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nikolas smyrlakis

Microsoft Interview Questions - 0 views

    some nice questions to be implemented for newcomers joke interviews
Paul N

Microsoft Hololens, Occulus rift killer? - 1 views

shared by Paul N on 27 Jan 15 - No Cached
    Probably old news by now, but this thing sounds so awesome it warrants an entry
    Looks like fun! Note though, I'm always slightly annoyed when people use holography only because it sounds cool. because clearly this is not a hologram! Definition: a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source. I am sure this is not what is happening in these goggles.
    I think they suspect that "hologram" would sell better than "yet-another-augmented-reality-goggle"
Christophe Praz

An Arty Oculus Trip Through the Large Hadron Collider | WIRED - 2 views

    "Collider is an arty audiovisual experience that provides a first-person perspective of a particle hurtling through the Large Hadron Collider"... with the use of the Leapmotion sensor and Oculus Rift hmd. Come to my desk if you wanna try it :) (not that fun actually)
    we will come when you figure out how to capture a particle!!! or a dragonball, is the same

How fast would you have to go in your car to run a red light claiming that it appeared ... - 6 views

shared by anonymous on 10 Oct 12 - No Cached
    did you read this one? "When my wife and I started dating she invited me over for dinner at one time. Her kitchen had something called Bauhaus chairs, which are full of holes, approx 5-6 millimeters in diameter in both back and seat. During this lovely dinner I was forced to liberate a small portion of wind and was relieved that I managed to do so very discretely. Only to find that the chair I sat on converted the successful silence into a perfect, and loud, flute note. We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. We kept the chairs for five years but despite laborious attempts it couldn't be reproduced."

Wire bending machine - 3 views

    EXACTLY what I wanted to investigate as a rapid constuction tool for shape memory alloy structures!
Wiktor Piotrowski

FoamBot builds a quadruped robot - YouTube - 0 views

    an experiment at the University of Pennsylvania. It might be a bit far-fetched but I thought it might be useful when exploring new planets. Combined with AI the robot would able to assess the terrain and deploy another robot the shape of which would be chosen to best suit its environment. I was thinking of this in the context of exploring places on other planets which are inaccessible by regular rovers (e.g. caves on Mars).

iPhone 5: Super Glued to Ground in Amsterdam (Leidseplein) - YouTube - 2 views

    excalibur style

Stratos jump successful! ORIGINAL VERSION - YouTube - 2 views

shared by LeopoldS on 15 Oct 12 - No Cached
    if you liked the stratos jump you will like this one :-) (apparently it costed them 1100€ to realise)
    There can only be one answer to that... [Edit] P.S. No info on how much the production costed...
Luís F. Simões

Dance Your Ph.D.: And The Winner Is... - ScienceNOW - 2 views

  • The competition challenges scientists around the world to explain their research through the most jargon-free medium available: interpretive dance. The 36 Ph.D. dances submitted this year include techniques such as ballet, break dancing, and flaming hula hoops. Those were whittled down to 12 finalists by the past winners of the contest. Those finalists were then scored by a panel of judges that included scientists, educators, and dancers.
    Fantastic! You would love my proposal to host an artist in residence in the team :-)

Rogue Inventor - 2 views

    A short article about Saul Griffith and his R&D company Otherlab. Pretty much halfway between Mythbusters and the ACT.
Ma Ru

Einstein had big prefrontal cortex - 0 views

  • about you?

Impact: Earth! - 4 views

    A website that lets you simulate the effects of a specified asteroid impact on earth.
Marcus Maertens

US Petition for building a Death Star 2016 - 3 views

    By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I want to sign, it is totally a meaningful idea .... ! Just remember not to put the nuclear energy source at the end of a tunnel which has an opening on the surface :)
    Bad news from this frontier: As the Americans are not going for it, it might be a good opportunity for Europeans to make a real difference in space.
    Merkel seems anyway a bit short of ideas ...
Ma Ru

Using ants to find gold - 0 views

    Looks like good business. Tobias?

LuminAR Bulb transforms any surface into a touch screen - 1 views

    Really nice video! Something for the ACT? :-D
    Why is it moving so slowly ?

Students calculate what hyperspace travel would actually look like - 5 views

    title is misleading, but the paper is interesting (and as obvious as ignored)
    sure was a fun assignment ...
    apart from the doppler shift the perspective also changes when you look at objects while traveling close to the speed of light:
Chritos Vezyri

NASA's basement nuclear reactor - 2 views

    So they think they found a way for beta decay to produce both lighter (Ni->Cu) AND heavier (C->N) nuclei? ...
    just another attempt to revive cold fusion from the dead ... and all with dubious experimental setups; read the last phrase ""From my perspective, this is still a physics experiment," Zawodny said. "I'm interested in understanding whether the phenomenon is real, what it's all about. Then the next step is to develop the rules for engineering. Once you have that, I'm going to let the engineers have all the fun." He went on to say that, " All we really need is that one bit of irrefutable, reproducible proof that we have a system that works. As soon as you have that, everybody is going to throw their assets at it. And then I want to buy one of these things and put it in my house."
Wiktor Piotrowski

Talking Shoe - YouTube - 0 views

    Any potential buyers? 
Marcus Maertens

Google neural network teaches itself to identify cats - 1 views

    Its already "old" news but kinda nice...
Joris _

Prezi - Ideas matter. - 2 views

shared by Joris _ on 27 Mar 13 - Cached
    Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them. The result: visually captivating presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery.
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