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Buy Facebook Accounts - Fresh, Aged, PVA & Bulk - 0 views

    Buy Facebook Accounts Introduction With more than 2.07 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the planet. Users may connect with their friends, family, and companies on Facebook by creating a personal profile. What are Facebook accounts? An individual's Facebook page enables them to connect with friends and family members online. You provide Facebook your name, contact information, and hobbies when you sign up for an account. Buy Facebook Accounts Additional personal information, such pictures and videos, can be added to your profile. In a sense, your Facebook profile serves as an online avatar of you. It enables you to communicate with your loved ones and spread your ideas and experiences to a wider audience. Your Facebook profile is your own private online place. You may use it to share your ideas and experiences with the world as well as remain in touch with your friends and family. Facebook is a fantastic tool for keeping in touch with family and friends as well as for meeting new people and forming friendships. Buy Facebook Accounts
y 9216

Facebook: Connecting Us in Life and Death - 0 views

  • Facebook isn’t just a place to maintain communication anymore; it’s become a place to grieve, to pay final respects to someone, and connect with his/his friends. With every new memorialized profile page or group dedicated to a deceased user, Facebook is changing not only the way we hear about deaths, but the way we mourn them as well.
  • Death on Facebook’s Terms
  • Now, once Facebook finds out that a user has died, that person’s profile is automatically memorialized. What this means is that for thirty days, sensitive information (status updates and contact information, for example) is taken off the page, the profile can only be looked at by friends (the friend list is also locked), and people are able to post messages and photos on the person’s Wall.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Another popular option that Facebook offers is for friends and family members to start group pages dedicated to the deceased, such as “Tribute to ____” or “In Memory of ____,” where people can share memories and cherished pictures online. And for those who want the profile eliminated completely, Facebook will only honor the request if you’re a close relative and can prove the relation.
    The death and mourning process of friend in virtual society.
my mashable

Quub : New Micromessaging Service, Update Your Online Status - 0 views

    In the past years communication and way to communucate changes dramatically. The advent of the social and mobile web has made it easy to connect to large groups of people. Web technologies are used to connect millions of people online. This eases the sharing information simpler. Following the Social media smashers Twitter and FaceBook, It's tome now to micromessagging service from Quub, In this fast moving world stay connected over millions of people is a real tough one. To effectively deal with maintaining so many connections, frequent status updates have emerged as a popular method of staying in contact.
Jeff Johnson

Facebook | click! Photography Changes Everything - 0 views

    Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
my mashable

TweetDeck v0.25 Integrates Facebook & Twitpic Previews - 0 views

    TweetDeck v0.25 Integrates Facebook & Twitpic Previews - TweetDeck is a personal browser used to stay in touch with the latest happening around us and connect you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more. TweetDeck v0.25 recently released..." />
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Who owns your Twitter or Facebook Connections? - 0 views

    If you work for a company and you build up your Twitter Followers or Facebook friends from the hours of 8am-5pm (or whatever your daily work hours are)…who owns those connections made during those hours?

10 Secret Twitter marketing hacks in 2021 - TrendsDesignHugger - 0 views

    Over the years, Twitter is now one of the web's most inventive and used services. It is easy to envision that one day Twitter will become an useful media with an average of 6,000 tweets every second. And you probably already know Twitter if you have been following the news for the last 10 years. In 2009, an American airline crashed into the hudson river and the platform became a heated issue. The mainstream media released the news. This is because But could you utilise Twitter as a marketing tool for businesses? And what actions can you take to benefit from this unique platform? It is possible to establish great brand relations and a successful Twitter marketing plan, but only if you take the correct steps and have the patience. It requires several experimenting and brainstorming sessions to decide your brand's ultimate path, but it's worth it. You need to know what's happening on Twitter before you start. So let's start. Let's start. Consider the current Secret Twitter Marketing Hacks and how the capacity to market your company through the platform is impacted. One of the greatest advantages for many businesses is their relatively modest size for a Twitter marketing plan. If Facebook can attract 2 billion active users, why are they using Twitter? The essential point is that it concentrates on growth and the numbers of users, which can only be explained by half. In comparison, the user base may be tiny, but Twitter provides a high level of brands involvement. Compared to Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Briefly, your discussions are an indication of the importance of Twitter. Twitter users draw more social networking brands than any other website. More than three-quarters of Twitter users connect with Twitter and 83% believe that they are very much in touch with the companies with which they interact. So your prospective followers will listen to what you have to say, in order to establish a good climate for interactions with their followers. But th

social media trends 2021 - TrendsDesignHugger 2021 Social Media Trends to Improve Your ... - 1 views

    2021 Social Media Trends to Improve Your Strategy Businesses were the ones that suffered the most as 2020 wreaked havoc on the whole planet. Various challenges and obstacles were placed in their way, from little local businesses to large worldwide corporations. However, as 2021 approaches, these companies are seeing fresh optimism in terms of digital marketing. Even in the midst of a pandemic, online marketing is a platform that will always survive. As a result, many firms have abandoned traditional methods in favour of using digital media to conduct their operations. To be honest, this platform offers a variety of options for effectively promoting one's goods or business. In addition, the digital platform has proven to be a benefit in terms of boosting Social media is one such medium on which companies have begun to expand their marketing strategies. Businesses are advertising themselves and reaching a larger audience on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Social media, on the other hand, is rapidly developing. As a result, unless and until a company decides to incorporate the new social media trends of 2021, it will be very difficult for it to succeed. In this regard, some of the most effective and highly productive social media trends in 2021 have been discussed. These trends may be used to improve marketing tactics and create new company milestones. Live social networking sites videos Live vlogging is one of the current trends in social media marketing in 2021. Let's just suppose, for instance, that you run a bakery and want more clients to enhance the sales. So, you may opt for live videos or tales instead of putting conventional advertising. Entering the baking process at your café and displaying your clients what is available helps you to send out your message. All you need to do is develop visual material with scripted texts and attract the attention of the target audience to sow the seeds of interest. Do not increase the video durati
Hendy Irawan - read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper - 0 views

    " Heard on Twitter... NateLefebvre profile NateLefebvre Pruning the follow/follower lists. I always hate removing people who don't follow back, but thanks to lists & I can still read them 30 minutes ago · reply fbraswell profile fbraswell Will Rogers regularly mentioned in All the news that fits @designerdaze 28 minutes ago · reply Unblogparjour profile Unblogparjour Un blog par jour, le Journal est sorti de presse! 27 minutes ago · reply sillysallyjt profile sillysallyjt Eddie's take :) 27 minutes ago · reply titiabruning profile titiabruning @jolandaverburg,jouw blogpost;) 22 minutes ago · reply Join the conversation Read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into an easy to read newspaper-style format. A great way to discover content that matters to you - even if you are not connected 24/7!"
a4academic .com

Login Using Facebook Account - FB Connect - 1 views

visit website a4academics for Login Using Facebook Account - FB Connect source code

Login Using Facebook Account FB Connect

started by a4academic .com on 01 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
Allison Kipta

Technology Review: How Facebook Works - 0 views

    Facebook is a wonderful example of the network effect, in which the value of a network to a user is exponentially proportional to the number of other users that network has. Facebook's power derives from what Jeff Rothschild, its vice president of technology, calls the "social graph"--the sum of the wildly various connections between the site's users and their friends; between people and events; between events and photos; between photos and people; and between a huge number of discrete objects linked by metadata describing them and their connections.
my mashable

Make Your Site More Social With Google Friend Connect's Social Bar - 0 views

    The battle over your website's community wages on. Not to be outdone by Facebook Connect and its many great implementations, Google Friend Connect, which previously tacked on Twitter integration, is now getting a bit more social.
Jordan Morris

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More - 0 views

shared by Jordan Morris on 04 Oct 10 - Cached
    Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos and learn more about the people they meet.
    Good way to chat with your friends or parents that all around the world
Tamura Jones

OpenLike - 8 views

    The open "FaceBook Connect" alternative.
Graham Perrin

SemanticWeb - Putting Wikipedia to Work for the Semantic Web - 0 views

  • services such as del.i.cious, Twitter, and Facebook
    • Graham Perrin
      … and Diigo (I hope)
  • Semantic tags are in, free text tags are out.
  • August 4, 2009
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • Semantic tags will be a core building block of the next-generation web
  • leveraging the popular Wikipedia as a vast source of a universal controlled vocabulary
  • Wikipedia can serve as a great controlled vocabulary for tags
  • Every concept is unique, has a unique URI,
  • well-defined.
  • DBpedia did a very good job of extracting the structure or semi-structure
  • and expressing it in RDF
  • or a machine readable way.
  • Faviki helps users remove the ambiguity otherwise surrounding free text tags’ meaning.
  • You can use some concrete concepts as tags
  • yourself as the author as a tag
  • specific organizations or companies or people or specific ideas as tags
  • DBpedia’s linking between the various language versions of Wikipedia
  • users tag in 14 different languages
  • English as the universal reference
  • Common Tag
  • last month, Faviki added the ability for users to use their own keywords or tags in a freeform way
  • and map them to semantic tags
  • connecting tagging with searching to accomplish this.
  • the new release lets users create new tags outside of Wikipedia, using Google returns from the whole world of web pages
  • users collaborate on which URLs are the best candidates for new concepts.
    • Graham Perrin
  • URL tags are not so clear as dbpedia
  • a bit more messy
  • a bit more dynamic,
  • but the idea was to make it semi-automatic. People make them and disambiguate them while adding tags
  • some kind of compromise.
  • Next steps for Faviki are around connecting with other services such as del.i.cious, Twitter, and Facebook, to make it easier for users to try it out.
  • Some longer-term plans would be to publish data from Faviki in linked data, to connect to the rest of inked data,
  • making that data queryable to developers via SPARQL.
  • by opening the data, because that’s the idea of the semantic web, to make the data open and connect easily to various sources
  • as much a platform as an application
  • mappings between free tags’ association and some uniquely identified concepts will be very important
    • Graham Perrin
      I agree.
  • that kind of data will be interesting to developers.
    Recommended reading for anyone interested in tagging, semantic tagging or the semantic web.
Dimple Patel

"Disney buys Social - 0 views

"Disney buys Social Networking Site for Kids"   Togetherville, the social network site for kids between the ages of 6-10 is very Facebook-like. Developed by Mandeep Singh Dhillon, an Indian-or...

started by Dimple Patel on 23 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Jeff Johnson

untitled - 0 views

  • Google will join Facebook and MySpace, which launched ways to port user data to partner sites this week. Facebook Connect will provide the hooks to let users port their friends, profile photos, events, and other data across the Web to partner sites. MySpace on Thursday announced Data Availability, with Yahoo, eBay, Photobucket, and Twitter as initial partners for its effort to let members port their data.
Jayme Ward

Does Size Matter in Social Networking or is it How you Use It - 0 views

    When using social networks for business is it good to have tens of thousands of friends on Facebook? Should you be following as many people as possible on Twitter? Do you need to connect with every single person you meet on Linked In?
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