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Suzan Gragg Denby

Va. teacher holds mock slave auction - The Washington Post - 0 views

    Teachers rights, Justice, adms707
Jonathan Becker

WWW.WPCVA.COM - 0 views

    School superintendents protest against budget cuts
Suzan Gragg Denby

The role of government in education - 2 views

    Reduction in direct government activities-->more opportunities for students. Really?
Tara McDaniel

Arne Duncan, Spike Lee urge Black Men to become Teachers - 1 views

    Filmmaker Spike Lee joined Education Secretary Arne Duncan in issuing a call Monday for more black men to become teachers, making their plea at the country's only all-male historically black college
Tara McDaniel

Community Colleges: Where's Our $12 Billion? - 0 views

    During a 2009 speech, President Obama promised $12 billion for community colleges. But they never saw any of that money because the president couldn't sell his plan to Congress.
Georggetta Howie

Center on Education Policy, Washington, DC - 0 views

    Center on Education Policy various Publications including Press Releases and Media Adivsories
Jonathan Becker

New NSBA report finds school boards focusing on achievement, accountability «... - 6 views

    An important read for the week on the role of school boards.
  • ...4 more comments...
    Really??? Some good news today? Thanks.
    Only if you think achievement and accountability are worth focusing on... ;-)
    Yipppeeee! 90% of school board members are "concerned about an overly narrow focus on achievement." There may be a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel.
    I don't find anything here groundbreaking as such...what was I supposed to be surprised by again?
    We shall see if their actions speak to their words
    It is interesting that school board members are only "lukewarm" about certain "structural" changes such as school choice, charter schools, and year-round schooling.
Victoria Schnettler

Students in Four School Divisions Trade Textbooks for iPads - 1 views

    The VA DOE is launched an initiative to give K-12 students ipads to increase the use of technology in the classroom and will then study the affects on SOL rates and student achievement.
Victoria Schnettler

Legislative Information System - 0 views

    This page allows you to search for legislative rulings and cases for a variety of different areas of the law including education bills and lawsuits.
Victoria Schnettler

Governor McDonnell's Establishing the: "Governor's Commission on Higher Education Refor... - 2 views

    While looking through the governor's education policy, it seems as though higher education is more of his focus than public K-12 education. This brief, from the governor's websites, outlines his view of higher education needs of the state.

Highlights of Obama's 2012 spending plan - - 0 views

    Obama requested $77.4billion for education. The latest republican cuts included reductions in Pell Grants and other education line items.

Obama's budget: A play for the center? - - 0 views

  • While it's absolutely essential to live within our means ... we can't sacrifice our future in the process," he told reporters while touting some targeted new education spending. "We have a responsibility to invest in those areas that will have the biggest impact in our future" while "demanding accountability."
Jonathan Becker

State Superintendent Says Gov. Walker Goes Too Far - 1 views

    Always tricky when the chief state school officer takes on the governor...
Angela Winston

Virginia Unveils 2011 K-12 Education Reform Initiatives | Gov Monitor - 0 views

    Virginia's Education Reform
Angela Winston

EBSCOhost: Implementation of Supportive School Programs for Immigrant Students in the ... - 1 views

    State policies on integrating immigrants into schools
Roger Mancastroppa

Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals - 1 views

    Scroll down to Education
Roger Mancastroppa


    "Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society."
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