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Thijs Versloot

Linked Open Earth Observation Data for Precision Farming - 1 views

    Lots of Earth Observation data has become available at no charge in Europe and the US recently and there is a strong push for more open EO data. With precision farming, advanced agriculture using GPS, satellite observations and tractors with on-board computers, the farming process is performed as accurately and efficiently as possible. This is achieved by combining data from earth observations with other geospatial sources such as cadastral data, data on the quality of the soil, vegetation and protected areas. This enables the farmer to find the optimal trade-off in maximizing his yield with minimal use of fertilizers and pesticides while respecting environmental protection.
duncan barker

Vertical Farming is Already Here- Organitech - 2 views

    "Currently a single containerized unit can crank out several hundred heads of lettuce per day."
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    Great!! The typical Dutch tomato differs from the typical Dutch cucumber only by its color, not by its taste, we all know this. In vertical farming I guess the next step to the UGV (uniform garbage vegetable) will be made. Perhaps now they only differ by its geometrical form, the color is the same for all vegetables, who knows??
    right ....... ok .......... so whats your point?
    Point?? As a professional bullshitter I don't have a point. Just grouch, never critizise (freely translated from the Austrian principle "Nur raunzen, nie kritisieren!") :-) If I have sort of a point: I'd rather not try the vegetable they produce in this "vertical farming", Dutch experience was by far enough.
Luís F. Simões

Dutch PlantLab Revolutionizes Farming: No Sunlight, No Windows, Less Water, Better Food... - 6 views

    ... better food?
    I thought insects and bugs would be our (food) future, but maybe it's plants grown via vertical farming...
    I doubt that the associated homogenization of food will turn out to be "better" ....
Nina Nadine Ridder

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia wind farm gets go-ahead - 0 views

    Australian government approved the construction of one of the biggest wind farms of the world
Friederike Sontag

Rekordtag: Spanien deckt 53 Prozent des Strombedarfs mit Windenergie - SPIEGEL ONLINE -... - 0 views

    In Spain, 53% of the energy demand could be supplied by wind farms (during one weekend with quite strong winds)!!!!
    Indeed! they have also among the biggest wind farms in Europe. For instance, if you drive from Algeciras (and Gibraltar) to Tarifa, you can see them rotating like hell!!

Fiji ants farm plants, study shows - 1 views

    Ants found in the Pacific islands of Fiji behave as miniature farmers, carefully sowing and fertilising the seeds of at least six types of plant, a study said Monday.

Engineers enlist weather model to optimize offshore wind plan | Stanford School of Engi... - 0 views

    Using a sophisticated weather model, environmental engineers at Stanford have defined optimal placement of a grid of four wind farms off the U.S. East Coast. The model successfully balances production at times of peak demand and significantly reduces costly spikes and zero-power events.
Nicholas Lan

Google Seeks To Plant Antenna Farm in Iowa » Data Center Knowledge - 0 views

    Google subsidiary Google Fiber, Inc. is seeking permission to place satellite antennas on land near its data center in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The antennas could be used to receive content feeds from broadcast networks that could be bundled with a high-speed fiber service.
    an oddly similar story apple to build largest solar array in US
Thijs Versloot

Offshore wind farms hold potential to weaken hurricanes - 2 views

    What he found was that wind turbines "could disrupt a hurricane enough to reduce peak wind speeds by up to 92 mph and decrease storm surge by up to 79%."
    It seems the topic is getting more and more popular and is no longer considered fringe research, as this is a paper from nature climate change!
Thijs Versloot

Wind farms based on schools of fish - 1 views

    Vertical windmills based on fish fins and school swimming behaviour

Exposure to Environmental Microorganisms and Childhood Asthma - NEJM - 0 views

    interesting currently only for some of you .... sorry for the others
    "environments that afford them a wide range of microbial exposures, such as traditional farms" == Noordwijk? In my former place we had horses and spiders but I don't know if that's enough to make it a farm...
Nicholas Lan

Global Farming futures - 2 views

    forecasting to 2050 wouldn't recommend the executive summary but the collection of reports seems to be quite comprehensive across a range of relevant areas "The Project has involved around 400 leading experts and stakeholders from about 35 countries across the world. Drawing upon over 100 peer-reviewed evidence paper commissioned by the Project which can be accessed in full here (hyperlink). "
Luís F. Simões

Wind Power Without the Blades: Big Pics : Discovery News - 4 views

  • The carbon-fiber stalks, reinforced with resin, are about a foot wide at the base tapering to about 2 inches at the top. Each stalk will contain alternating layers of electrodes and ceramic discs made from piezoelectric material, which generates a current when put under pressure. In the case of the stalks, the discs will compress as they sway in the wind, creating a charge.
  • Based on rough estimates, said Núñez-Ameni the output would be comparable to that of a conventional wind farm covering the same area
  • After completion, a Windstalk should be able to produce as much electricity as a single wind turbine, with the advantage that output could be increased with a denser array of stalks. Density is not possible with conventional turbines, which need to be spaced about three times the rotor's diameter in order to avoid air turbulence. But Windstalks work on chaos and turbulence so they can be installed much closer together, said Núñez-Ameni.
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  • Núñez-Ameni also reports that the firm is currently working on taking the Windstalk idea underwater. Called Wavestalk, the whole system would be inverted to harness energy from the flow of ocean currents and waves.
    additional information:
    isn't this a bit of a contradiction: on the one hand: "Based on rough estimates, said Núñez-Ameni the output would be comparable to that of a conventional wind farm covering the same area" and on the other: "After completion, a Windstalk should be able to produce as much electricity as a single wind turbine, with the advantage that output could be increased with a denser array of stalks. Density is not possible with conventional turbines, which need to be spaced about three times the rotor's diameter in order to avoid air turbulence. " still, very interesting concept!
Tom Gheysens

Biomimicr-E: Nature-Inspired Energy Systems | AAAS - 4 views

    some biomimicry used in energy systems... maybe it sparks some ideas
    not much new that has not been shared here before ... BUT: we have done relativley little on any of them. for good reasons?? don't know - maybe time to look into some of these again more closely Energy Efficiency( Termite mounds inspired regulated airflow for temperature control of large structures, preventing wasteful air conditioning and saving 10% energy.[1] Whale fins shapes informed the design of new-age wind turbine blades, with bumps/tubercles reducing drag by 30% and boosting power by 20%.[2][3][4] Stingray motion has motivated studies on this type of low-effort flapping glide, which takes advantage of the leading edge vortex, for new-age underwater robots and submarines.[5][6] Studies of microstructures found on shark skin that decrease drag and prevent accumulation of algae, barnacles, and mussels attached to their body have led to "anti-biofouling" technologies meant to address the 15% of marine vessel fuel use due to drag.[7][8][9][10] Energy Generation( Passive heliotropism exhibited by sunflowers has inspired research on a liquid crystalline elastomer and carbon nanotube system that improves the efficiency of solar panels by 10%, without using GPS and active repositioning panels to track the sun.[11][12][13] Mimicking the fluid dynamics principles utilized by schools of fish could help to optimize the arrangement of individual wind turbines in wind farms.[14] The nanoscale anti-reflection structures found on certain butterfly wings has led to a model to effectively harness solar energy.[15][16][17] Energy Storage( Inspired by the sunlight-to-energy conversion in plants, researchers are utilizing a protein in spinach to create a sort of photovoltaic cell that generates hydrogen from water (i.e. hydrogen fuel cell).[18][19] Utilizing a property of genetically-engineered viruses, specifically their ability to recognize and bind to certain materials (carbon nanotubes in this case), researchers have developed virus-based "scaffolds" that
Thijs Versloot

Ending overfishing #animation - 0 views

shared by Thijs Versloot on 21 Nov 13 - No Cached
LeopoldS liked it
    Nice animation to summarize the current over fishing problem. For example, I never knew that farm raised fish (like salmon) actually are carnivorous and 5kg of fish is needed to produce 1kg of this 'higher quality' fish.
Francesco Biscani

Apple sending Xserve to giant server farm in the sky - 3 views

  • After more than eight years on the market, Apple is euthanizing the Xserve.
    YES YES YES! And good riddance! :)
pacome delva

A Battery Made With Paper - 0 views

  • Researchers are reporting that they've made batteries and other energy-storage devices by printing layers of carbon nanotube–based ink atop standard photocopy paper. The result is a highly conductive sheet that can carry a charge and be easily incorporated into a flexible battery. Because of paper's low cost, that could help lower the price of batteries used in electric vehicles, wind farms, and other renewable sources.
    can we use it for space :-) ?
Christos Ampatzis

BBC NEWS | Technology | Down on the farm with the robots - 1 views

    - Smart Tractors?!?!? - "Guidance systems are enablers," said Mr James. "Farmers buy them with one job in mind and then realise they can use it for lots more."
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