PSDTuts - Photoshop Tutorials and Links - Making a Print-Ready Business Card Using Only... - 0 views
In this tutorial we are going to design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed. Normally you'd do some of this with a tool like InDesign but it is in fact possible to get by with just our trusty old Photoshop.
Photoshop Tutorials - Psdtuts+ - 0 views
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About:\nPsdtuts+ is a blog/Photoshop site made to house and showcase some of the best Photoshop tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great graphics and effects, but explain the techniques behind them in a friendly, approachable manner.
Flickr: Graphic Design - 0 views
Photojojo » 11 Super Awesome Photoshop Movie Effects - 0 views
Pirates of the Caribbean You hardly ever get to pillage, your roomates hate it when you sing sea chanties and you don’t know where to find one of those awesome hats with the big feathers in ‘em. To top it all off, you think you might be coming down with scurvy. That’s 3 points for the pirates and 1 big healthy point for you. Arrrr! Go have another orange, then sail the high seas in your very own Pirates poster, matey. Make your own Pirates of the Caribbean Poster
I use no photoshop, but I'm sure this article would be amazingly helpful for those who always get excited about learning something new and fancy. As the topics suggested, there are 11 effects that you have probably seen but never tried yourself. Go make one charming poster, and after you got everything done, don't forget to show off a bit and make your classmates/colleagues jealous
The way I design with Adobe Photoshop - 1 views
Create a gritty poster art effect - .net magazine - 0 views
how to combine Photoshop with ‘traditioinal’ technology to create an 80s-style underground gig poster effect.
Loic SATTLER - [LSD]Lysergid - 0 views
Portfolio of Jesse van Dijk - Lander - 0 views
Jesse van Dijk (32) is a concept artist from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He currently works at Guerrilla Games as a senior concept artist. He graduated at the Delft University of Technology with a Master's degree in Industrial Design Engineering in 2003. After his studies he worked for several studios prior to joining Guerrilla in 2009.
WALEE.COM - 0 views
Creating Swirly Type | Alias 3d Media - 0 views
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It's bloody huge, and has beautiful color reproduction. Photoshop never looked so good. Check out the specs: dimensions:sit back a bit.. it just barely fits on your deskrefresh rate:4000 times per picosecondlovely:yesmax. resolution:64 gazilla-pixelsawesome factor:10 "But.. WTF is Infinite Future Chaos?", we hear you ask. Fair question. To be honest, we don't really know what it means. It's possibly something to do with jetpacks... or perhaps trees taking over the city... or trees wearing jetpacks taking over the city with lasoos. Only time will tell. The winners of the 30" Apple Cinema Display and the RedBubble voucher, plus four runners-up, will have their work published in the November issue of Photoshop Creative. How To Enter: Sign up Upload your creations Tag your work with "photoshopcreative07" The Rules Go anywhere you want with the theme. There are some