How to remove or edit Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget. - 0 views
La mitad de intereses internacionales en empresas españolas procede de la UE ... - 0 views
SociedadRedes SocialesBlogs Viajes Virales ViralesJuegos y Tests Multimedia MultimediaÁlbumesVídeosEspaña is not SpainEl día en 24 fotos Vanitatis Servicios El ConfidencialCERRAR BuscarNewsletterInicia sesiónRegístrateACCEDER A LA COMUNIDADSALIR 685067 Facebook 546955 Twitter 3593 Google plus 4290 Youtube 1657 Instagram email contacto moderador elconfidencial <div cla
Free Web Toolbar | Wibiya - 0 views
Meebo Me | meebo - 0 views
turn your web page into a chat page Meebo Me lets you chat with anyone who comes to your blog or Web page. Visitors show up in your Meebo buddylist so you can strike up a conversation, answer questions, or just keep tabs on guests. Publish your online status so friends can see if you're available when they visit your site. Put a chat window on your Web page Get real-time chat integrated seamlessly into your website, blog, or social network page.
Sencha - Ext JS - Client-side JavaScript Framework - 0 views
EXT JS OVERVIEW Ext JS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications. Build rich, sustainable web applications faster than ever. It includes: High performance, customizable UI widgets Well designed and extensible Component model An intuitive, easy to use API Commercial and Open Source licenses available BROWSER COMPATIBILITY Ext JS supports all major web browsers including: Internet Explorer 6+ FireFox 1.5+ (PC, Mac) Safari 3+ Chrome 3+ Opera 9+ (PC, Mac)
Blogger Widgets - 0 views
TwitterRemote Recreates MyBlogLog Using Twitter Accounts - 0 views
Home page - JavaScript Bubbling Library (YUI-CMS) - YUI (Yahoo! User Interface) Extensi... - 0 views
The Javascript Bubbling Library (YUI-CMS) is a set of plugins, behaviors and widgets, for building event-driven web applications using the bubble-up technique. The Bubbling Library also includes several plugins that can be used to extend the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library to manage dynamic areas which are closely related with the event-driven philosophy. All components in the Bubbling Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.
Account Organization Through Digsby - 0 views
Tell-a-Friend: Word of Mouth Marketing made simple - 0 views
SocialTwist is a leading provider of word of mouth marketing and social sharing products. Its Tell-a-Friend widget supports a wide range of channels and services for spreading content through one-on-one messaging and social platforms. Tell-a-Friend for ecommerce and large media sites, TAF4 Commerce is used by thousands of popular websites. TAF4 Rewards product is used by websites that combine referrals with incentives. Visit for more information.
JDojo < Main < TWiki - 0 views
The idea of JDojo is to bring JavaScript and Dojo to Java. To achieve this, JDojo provides Java stubs for existing Dojo and JavaScript types a compiler participant to the Eclipse Java compiler that emits JavaScript files for each Java file compiled The programmer does not program against the Java JDK classes, but against Dojo and JavaScript stubs that JDojo provides. The compiler participant only allows a subset of the existing JDK classes and also limits the Java language constructs that can be used. To support important features that exist in JavaScript but are not available in Java, JDojo provides Java annotations that the programmer can use to instruct the compiler how to translate code. While the compiler still produces class files, what is of interest is the JavaScript code. Only the generated JavaScript code is executable, the Java code is not. Contrary to Java-JavaScript cross compilers, JDojo does not add anything on top of the JavaScript and Dojo types. JDojo programmers program against the DOM, Dojo widget and other existing Dojo classes the same way as they would do it when programming JavaScript. Therefore, the Java code a JDojo programmer writes looks very similar to the JavaScript code he would have written. However, the programmer now can take advantage of a typed programming environment and benefit from the Eclipse Java Tooling. The translator produces JavaScript that looks as similar as possible to the Java code (without the types), and matches what a JavaScript programmer would have written. This is important when executing and debugging the generated JavaScript; it is still easy to understand the JavaScript code and map a bug back to the Java code. JDojo also fits nicely in the existing Jazz web bundles. JDojo code is placed in a new Java source folder, while the generated JavaScript is inserted in 'resources' folder that also holds existing JavaScript code. To use existing JavaScript code in JDojo, 'Stub' classes can be added, containing only th
Jo HTML5 Mobile App Framework - 0 views - 2 views
kids launch page...middlespot plus "With a mashtab you can collect webpages, images, music, videos, web widgets, files, documents, code, and more in one central spot. You can add, annotate, cluster, layer, pan, resize, tweet, embed and share the content you've collected. "The real uniqueness to middlespot is the flexibility of the interface. middlespot's user interface is based on a borderless work surface that you can populate with anything you like. You'll recognize similarities in navigating this work surface just like you magnify, pan, and improve resolution when using programs like google maps."
Customize Your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Themes Using DreamBoard App - 0 views
you might want to customize your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch by applying various themes then DreamBoard is best jailbreak app for you.This app is an advance theming platform as it let you to place anything from apps to widgets where ever you want to place on your SprinBoard.DreamBoard app is far bet
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