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Willis Wee

Mark Zuckerberg In Forbes 400 Richest Americans 2009 | Penn Olson - 0 views

    Forbes has released its list of 400 American billionaires; and Facebook's 25-year-old Co Founder and CEO; Mr Mark Zuckerberg came in #158. His net worth is at $2 Billion dollars, which is twice of Twitter's valuation a couple of weeks ago.
my mashable

Facebook Responds to Concerns Over Terms of Service - 0 views

    Today's hoopla over changes to the Facebook Terms of Service have prompted a rare blog post from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In the post, Zuckerberg falls short of apologizing for the changes, but rather, uses the opportunity to explain why Facebook more or less keeps your content indefinitely.
casey butt

Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, James Cameron And Mark Zuckerberg On D8! - 0 views

    Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, James Cameron And Mark Zuckerberg On D8!
Andrew Long

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Now Has 200 Million Users | Techcrunch - 0 views

    Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook growth is still increasing, particularly 35+ age group (watch out kids your parents are coming!).
Willis Wee

Facebook Hits 300 Million Users. Twitter 18. - 0 views

    Facebook vs Twitter. Who wins? Twitter may be ahead in terms of followers on Twitter but not quite in number of users worldwide… Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has just announced on his blog that Facebook officially reached its 300 million users milestone.
jogger pants

Cách lấy backlink dofollow tại reddit - 0 views

    Trước hết tôi xin giới thiệu qua về trang web này.( người sáng lập ra Reddit là một mạng xã hội , nơi chia sẻ tin tức xã hội giải trí lớn tại Nga , là một trong những trang web có lượng truy cập lớn nhất thế giới .Người sáng lập ra mạng xã hội này là Steve Huffman và Alexis Ohanian được coi như là Mark Zuckerberg mạng xã hội Facebook lớn nhất hành tinh hiện nay ) của nước Nga.
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