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pacome delva

Penrose claims to have glimpsed universe before Big Bang - 0 views

  • According to Penrose and Gurzadyan, these circles allow us to "see through" the Big Bang into the aeon that would have existed beforehand. The circles, they say, are the marks left in our aeon by the spherical ripples of gravitational waves that were generated when black holes collided in the previous aeon.
  • Julian Barbour, a visiting professor of physics at the University of Oxford, says that these circles would be "remarkable if real and sensational if they confirm Penrose's theory". They would, he says, "overthrow the standard inflationary picture", which, he adds, has become widely accepted as scientific fact by many cosmologists. But he believes that the result will be "very controversial" and that other researchers will look at the data very critically. He says there are many disputable aspects to the theory
    hehe, a nice controversy? or completely overinterpreted results...?
    what the heck is this? sounds strange to me ... would I understand the original paper?
pacome delva

Do Titan's Lakes Migrate South for the Winter? -- Berardelli 2009 (1130): 2 -- ScienceNOW - 1 views

  • But "to really get a handle" on Titan's methane cycle, they'll need to monitor the exchange of methane between the lakes and the atmosphere. And that, she says, will require "a future lake-lander mission."
    Let's go to Titan !!!
    I bet we'll find there a black monolith which will take us to the stars... No, wait, was it that moon?
Luzi Bergamin

Physics in a Crisis - 3 views

    Luckily I'm far away from Geneva, but this has to be said today, when the LHC starts! No, not tiny black holes will eat us (what a nonsense!), but the supernovae energy will let LHC explode!!! Pacome, I expect you to debunk this with gratest care!
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    wtf is this! As I read this morning in the newspaper (not even a scientific one), 1 TeV is the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito... so be careful ! It seems they already sloved every thing on this website: "At the Institute for Space Quantum Physics ISQP, it was already proved in 1991-1992 that dark matter is in magnetic fields as magnetic space quantum flux." This website is the biggest source of crackpots i have seen in a long time...! (
    Come on guys, this website is hilarious! "The HAITI EARTHQUAKE (...) were impossible for the Institute for Space Quantum Physics (ISQP) to compute because on one single planet was on a common line or axis with the Sun: Venus."
    Unfortunately, most information I have about the guy (Hans Lehner, a Swiss) is in German, his official homepage is According to EsoWatch he is the Swiss analogue to Dr. Mills and his Blacklight power. Lehner apparently founded a company, which should have produced a "Raum-Quanten-Motor" that -- of course -- produces energy out of nothing. The theory is based on spookey forces mediated by Lehneronen. 11 Million Swiss Franks (about 8 Million Euro) were lost when the company bankrupt. And the guy is selling new stocks on his homepage again... Lehner calls another crackpot named Oliver Crane Zweistein (from Einstein being "Onestone") and himself "Dreistein". Now he is looking for Mister or Misses Vierstein. Perhaps you should apply, good luck!!
    i like the first line of their supernovae energy technology document "Dear potential investor:"...
pacome delva

Spinning black holes twist light - 1 views

    so coool ! an application for the rototenna :)
Nicholas Lan

Betting on Green - 5 views

    breakthroughs vs. accelerated deployment in climate change mitigation technologies.
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    interesting guy indeed ... "Forget today's green technologies like electric cars, wind turbines, solar cells and smart grids, in other words. None meets what Mr Khosla calls the "Chindia price"-the price at which people in China and India will buy them without a subsidy. "Everything's a toy until it reaches that point," he says. I also like this one since its a bit like ACT topic selection: ""I am only interested in technologies that have a 90% chance of failure but, if they do succeed, would change the infrastructure of society in some radical way," he says." should we propose SPS to him ? :-)
    one more: ""I never compute returns. If you start forecasting cash flows, you lose innovation, you lose instinct. You average yourself down to mediocrity." "I've had many more failures than successes in my life," admits Mr Khosla. "My willingness to fail gives me the ability to succeed."
    indeed. puts me in mind of the often reinvented private ACT idea. actually there's a bunch of interesting looking articles on his website. . No sps in the solar one as far as i can tell :) found this bit intriguing too in that, albeit presumably out of context, it doesn't make sense ""The solution to our energy problems is almost the exact opposite of what Khosla says," declares Joseph Romm, who is the editor of Climate Progress, an influential climate blog, and a senior fellow at the Centre for American Progress Action Fund, a think-tank. "Technology breakthroughs are unlikely to be the answer. Accelerated deployment of existing technologies will get you down the cost curve much more rapidly than a breakthrough."" found this seemingly not very well considered piece (to be fair a blog post) by the guy . maybe he's written some more convincing stuff in this vein somewhere.
    "Mr Khosla (...) is investing over $1 billion of his clients' money in black swans" Well, with his own money his approach might be a little different :-)
Ma Ru

Dark Matter or Black Hole Propulsion? - 1 views

    Anyone out there still doing propulsion stuff? Two more papers just waiting to get busted...
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    What an awful bunch of complete nonsense!!! But I don't think anybody wants to hear MY opinion on this...
    wow, is this serious at all...!?
    Are you joking?? The BH drive propses a BH with a lifetime of about an year, just 10^7 tons, peanuts!! Then you have to produce it, better not on Earth, so you do this in space, with a laser that produces an equivalent of 10^9 tons highly foucussed, even more peanuts!! Reasonable losses in the production process (probably 99,999%) are not yet taken into account. Engineering problems... :-) The DM drive is even better, they want to collect DM and compress it in a propulsion chamber. Very easy to collect and compress a gas of particles that traverse the Earth without any interaction. Perhaps if the walls of the chamber are made of artificial BHs?? Who knows??
    WRONG!!! we are all just WAITING for your opinion on this ....!!!
    well, yes my remark was ironic... I'm surprised they did a magazine on these concepts...! But the press is always waiting for sensational. They do not even wait for the work to be peer-reviewed now to make an article on it ! This is one of the bad sides of arxiv in my opinion. It's like a journalist that make an article with a copy-paste in wikipedia ! Anyway, this is of course complete bullsh..., and I would have laughed if I had read this in a sci-fi book... but in a "serious" article i'm crying... For the DM i do not agree with your remark Luzi. It's not dark energy they want to use. The DM is baryonic, it's dark just because it's cold so we don't see it by usual means. If you believe the in the standard model of cosmology, then the DM should be somewhere around the galaxies. But it's of course not uniformly distributed, so a DM engine would work (if at all...) only in the periphery of galaxies. It's already impossible to get there...
    One reply to Pacome, though the discussion exceeds by far the relevance of the topic already. Baryonic DM is strictly limited by cosomology, if one believes in these models, of course. Anyway, even though most DM is cold, we are constantly bombarded by some DM particles that come together with cosmic radiation, solar wind etc. etc. If DM easily interacted with normal matter, we would have found it long ago. In the paper they consider DM as neutralinos, which are neither baryonic nor strongly or electromagnetically interacting.
    well then I agree, how the fu.. they want to collect them !!!

Scientists Are Turning Their Backs on Algorithms Inspired By Nature - 5 views

    "Over the past couple of decades, the research literature has filled up with endless new nature-based metaphors for algorithms. You can find algorithms based on the behaviour of cuckoos, bees, bats, cats, wolves, galaxy formation and black holes. (...) All researchers have been doing is wasting time on developing new approaches that are probably little better than existing ones. And the language of each metaphor then invades the literature, distracting people from using the already sufficiently expressive terminology of mathematics and, above all, working together to find the best way forward." The golden era of fireworks-like algorithm is about to end
    Lies, lies, all lies. They will never go away. Papers need to be published.

Opening the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks via Information Theory - 1 views

Nicholas Lan

The Future… One Hundred Years Ago - 13 views

    one of these again. french illustrations from 1910 of life in the year 2000. some pleasingly close. a lot of flying and robots. some inexplicable (bunch of people staring at a horse). some bmi.
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    I like them again and again ....
    what would be todays equivalents?
    Ha! The one about the horse is that "in 100 years there will be people who've never seen a live horse in their lives" :-) Actually it's more than true now with children asking my mother who works in the school "so, do those kangaroos really exist"? Children are fed with so much realistic BS on TV (dinosaur parks etc.) that they can hardly tell the difference between fiction and reality. If you already have offspring: have they seen, say, a live cow or chicken already? (This is most probably a reference to the quote: "Horse is as everyone can see")
    >what would be todays equivalents? Hmmm... what about technology forecasts?
    ah. that makes sense. what about the one where they're having dinner then?
    No idea... another one I don't get is the one with the waiter presenting some small black-white thing to the white hair guy on a chair.
    love the clockwork orange one
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