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Challenges of IT infrastructure transformation in the industry | Credence One - 0 views

    Looking at the overall IT Transformation in the industry, what should CIOs and CTOs do if the existing technologies may not support their Business Objectives optimally? How can CIO organization identify which emerging technologies may actually be useful in reaching those goals? There are many such questions, and IT transformation is not only limited to technology platforms. The transformation spans over major domains like People, Process and Organization. IT Transformation is a continuous journey and technology can accelerate it. Here is the 'HOW' factor…
Girja Tiwari

An Overview of Social Media Tools - 0 views

    An Overview of Social Media Tools.The term Web 2.0 was first mentioned publicly in December 2003. The Magazine CIO, a trade magazine for IT managers and IT service providers mentioned the term in the article "2004 - The Year of Web Services........Read Full Text
Jeff Johnson

Online bookmarking dilemma - 0 views

    I have been facing the problem of which online bookmarking service to use for quite some time now. This is due to the fact that I have the StumbleUpon and Google toolbars installed on Firefox, and also have accounts on, blinklist and digg (and possibly some others which I can't remember right now :-). Too diversified for my own good you say. Well my thoughts exactly. So, if you have any suggestions or comments be my guest.

Techniques used by the top ten converting websites | CIO - Blogs and Discussion - 0 views

    New research by SeeWhy /Nielsen published today in a free ebook titled 'Lessons learned from the Top 10 Converting Websites' reveals that the Top 10 Converting websites do things differently.
Gordon Herd

Facebook Privacy Changes: 5 Can't-Miss Facts - - Business Technology Leadership - 14 views

    Facebook Privacy Changes: 5 Can't-Miss Facts.
Roi H

Twitter Tips: How to Track Retweets - 0 views

    Stop wondering if that great Tweet that your wrote got retweeted widely, and start measuring your retweets. Here's how.
luxuriance1 luxuriance1

boutique longchamp pas cher Nous - 0 views

Et de ne pas mâcher ses mots.Un scénario digne «d'Hollywood»« Effectivement, c'est une saga. Même Hollywood ne pourrait pas imaginer un scénario pareil », a-t-il déclaré, en annonçant la mise en pl...

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started by luxuriance1 luxuriance1 on 14 May 14 no follow-up yet
Jackie Fields

IT Management Conference & Expo in NYC Oct.14-16 - 0 views

  • ---The greatest minds in IT in 50+ presentations : top industry-leaders: Creator of MySQL Michael "Monty" Widenius, Internet Celebrity Gary Vaynerchuk, Co-Creator of PHP & Zend CTO Zeev Suraski, Richard Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations & Pioneer of Agile eXtreme Programmi...
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