Calvesi says the artist rejected the uplifting Baroque style so dear to the church, and plunged biblical narratives into the gloom and desperation of contemporary reality. "Caravaggio is the opposite of the Baroque, which glorifies wealth, luxury and the triumphant Catholic Church," Calvesi says. "He was deeply revolutionary; he brought the human aspect of God back to earth." For models, Caravaggio used laborers, prostitutes and gypsies. The church was outraged. Painting after painting was rejected: a dead Virgin that looked like a bloated corpse, a jailer yanking Christ's hair, saints with dirty feet.Cardinal Federico Borromeo wrote in indignation, "Contaminated men must not deal with the sacred."The 19th century art critic John Ruskin called him the "ruffian Caravaggio," and described his work as ''horror and ugliness and filthiness of sin.''Rome's Sant'Agostino Church is filled with treasures — a Raphael, a Sansovino and a Bernini — but visitors all flock first to a corner chapel on the left and drop coins in a machine to illuminate the canvas. Madonna of Loreto shows a barefoot Virgin holding the baby Jesus. She stands in a doorway in the evening shadow, one leg saucily crossed over the other. Visitor Cinzia Margotti is enthralled. "The church couldn't possibly like a Madonna like this one," Margotti says. "Just look at her. She's real and beautiful but too free for the 16th century church."Many of Caravaggio's works were filled with grief, suffering and violence — images in contrast with the church's predilection for rosy cherubs and angels in the heavens. Francine Prose, author of Caravaggio: Painter of Miracles, says his paintings reflected the violence of the times. "Beheadings were a daily fact of life in Rome," she says. "So if you look at Judith and Holofernes or the Beheading of John the Baptist, which is in Malta, they are paintings of executions. His crucifixions, the deaths of saints are executions, so he lived in a very violent time."Under papal orders, heretics were burned at the stake. Caravaggio may have even witnessed the execution of the philosopher and theologian Giordano Bruno in Campo dei Fiori in 1600.Caravaggio also led a violent life. He left no letters, so all that is known about him comes through judicial records of his many scuffles with the law. Sentenced to death in 1606 for murdering a man, he fled Rome.The next four years were spent in flight: to Naples, to Malta, to Sicily and back to Naples. In Malta, he got in trouble again. He was arrested but managed to escape by scaling the fortress-prison walls. His works got darker and more dramatic — he believed papal hit men were on his heels. He painted David with the Head of Goliath, portraying a delicate young man holding a severed head that was Caravaggio's own self-portrait, a tormented mask of agony and horror.Suddenly, he got long-hoped-for news: He was pardoned, and he headed back to Rome.As one of his biographers wrote, "Bad luck did not abandon him."On a hot July day in 1610, a semiconscious Caravaggio was found lying on a beach along the Tuscan coast.It remains a mystery whether he had come down with malaria or some other illness, or whether he had been wounded in a duel. Two days later in the local hospital, the greatest artist of his time ended his all-too-brief career. After his death, Caravaggio was forgotten for 300 years. It wasn't until the 20th century that the visionary genius was rediscovered.
    This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of the Italian artist Caravaggio, believed by many art lovers to be the greatest painter of all time. Rome, the city where he was both hailed and rejected, is hosting a major exhibition of masterpieces from all over the world showcasing the first of the bad-boy artists.\n\nExhibition visitors are plunged into near-total darkness - only the canvases are lighted: Lute Player, Cardsharps, Judith and Holofernes, the Conversion of Saul and many more.\n\nClaudia Palmira Acunto is admiring a painting of a young Bacchus, the god of wine. "I'm just marveling at the sensuality of the skin," she says, "and the contrast of textures from the fruit to the wine to the fabric; it's chiaroscuro."\n\nCaravaggio invented this groundbreaking technique of light and darkness, with a single, powerful ray of light coming from outside the frame. In his time, the norm in painting was a vague and diffuse light. Caravaggio's contrast of shadow and light produced a totally new intensity and stark realism.

Lata And rafi Songs - 0 views

    "Lata and Rafi Sadabahar Old Songs" is specifically designed for Lata and Rafi Old Songs. This application is made for the die heart fan of Lata and Rafi. We presented this application with its best features which make it different from other applications. This application "Lata and Rafi Old songs" contains all ,Rd Barman,famous and hit songs list from 80s. {} Old hindi video songs {} Old Indian video songs {} Sadabahar Gane {} Sadabahar Old Songs {} Sadabahar Hindi Songs {} Sadabahar Hindi Video Songs {} Evergreen Old Hindi Video Songs {} Evergreen Bollywood songs
Al Tucker

"yeah thats not what I was looking for at all." - 8 views

    This is a terrific bit of storytelling. I love the visuals in this story -just perfect. Read this - it's very funny!
Scheiro Deligne

Afterimage Gallery - 1 views

    Welcome to the Afterimage Gallery website. We are located in Dallas, Texas and are one of the oldest art galleries in the world devoted to photography. This is our 39th year of operation, and this year some one million people will visit this site. We provide a large variety of photography at a wide range of prices.
Benjamin Hansen

Mazda Nagare design language - 0 views

    Mazda has reinvented the design process. You may not like cars but you should read the article to learn about the process. This is the direction successful design is headed. This process will trickle down into every aspect of how all things are made. It may take 50 years or more but this is big like the Bauhaus or the Arts and Crafts movement. \n\n\n
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 11 Free Desktop Graphic Editors of Quality - 0 views

    This article features some of the more useful and free desktop graphics editors I've come across whether you're creating/editing an icon, a vector file or otherwise. I hope that everyone finds this article useful, and I also hope that it's read before you shell out $300 for a commercial graphic editor elsewhere. What you will not find in this article are the more well known image editing applications such as The Gimp
    Looks like it's about time for me to learn some new tricks! ;)
Benjamin Hansen - 0 views

    "In 1994, a few years after graduating from Edinburgh Art College with a degree in Drawing and Painting, I left Scotland for a new adventure in Hong Kong. I was struck by the sheer intensity of colours and design-style of all things Chinese, be that packaging, religious symbols, signs, labels or type. For three years, I received commissions from Hong Kong's major magazines and advertisers, but was frustrated by the limitations of the style I had created. My dream was realised when I won a place to study for a Masters at London's Royal College of Art. It was here that I discovered I could combine my drawing skills with the digital medium. This provided me with the tools I needed to realise my graphic visions. Gaining confidence in my new-found style, I returned to my Asian flavoured 'paintings' with gusto, this time bringing on board more elaborate and obscure sources, inspired by toys, communist-era propaganda, the Fifties, the Forties, sweets and packaging. In 2005, I returned to Asia for inspiration. This time moving to the romantic and inspirational former French Concession in Shanghai for a year-long sourcing adventure. I have now returned to my childhood roots of living by the sea, and now live in the beautiful English seaside city of Brighton."
Skeptical Debunker

Spectacular short film wins $100,000 LG FilmFest grand prize | DVICE - 3 views

    "LG does more than just manufacture gadgetry - it sponsored the "Life's Good" FilmFest, a filmmaking contest with the goal of showing off the company's HDTVs. This masterpiece, entitled Nuit Blanche (White Night) by director Arev Manoukian, won the contest's $100,000 grand prize, announced January 28, 2010. After you've savored this exquisite work of art, if you want to ruin the illusion by finding out how this surreal world was created, click through for a demonstration of the technology behind its making. Keep in mind, though - all the technology in the world is no substitute for talent."

7 Types Of Running Events To Rev Up Your Fitness Regime - 0 views

    Discover the diverse world of running events in India! In this blog, you will explores 7 types of running events that will supercharge your fitness journey from exhilarating marathons to scenic trail runs. Learn about the thrill, challenges, and stunning locations that await you in this exploration of India's running scene. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just getting started, check this blog to get your ultimate guide to redefining your fitness regime.
Ian Yang

When It Comes to Spam... - 30 views

There's nothing that wearies (or disgusts) me more than spam; unfortunately, one of the group members did something that totally breaks the rules and trust we all should have as part of the this ti...

group guildeline news policy spam

started by Ian Yang on 26 Jul 08 no follow-up yet
Ashiya Dome

Fullmetal Alchemist - Official Website - 0 views

    The Official Website of Fullmetal Alchemist from FUNimation Productions. Read character descriptions, episode descriptions and download some wallpapers. Watch Fullmeatl Alchemist on CARTOON NETWORK�
    This is not appropriate for this group. Its almost as bad as posting a link to Starry Night by Van Gogh and asking if any one has seen this. This is on Cartoon Network. Yeah I know about it. What does it have to do with this group. I like animea but not here.

Muhammad Rafi Songs - 0 views

    Now watch all hit and famous songs in this free android app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs".. "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs" is an android app allows you to get quick and way access to all hit and famous songs without any cost. "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs" is the app for his fans who love to listen his songs and feel pleasant in his melodious voice. People always found difficulty by downloading songs over web so this app is for easy access of those songs by just a single click on our app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs". We added almost all of his songs e.g. romantic songs, classical, bhajans and ghazals. You can install our app with the help of internet. Now there is no need to download single song over bogus website. Using search engine you can search your favorite song. I hope you will have fun by using our app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs". 1:Mujhe Teri Mohabbat Ka Sahara by Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd Rafi 2: Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhaana - Mohd.Rafi & Kishore Kumar 3: Chadh gayee chadh gayee by Mohammad Rafi & Mukesh 4:Tera Khilona Toota by Noor Jehan - Mohd Rafi, 5:Tujhe Pyaar Karte Hai - Mohammad Rafi, Suman Kalyanpur 6:Gun Guna Rahe Hai Bhanvare - Mohammed Rafi & Asha Bhosle 7:Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe Song - Mohammed Rafi - Kanyadan 8:Us Jaane Do Aalam Ka Jalwa Mohd Rafi Manna Dey Nawab Sahib 9:Aaj Mausam Bada Beimaan Hai - Dharmendra, Mohammed Rafi, 10:Tum Bin Jaaun Kahan Mohammad Rafi Music RD Burman Film Pyar Ka Mausam.
umarmushtaq - 0 views

    Now watch all hit and famous songs in this free android app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs".. "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs" is an android app allows you to get quick and way access to all hit and famous songs without any cost. "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs" is the app for his fans who love to listen his songs and feel pleasant in his melodious voice. People always found difficulty by downloading songs over web so this app is for easy access of those songs by just a single click on our app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs". We added almost all of his songs e.g. romantic songs, classical, bhajans and ghazals. You can install our app with the help of internet. Now there is no need to download single song over bogus website. Using search engine you can search your favorite song. I hope you will have fun by using our app "Mohammad Rafi Old Hindi Songs". 1:Mujhe Teri Mohabbat Ka Sahara by Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd Rafi 2: Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhaana - Mohd.Rafi & Kishore Kumar 3: Chadh gayee chadh gayee by Mohammad Rafi & Mukesh 4:Tera Khilona Toota by Noor Jehan - Mohd Rafi, 5:Tujhe Pyaar Karte Hai - Mohammad Rafi, Suman Kalyanpur 6:Gun Guna Rahe Hai Bhanvare - Mohammed Rafi & Asha Bhosle 7:Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe Song - Mohammed Rafi - Kanyadan 8:Us Jaane Do Aalam Ka Jalwa Mohd Rafi Manna Dey Nawab Sahib 9:Aaj Mausam Bada Beimaan Hai - Dharmendra, Mohammed Rafi, 10:Tum Bin Jaaun Kahan Mohammad Rafi Music RD Burman Film Pyar Ka Mausam.

Buy Facebook Ads Accounts - 100% Cheap Verified BM For sale - 0 views

    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content, communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook, you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started -
  • ...2 more comments...
    Can you buy a facebook ads account ? Yes, you can buy a facebook ads account. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable platform to promote your business on Facebook, then we are here to help you with that. We have been providing our customers with the best services since 2010 and have helped them reach out to millions of people across the globe. Buy Facebook Ads Accounts Our team of experts has developed an excellent reputation over time due to their exceptional skills in handling complex projects related to social media marketing. They have also gained enough knowledge about how this platform works which enables them make informed decisions regarding buying advertising space on it or not.
    Facebook ads are the most effective way to reach your audience. You can create and manage them for free, but they are not free from cost. If you want to use ads as a promotional tool or growth strategy, then having an ad account will help you in this matter.
    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content, communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook, you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started -
    Facebook is a social networking website with over 2.2 billion active users. It has become one of the most popular platforms to host and share content communicate with people and build businesses. In order to use Facebook you need to have an account. If you don't have one yet then follow this guide on how can you get started - art
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