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Contents contributed and discussions participated by y 9216


UK Government Writes Twitter 20 Pages - 0 views

    A tweet can have a maximum of 140 characters. A guide on how to use Twitter, well, that's another matter. The UK government has one, and it took its author, Neil Williams, 20 pages and 36,215 characters to create it.

The Future of Search: Social Relevancy Rank - 0 views

  • Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now.
  • Solution 101: Rank by Friends and People You Follow
  • Here is an idea so obvious that it is surprising Twitter has not implemented it already: front-load search results with people you follow.
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  • This is not possible on Twitter today, but it already works great on FriendFeed.
  • Small Worlds and Taste Neighbors
  • As a next step, search results could rank people you may not be directly following but who are being followed by people you follow.
  • And now, as always, please tell us what you think? What would you expect from a search engine with Social Relevancy Rank built in?
  • someone who is followed by hundreds of thousands of users is likely more relevant to you than someone you don't know at all.
  • Using number of followers as a weight might be a good way to order the rest of the activity stream.
    • y 9216
  • The Quest for the Perfect Filter
  • Social Relevancy Rank will evolve over time to help us make sense of endless streams of activity. This ranking will have a profound impact on how we tap into our friends' opinions.
  • The Influencers and the Crowd
    FriendFeed has recently launched a search feature, and so Facebook search must be coming soon. Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now. Everyone, including Google and Microsoft, recognizes the value of using trusted contacts as filters. What was once called social search is now called real-time search, but this time it will really happen. First, it will be applied to streams and then to the Web in general. What we are about to get is a Social Relevancy Rank. Whenever you search streams of activity, the results will be ordered not chronologically but by how relevant each is to you based on your social graph. That is, people who matter more to you will bubble up. How does this work? Well, there will be a formula, just as there is a formula for Page Rank.

Influential Marketing Blog: 10 Stunning (And Useful) Stats About Twitter - 0 views

  • 21% (One Fifth) of Twitter accounts are empty placeholders.
  • Nearly 94% of all Twitter accounts have less than 100 followers.
  • March and April of 2009 were the tipping point for Twitter.
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  • 150 followers is the magic numbe
  • A small minority creates most of the activity
  • 5% of users account for 75% of all activity, and 10% of users account for 86%. This seems to suggest that the site has managed to engage a mass audience beyond those who typically engage with social media.
  • Half of all Twitter users are not "active."
  • his leaves about 30% of users who have an account and have tweeted before, but happen to be inactive now.
  • Tuesday is the most active Twitter day
  • APIs have been the key to Twitter's growth & utility.
  • English still dominates Twitter
  • Twitter is being led by the social media geeks.
    Looking past these small points, the report does share some fairly interesting observations and stats as well if you dig a bit deeper. Here's my read on the 10 standout conclusions that the report offers to help you (and your brand) better understand the potential uses of Twitter

The Real Time Search Dilemma: Consciousness Versus Memory - 0 views

  • One of the hottest areas of search right now is real time search, which attempts to find results based on what is happening right now
  • There is something about human nature which makes us want to prioritize information by how recent it is, and that is the fundamental appeal of real time search.
  • The default, or at least the starting point, for most real time search engines is simply to put the most recent results up top and then keep pushing then down in a free-flowing river of information as new results which match the query come in.
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  • maybe real time search is more like an alert system.
  • But it is clear that in order to make sense of the stream, it needs to be ranked by order of importance as well as by time.

Twitter Lists - 0 views

shared by y 9216 on 23 Jun 09 - Cached
    Twitter related materials.

Twitter helps Dell rake in sales | U.S. | Reuters - 0 views

  • Social media company Twitter is struggling to craft a profitable business model, but the Web-based service has helped Dell Inc chalk up millions of dollars in sales.
  • Dell said on Thursday it has raked in more than $3 million from Twitter followers who clicked through its posts to its Web sites to make purchases.
  • Three million in sales over two years is a pittance for Dell, ranked by IDC as the world's second-largest PC maker in the first quarter of 2009. Dell posted $12.3 billion of revenue in the first quarter of this year, alone.
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  • Dell said it posts 6 to 10 times a week to its DellOutlet account, which is where the majority of Twitter-based sales have come from. Stephanie Nelson, who manages the account, said almost every post includes a coupon or a link to a sale, and about half of the posts are Twitter-exclusive deals.
  • Gartner analyst Allen Weiner said such financial success could provide a model for Twitter, itself, to make money.
  • Twitter does not charge companies for such benefits, but does not rule out doing so in the future.
  • Other non-media companies ranked in the Top 100 include Whole Foods Market Inc,,, JetBlue Airways Corp.
    Dell's business model has high familiarity with twitter. But when twitter starts charging such PR activity, twitter will be ruined. Anyway, twitter is broaden the method of e-comers, which will change the corporate direct marketing. For those who are sick of spamming will give up using e-mail and start using twitter.

Facebook: Connecting Us in Life and Death - 0 views

  • Facebook isn’t just a place to maintain communication anymore; it’s become a place to grieve, to pay final respects to someone, and connect with his/his friends. With every new memorialized profile page or group dedicated to a deceased user, Facebook is changing not only the way we hear about deaths, but the way we mourn them as well.
  • Death on Facebook’s Terms
  • Now, once Facebook finds out that a user has died, that person’s profile is automatically memorialized. What this means is that for thirty days, sensitive information (status updates and contact information, for example) is taken off the page, the profile can only be looked at by friends (the friend list is also locked), and people are able to post messages and photos on the person’s Wall.
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  • Another popular option that Facebook offers is for friends and family members to start group pages dedicated to the deceased, such as “Tribute to ____” or “In Memory of ____,” where people can share memories and cherished pictures online. And for those who want the profile eliminated completely, Facebook will only honor the request if you’re a close relative and can prove the relation.
    The death and mourning process of friend in virtual society.

Web 2.0 Logo Map Displays Internet Start-ups That Vanished or Got Acquired - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 Logo Map - Original Version
  • Meg Pickard of Guardian went back to the drawing board and updated the original Web 2.0 map to mark companies that either vanished or were acquired in these years. Here’s her updated version of the chart.
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  • Web 2.0 Companies That Got Acquired or Vanished
  • A pink cross means that the company is dead now while green circles mark companies that got acquired.
  • Obviously there are some companies like XDrive that were acquired but still closed shop so you see both a cross and circle against their logo. And two greens circles, as seen on the logo of Pegasus News, means that the company was acquired twice in the same period.
    Death or alive. Hope those who lose their business jump toward the next generation.
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