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Contents contributed and discussions participated by matthewav


Is 'mobile first' already be outdated? - 4 views

    As always, new fads, discoveries and creativity have at their heart basic principles that are sometimes forgotten or overlooked. Mobile should be part of your creative toolbox, but not necessarily the first one you pick up.

Never Trust a Corporation to do a Library's Job. - 1 views

    An article on Google backpeddling on its commitment to "archive information for mankind". Google drops the ball on archiving and internet activists step in to help society.

Atomic Is The Missing Interface Design Tool In Your Browser - 2 views

    Atomic is a browser based design application allows graphic/UI designers to create work that can be viewed and manipulated from within the browser. Designers can quickly share their ideas with a link and collaborators can give feedback right inside the product. (link sent by Aaron)

RefME Citation/Reference App (Free) - 2 views

    I read a positive blurb about this citation/reference app in WIRED magazine and thought some of you wacky librarians may find it helpful.

Sketching For Better Mobile Experiences - 1 views

    An interesting article on using sketches in the collaboration within a team. While this article concentrates on mobile solutions, sketching can be used for websites as well. A pull-quote from the article: "Learning from sketches is based largely on the ambiguous nature of their representation. (Sketches) do not specify everything and lend themselves to, and encourage, various interpretations that were not consciously integrated into them by their creator."

SurveyMonkey CEO Gets Home By 5:30 PM - 0 views

    Thought the Team would enjoy. Very few people on their death bed have said, "I should have spent more time at work." FROM THE WEBSITE: SurveyMonkey has been profitable from almost day one and refuses to go public. SurveyMonkey has done all of this while creating a culture that enables the company's CEO, Dave Goldberg, to leave the office by 5:30 p.m.

MIT Invents 3-D Display - 2 views

    The display is made up of pieces that rise and fall to create a simple, but breakthrough, 3-D shape that you create.

Zurb Uses Kia RWD as a Good Example. Yikes. - 1 views

    Zurb story here: Kia's site is: Number 6 is Kia's new RWD. I went to the site and the RWD was pretty awful. * MIN WIDTH: -- images and text are blurry. -- horizontal nav completly disappears. -- the 3 stacked horizontal bars that should pull up a menu.....don't. They drop the main page and you're stuck facing a carousel and some monumental horizontal and vertical scrolling to see only models of vehicles. * MAX WIDTH: -- they don't have a max width and try to stretch into infinity. Stretched across 2 or 3 of my displays and I have the full site.....blurry. * MOBILE SITE: -- it's a mini-version of the main desktop site. -- this works well on the iPad in both vertical and horizontal orientation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've seen great RWD when the min- and max-width are defined and the three horizontal bars become what used to be the horizontal navigation. But Kia's desktop RWD fall short in my opinion. If anyone ever reads this, I wonder what their impressions would be.

Wacom's Branding Statement - 1 views

    I'm sure we're all familiar with Wacom, but I'm not sure if everyone realizes how HUGE and IMPORTANT they are. I mention this because Wacom is not just a company that produces the little tablets we see on people's desks. They provide THE tools of choice for the movie industry, television industry, vehicle companies and huge business to business entities. The little Wacom tablet and stylus I have at home and on my desk at work are not the main streams of income for this company. I wanted to clarify this because their Branding Statement reflects the ideals of a huge, worldwide, trend-setting company that is the leader in ALL of their product categories. Here is a link to their PDF download of their Branding Statement (you may have to cut and paste the URL below):

Project Mighty & Project Napoleon. - 2 views

    Adobe's Project Mighty and Project Napoleon are cloud enabled hardware. They enable a designer to carry his style anywhere he can access Adobe's cloud. Mighty is the stylus. Napoleon is the "shape tool". The stylus, among other things, can create a Kuler color profile from your iPhone, then paste that profile onto your iPad. You can cut & paste across multiple devices. The future of design is giving designers the ability to create at the same professional quality while on the road as they do when there at their desks.

Professional Branding Creates A Logo for Adonit, an Austin Company - 3 views

    PLEASE READ THIS FOR TIS BRANDING PURPOSES: This Austin company took EIGHT MONTHS to create their logo. They had their branding and creative statements already completed. I will be e-mailing, a second time, to everyone the branding document I created for TIS. Aaron asked that everyone be prepared to talk about the TIS branding for the 13 March, Thursday, TIS staff meeting.

Responsive Inspector - Chrome Extension - 1 views

    This is a Chrome extension that will resize your browser window to the break points in the code of the current site you are viewing. Those sites without breakpoints show a blank window in the extension. Responsive Inspector is helpful to see all of the breakpoints a particular site uses. Some have several breakpoints, other sites have just a few. It's a good learning tool. It's a wee bit buggy sometimes, but it's being updated regularly. If this link does not work, just search for "Responsive Inspector" in the Chrome browser Extensions.

Oculus Being Used for Accessibility - 3 views

    This company was created by UT students. They use the Oculus to provide accessibility to Users.

Graphic Design in 2033 - 2 views

    It's a half humorous, half serious look at what design will be in the year 2033. Very insightful if you can read between the lines.

Example of Parallax Website - 5 views

    It's in French, but you can figure it out. This is called a Parallax Website (Google it). The parallax solution isn't for every site nor product. You wouldn't want to do a user's manual in parralax. But when it's done correctly the impact is meaningful and rich.

Wired Magazine Writer Devastatingly Hacked - 1 views

    Very interesting read, especially for those of you that link devices.

Windows 8: The Boldest, Biggest Redesign in Microsoft's History - 2 views

    If you think Windows 8 is just a change in GUI, you're already behind in the future of computing and GUI's. This article talks about the future of the computer and GUI's. Very interesting read.

Mobile Hierarchy of Needs - 1 views

    Just like Maslow's hierarchy, this is a great example of how hardware, software, apps and services have developed and can be examined in our lives.

Trello for iPad - 1 views

    I've been using it for about a week and it seems pretty stable. Very handy to update or add something to a card while using the iPad.

Beautifully Designed Website, HUGE IA Effort - 2 views

    This is an example of a beautifully designed, built and IA'd website. They intend for this website to be a "journey website" in which you spend time exploring the site. The designer must be very happy becase his/her vision was allowed to be shown. The details of the website are too consistent to be a site designed by committee. I'm not commenting on it's compliance or browser capabilities, just the design. Sigh.
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