Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it ma... - 4 views
The work of our team on the Mimosa Pudica has been publish! It proves for the first time the ability of plants to learn. After a countless number of rejections, Oecologia had the courage of publishing it. Now the road is open to demonstrations that learning capability exists not only in sensitive plants, but also in normal plants. This can change the entire biology. A bit rhetorical, but real.
very nice!!! congratulations! what are you working on now - also on this?
I work on some aspects of plant to plant communication! I hope to publish soon something equally exciting!! and of course I will let you know!!
Bionic plants: Nanotechnology could turn shrubbery into supercharged energy producers -... - 2 views
Plants have many valuable functions: They provide food and fuel, release the oxygen that we breathe, and add beauty to our surroundings. Now, researchers wants to make plants even more useful by augmenting them with nanomaterials that could enhance their energy production and give them completely new functions, such as monitoring environmental pollutants.
Plants 'see' underground by channelling light to their roots - 2 views
The World's Largest Solar Plant Started Creating Electricity Today - 3 views
The enormous solar plant-jointly owned by NRG Energy, BrightSource Energy and Google-opened for business today ... well yesterday, but still impressive!
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impressive pictures - looking at the 2nd to last and 4th to last one, I am wondering how this distributed individually control of the mirrors works - and idea?
Machine learning obviously. Most likely neural networks :P On the other hand: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/the-worlds-largest-solar-plant-is-killing-birds-meltin-1525107821
Bioinspired self-repairing slippery surfaces with pressure-stable omniphobicity : Natur... - 3 views
a strategy to create self-healing, slippery liquid-infused porous surface(s) (SLIPS) with exceptional liquid- and ice-repellency, pressure stability and enhanced optical transparency. Our approach—inspired by Nepenthes pitcher plants13—is conceptually different from the lotus effect, because we use nano/microstructured substrates to lock in place the infused lubricating fluid. We define the requirements for which the lubricant forms a stable, defect-free and inert ‘slippery’ interface.
ts capability to repel various simple and complex liquids (water, hydrocarbons, crude oil and blood),
...This slippery surface was bio-inspired by the carnivorous plant I showed you sometimes ago! I was sure it was a good idea! next time I will be quicker!!
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And a good lesson that it is important to proceed quickly when you have an idea and don't wait ...
Yes, I will see what we could do, but they really did a good job, from the biomimetic of the surface, up to the realization of the material, and the tests...
DARPA Advanced Plant Technologies project - 2 views
" The goal of the APT program is to control and direct plant physiology to detect chemical, biological, radiological, and/or nuclear threats, as well as electromagnetic signals. " Now that is an advanced concept...
and look at this exceptional insight: "plants are easily deployed, self-powering, and ubiquitous in the environment, and the combination of these native abilities with specifically engineered sense-and-report traits will produce sensors occupying new and unique operational spaces" :-)
Learning by Association in Plants - 0 views
Control Computers With Plants? Disney Magic Makes It Happen | Singularity Hub - 0 views
Solvay has successfully commissioned the largest PEM fuel cell in the world at SolVin's... - 0 views
Solvay announced today it has successfully commissioned its 1 MegaWatt (MW) industrial demonstration Fuel Cell at the SolVin plant in Lillo, Antwerp, Belgium. This Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell converts coproduced hydrogen (H2) in the plant into electricity and is now producing for weeks at a steady rate. The Fuel Cell has generated over 500 MWh in about 800 hours of operation, which amounts to the electricity consumption of 1370 families during the same time frame.
TED Talk: The roots of plant intelligence [video] - Holy Kaw! - 3 views
even being so used to italians that accent is hilarious
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how comes that they did not apply to our Ariadna?
maybe we should have a second look at multiple roots as networks
Glutamate receptors-like (GLRs) and D-serine connecting plant with animal nervous system - 3 views
Plant has a bat beckoning beacon - 2 views
A rain forest vine has evolved dish-shaped leaves to attract the bats that pollinate it, scientists have found. Tests revealed that the leaves were supremely efficient at bouncing back the sound pulses the flying mammals used to navigate. When the leaves were present the bats located the plant twice as quickly as when these echoing leaves were removed.
Some plants grow on gypsum outcrops and remain active even during dry summer months, despite having shallow roots that cannot reach the water table. Sara Palacio of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology in Jaca, Spain, and her colleagues compared the isotopic composition of sap from one such plant, called Helianthemum squamatum (pictured), with gypsum crystallization water and water found free in the soil. The team found that up to 90% of the plant's summer water supply came from gypsum.
The study has implications for the search for life in extreme environments on this planet and others.
Nature Commun 5, 4660 (2014)