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Voittajien yliopisto piilottaa tunteensa - 1 views

    Matti Savolainen nukkui pois kesäkuun 2012 lopussa.

OKM - Hitaasti, mutta varmasti? Saavutettavuuden edistyminen yliopistoissa ja ammattiko... - 0 views

    Tässä selvityksessä tarkastellaan saavutettavuuden nykytilaa yliopistoissa ja ammattikorkeakouluissa sekä siinä tapahtunutta kehitystä. Yhtenä vertailukohtana on vuonna 2005 julkaistu Esteetön opiskelu yliopistoissa -selvitys. Selvityksen aineistona on kaksi vuonna 2011 kerättyä kyselyä, joista toinen suunnattiin yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen asiantuntijoille ja toinen opiskelijoille.

Are digital natives a myth or reality? University students' use of digital technologies - 0 views

    This study investigated the extent and nature of university students' use of digital technologies for learning and socialising. The findings show that students use a limited range of mainly established technologies. Use of collaborative knowledge creation tools, virtual worlds, and social networking sites was low.

Effectiveness Of Traditional And Blended Learning Environments - 0 views

    In today's online era, the concept of a classroom extends beyond a walled room with desks and chairs and into the realm of cyber space. To provide learners with the best experience, many educators are opting for a blended approach: a traditional classroom with face-to-face interaction supplemented by online resources.

University of Montana students with disabilities file complaint over inaccessible onlin... - 0 views

    "These barriers to educational technology should not be tolerated by students on campus," writes Damron in part of the letter announcing the investigation to the campus and Missoula community; she continues, "Inclusionary and exclusionary practices speak volumes for the reputation of our institution. Students with disabilities have a civil right to post-secondary education at federally funded universities."

Collaborative benchmarking in higher education - 0 views

    Benchmarking in European Higher Education is an initiative funded by the European Commission to improve the use of benchmarking in higher education. It is designed to help modernise higher education management and to promote the attractiveness of European Higher Education. Benchmarking is a powerful tool to support higher education institutions (HEIs) and policy makers to better realise the Lisbon goals and the Bologna Process. It is a modern management tool to progress with institutional reforms, increased operational efficiency and the capacity for innovative changes in order to adapt to the new challenges in their environment.

Accessibility Guidelines and Support Services - 0 views

    Web Accessibility Guidelines and Support Services For help, contact: Karen Sorensen As of Spring term 2012, the content in all new online courses (including content that is linked to from the course) must adhere to the accessibility guidelines listed below.

School-Burnout Inventory (SBI) - Reliability and Validity - 0 views

    Abstract. This study introduces a measure for school burnout and examines its validity and reliability among students in upper secondary high schools and vocational schools by using confirmatory factor analysis. School-related burnout comprises three dimensions: (a) exhaustion at school, (b) cynicism toward the meaning of school, and (c) sense of inadequacy at school. A total of 1418 (709 girls, 709 boys) adolescents from 13 postcomprehensive schools (6 upper secondary high schools, 7 vocational schools) filled in a questionnaire concerning their school burnout and background variables. The results showed that the three-factor solution, compared to one- or two- factor solutions, fit the data best and also gave the best reliability indices. The three theoretically-derived dimensions of school burnout were closely related but separate constructs. Finally, concurrent validity for the School-Burnout Inventory (SBI) was found when the correlations of depressive symptoms, school engagement, and academic achievement with each of the three dimensions of school burnout were examined: The more depressive symptoms adolescents suffered, the more exhaustion, cynicism, and inadequacy they reported; and the lower their academic achievement and school engagement, the more cynicism and inadequacy they reported. Keywords: school burnout, school engagement, depressive symptoms, academic achievement

How do you use an Activity System to improve accessibility to e-learning by students wi... - 0 views

    Visualizing actions between people, concepts and things requires more than words - models and metaphors are needed to create meaning. I will visualize connections on sheets of backing paper or a white board, or get out a box of Lego. Here I used Lewis chess pieces (resin replicas naturally) on a model of Engeström's Activity System that I draw out on a piece of laminated board the size of a door (Engeström, 2008) in order to get a sense of people working in collaborative teams to a common goal and to understand that an Activity System doesn't represent an entity so much as a framework or scaffold that is held together by the energy of action.

Huonokuuloisena työssä - 1 views

    Tämä sivusto on tarkoitettu työntekijöiden, työnantajien ja työterveyshuoltojen käyttöön huonokuuloisten ja kuulokojetta käyttävien työntekijöiden työssäolon tukemiseksi.

German university to stream subtitled lectures - 1 views

    International students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in western Germany may soon only need to turn on their laptops to understand their professors - a new program is will automatically transcribe lecture and translate them into English. The result will appear almost simultaneously on the student's computer screen, like subtitles on a film.

OpenDyslexic. Free and Open Source Dyslexia Typeface - 0 views

    OpenDyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. The typeface includes regular, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles. It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. There are no restrictions on using OpenDyslexic outside of attribution.

Oppia kaikille! - Yhdenvertaisuussuunnittelun opas oppilaitoksille - 0 views

    Tämä opas on tarkoitettu yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelmia tekevien oppilaitosten tueksi. Se sisältää tietoa yhdenvertaisuuteen liittyvästä lainsäädännöstä, konkreettisia esimerkkejä yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelman laatimisprosessista, suunnittelun tavoitteenasettelusta ja sisällöistä. Lisäksi oppaaseen on kerätty esimerkkejä yhdenvertaisuuskysymyksistä eri ryhmien osalta ja hyviä käytäntöjä oppilaitosten yhdenvertaisuustyöstä. Oppaan on laatinut sisäasianministeriön YES5-hankkeen asettama työryhmä (SM091:00/2011). Työryhmän työskentelyyn osallistui eri oppilaitosten, viranomaistahojen, kansalaisjärjestöjen, yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvoelinten edustajia. Lisäksi oppaan luonnosversiosta pyydettiin lausuntoja laajalta joukolta opetusalan toimijoita. Oppaasta on olemassa suomen-, ruotsin- ja englanninkieliset versiot.

ESPON 2013 database. Tools and Maps - 0 views

    Tool development within ESPON 2013 is targeted to the use of policy makers and practitioners at all administrative levels (including cross-border and transnational groupings) and will enable the use of information and data by these particular groups of stakeholders. Most tools will be online, made available via the ESPON website. As such they will also be at the disposal of the general public, including researchers and university students, thereby contributing to the use of ESPON data and information and the consolidation of a European research field on territorial development and cohesion. At the moment five tools are made accessible via the ESPON website. How these tools link to the project groups and the policy makers is visualised in the figure below. The green arrows in this figure show the use for the policy makers and the blue arrows show the flows from the ESPON projects (the Final Reports or the data resulting from the projects) to the tools and vice versa: The ESPON projects deliver data to the ESPON database and maps to the Online MapFinder. On the other hand, the ESPON projects receive input from the ESPON Database, the Mapping Guide and Typologies. The policy makers can find and use ESPON results via the Online MapFinder, the HyperAtlas and the ESPON DataBase.

New Research on Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses in Germany: Still no U... - 0 views

    * Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW - the German National Association for Student Affairs) presents new research on students with disabilities and chronic diseases in Germany * Problems identified by the study: timeline and organizational requirements, lack of support, individual interests in teaching process are too little considered * Compensation of disadvantages and counseling efforts are effective, but are too seldom used * Three out of four students have impairment-related extra costs * DSW president Prof. Dr. Dieter Timmermann: "There is still much to do on the way to University-for-All * 15.000 students with disabilities and chronic illnesses from 160 universities participated in an online survey in Germany, making the study nationally representative. Due to their disability or health situation, many students experience difficulties with the schedule and formal requirements of their studies, for example with frequent exams, inflexible classes modules or presence requirements. At times, teachers are not open to the impairment-related needs of their students. Often, there is also often a lack of necessary support like scripts in accessible version. Compensation of disadvantages and counseling are indeed effective, but also too seldom used - mostly because students don't know about such possibilities or do not want to speak openly about it. Nearly three quarters of students have impairment-related additional cost of their university studies; 15% have massive problems to secure their study financing. More than 15.000 affected students took part in the DSW-survey, out of which - 12% said that disability or health situation has a negative influence on the study process. - the large majority is suffering from mental and/or chronic diseases - 6% of respondents have dyslexia or any other learning disabilities - almost two thirds of respondents reported severe or very severe difficulties in their study process The DSW- survey "

Luonnollista kieltä käyttävä reittiopastus sisätiloihin - 0 views

    Tässä Perttu Prusin pro gradu -tutkielmassa käsitellään ihmisen reittiopastustarpeisiin ja reitin etsintään perustuvaa automaattista sisätilareittiopastusta ja sen perustana toimivaa tarvepohjaista sisätilan kuvausta.

Web Accessibility: What Does It All Mean? - 0 views

    This video is hosted on YouTube and uses animated text and graphics. A full transcript is available to download.

Digital education shouldn't bypass disabled - 0 views

    AS STUDENTS return to school this fall, most will find a plethora of new technologies and virtual environments, on which their institutions have been spending millions of dollars to bring into the classroom. Yet many of these resources will be needlessly discriminatory. What would happen if an institution constructed a new state-of-the-art building but neglected to make it accessible to the disabled? People would rightly be outraged. Yet even as new technology-rich environments revolutionize the classroom, few make provision for people who are blind, dyslexic, or otherwise print-disabled.

Espoolainen kirjasto on esteetön - fyysisesti, sisällöllisesti ja sosiaalisesti - 0 views

    Tavoitetilamme on muotoutunut selväksi: kun projektimme on valmis, espoolaiset kirjastot ovat esteettömiä niin fyysisesti, sisällöllisesti kuin sosiaalisestikin. Haastamme kaikki Kirjasto kaikille -hankkeessa mukana olevat kirjastot ottamaan ammattilaisten ohella myös kokemusasiantuntijakuntalaisten osaamisen kehittämisen resurssiksi. Samalla kun sisällöt saatetaan vastaamaan lukemisesteisten kuntalaisten tarpeita, on erinomainen väli paikantaa ja madaltaa myös muut käytön kynnykset.
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