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Exploration of Leading (Line Height) - 1 views

    This is an example of how there are rules in design, but with experience, they can be bent or even broken. The leading on this paragraph is so tight, that the ascenders and descenders of letters are touching each other. Accessibility is our goal, of course. I just wanted to share this as an example that is inspiring to me.

Web Design: What are some examples of well-designed library websites? - Quora - 2 views

    Nice one, Dustin. Thanks for sharing.
Jade Diaz

Cecil H. Green Library | Stanford University Libraries - 0 views

    Good example of an At a Glance Branch page that incorporates key information: -hours -map -floor plans -contact info -service points -subjects -equipment

In Search Of The Perfect CAPTCHA - 5 views

    Information on CAPTCHA's basic philosophy and logic. There are some examples of non-standard CAPTCHA examples.
    Great post. It perfectly summarizes all my problems with captcha and the fact that there's not yet a good solution. I think that using computing power to recognize spammy submissions and weed them out (based on time it takes to complete the form or the language used in the post or the attached link) would work well for our purposes but ultimately we have to reduce/eliminate the benefit of spamming in order to stem the tide at the source.

Beautifully Designed Website, HUGE IA Effort - 2 views

    This is an example of a beautifully designed, built and IA'd website. They intend for this website to be a "journey website" in which you spend time exploring the site. The designer must be very happy becase his/her vision was allowed to be shown. The details of the website are too consistent to be a site designed by committee. I'm not commenting on it's compliance or browser capabilities, just the design. Sigh.

Mobile Hierarchy of Needs - 1 views

    Just like Maslow's hierarchy, this is a great example of how hardware, software, apps and services have developed and can be examined in our lives.
Matt Lisle

Harvard College Library - 1 views

shared by Matt Lisle on 22 Feb 10 - Cached
    Cindy shared this with me as a cool example of a library site. I like it... no muss, no fuss...
Jade Diaz

Clermon Co Public Library Pinterest - 0 views

    Example of a library using Pinterest for book lists. Very visually appealing. They linked the cover images to the catalog in some cases although it's inconsistent.

Examples RSS Readers - 2 views

    A good article with several useful RSS readers. Most of them rely on the user having a Google reader account already setup.
Jade Diaz

Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It - 0 views

    Title pretty much describes it. An overview of what Responsive Web Design is and a number of examples.

Scrolling Left to Right - 2 views

    In this blog post by a Microsoft developer, there are examples of scrolling on a single webpage by moving left to right (vs. scrolling up and down). Also, some main navigational buttons and menus are now on the RIGHT side of the layout instead of the long-used left side of the layout location for these elements. I believe this is an example of the influence of touch screens on tablets, phones, and computers affecting the long held paradigm of left side menu navigation. The gesture navigation of touch screens is making another mark on design and layouts.
Jade Diaz

Galvin Library Mobile - 0 views

shared by Jade Diaz on 14 Nov 11 - No Cached
    Example of mobile site using jQuery Mobile. From the Digital Services Librarian: "...; I released our library's first mobile site this summer (, and the framework allowed me to concentrate on the university-specific items I had to address (such as rewriting our textbook checkout code) rather than how to make it look nice on various mobile platforms."
Aaron Choate

Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany - 2 views

    Interesting example of resizing layout based on browser width.
Jade Diaz

ThinkUp - 1 views

    Open source app that captures/analyzes activity on social networks. An example:
Jade Diaz

Simson Center for the Humanities -- Calendar of Events - 0 views

    Noticed this example of how UW lets users subscribe to updated event feeds through Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook.

Select attribute of xsl:sort - 0 views

shared by swilliams on 13 May 08 - Cached
    Example of how to select a attribute using XSLT/XPath.
Jade Diaz

The Gateway to Information - 0 views

    A good example from OSU of Research by Subject pages where the user chooses subject and type(s) of info needed. Results are clear and consistent.
Jade Diaz

Binghamton Univ. Libraries: Social Software Policy - 0 views

    Interesting example of an overarching policy for all blogs, wikis, photo sharing, etc

Search Box: Examples And Best Practices - 0 views

    Helpful info on search box design and function.
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