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Thijs Versloot

Breakthrough observation of Mott transition in a superconductor - 1 views

    An international team of researchers, including the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Twente in The Netherlands and the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, announced today in Science the observation of a dynamic Mott transition in a superconductor.

Fractals vs. Superconductors vs. Black Holes - 2 views

    Nice wired article on high temp. superconductors. With some quotes by my old material science Prof. Jan Zaanen :-D

Cloaking magnetic fields: First antimagnet developed - 2 views

    Sante, this thing is made of a superconductor-metamaterial hybrid. Should be non-linear enough for you :)
    The device consists of a layer of superconducter, complemented by several layers of metamaterial. And the authors are afraid of potential abuse of this cloak to smuggle forbidden objets on airplanes etc. Hillarious! Another example how good research makes itself completely ridiculous by means of absurd claims about their potential usage.

Red Wine, Tartaric Acid And The Secret Of Superconductivity  - Technology Review - 2 views

    Last year, physicists discovered that red wine can turn certain materials into superconductors. Now they've found that Beaujolais works best and think they know why -- I soo knew it !!!
pacome delva

Superconductors could simulate the brain - 2 views

  • who have shown how networks of artificial neurons containing two Josephson junctions would outpace more traditional computer-simulated brains by many orders of magnitude. Studying such junction-based systems could improve our understanding of long-term learning and memory along with factors that may contribute to disorders like epilepsy.
  • The existing design does not permit learning since the weighting of connections between synapses cannot be changed over time, but Segall believes that if this feature can be added then their neurons might allow a lifetime's worth of learning to be simulated in five or ten minutes. This, he adds, should help us to understand how learning changes with age and might give us clues as to how long-term disorders like Parkinson's disease develops.
    What I don't get is how the measure the extent of matching: how "close", or realistic is the modelisation they achieve with different methods? And moreover, if weights cannot adapt and there are no direct connections between neurons and layers of neurons, isnt that a very arbitrary matching?
Nicholas Lan

gravity doesn't exist - 2 views

    apparently warm things attract each other instead. a symbolic prize of a virtual launch vehicle based on a smeg fridge/freezer for the most amusing/shortest refutation. "A ~1068 gm hollow copper sphere hovers above a 1000 W heat element." "After power was applied to the heat element for 400 s, the means of the first and last ~6 force measures indicate that the sphere's gravitational mass increased by 1.9 % or 20 gm."
  • ...1 more comment...
    I didn't know the viXra project. It's a great help to the PHYS RF at ACT. Whoever posted something there is crackpot for sure...
    this looks like absolute humbug to me .... reminds me of some rotating superconductors :-)
pacome delva

Gravitational Theory Reproduces Superconducting Circuitry | Physical Review Focus - 0 views

    Another candidate for analogue gravity ?

10 technologies that will change the world in the next 10 years - 6 views

    what's your take on these ...
    Most important news: Kurzweil postponed his Singularity to 2054. I think this is the postponed postponement of the postponed postponement. Perhaps it will happen shortly after the experimental proof of the existence of the hydrino state and of antigravity in rotating superconductors...
    Singularity is like fusion and commercial space travel: always 50 years away.
Paul N

Room temperature superconductors - 4 views

    With the aid of short infrared laser pulses, researchers have succeeded for the first time in making a ceramic superconducting at room temperature - albeit for only a few millionths of a microsecond.
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