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Home/ ADMS707/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzan Gragg Denby

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzan Gragg Denby

Suzan Gragg Denby

When a Parent Is in Prison - 0 views

    Not really on topic-but such a sad reality...
Suzan Gragg Denby

Va. teacher holds mock slave auction - The Washington Post - 0 views

    Teachers rights, Justice, adms707
Suzan Gragg Denby

Enrollment Surges at Schools for Homeless Students - 1 views

    Sadly, they are everywhere. Thankfully, the McKinney-Vento laws protect them.
Suzan Gragg Denby

PETA to demonstrate outside Richmond elementary school | Richmond Times-Dispatch - 1 views

    So...I guess they are protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, and there is nothing the school can do about it...
Suzan Gragg Denby

Ultimate Food Fight Erupts as Feds Recook School Lunch Rules - 0 views

    Apparently, this is the first time in 15years that the Feds have "reformed" school lunch rules. All the special interest groups are have their hands in the school lunch kitchens. Our district has made changes in the caf. selections, already. Honestly, I like being able to choose hummus, salads, and soy beans over "deep-fried everything" and pizza. However, I'm not sure if the students agree.
Suzan Gragg Denby - 0 views

    Articles and information for parents, educative and advocates re: Sped law, Ed law & advocacy for students with disabilities
Suzan Gragg Denby

Ed Law Cases - 0 views

    Online educational law library Links to free online cases
Suzan Gragg Denby

The role of government in education - 2 views

    Reduction in direct government activities-->more opportunities for students. Really?
1 - 10 of 10
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