For Students, the New Kind of Literacy Is Financial College offer programs in managing ... - 2 views
Matthew B on 19 Nov 10Supiano, Beckie. "For Students, the New Kind of Literacy Is Financial College offer programs in managing money. (Cover story)." Chronicle of Higher Education 55.2 (2008): A1-A38. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This is an article that was the cover story. It was based on schools such as Texas Tech that have actual course at their institution that is based upon financial literacy and the knowledge of spending one's own money. Texas Tech is one of many schools that have a class like this one. The class in itself teaches students proper spending techniques. The purpose of the class is to teach students how to budget money, save when the time is right, and to buy only things or items that they can afford.