Messolonghi Electronic Library (MEL) - 0 views
marrti on 28 Aug 17Welcome to the Messolonghi Electronic Library (MEL), an evolving online digital archive project devoted to promoting the scholarship and life of Lord Byron and his contemporaries. The goal of MEL is to further the field of literary theory about Lord Byron through the editing, development, and publication of credible online content. Recent additions to the library include Professor McGann's 2002 keynote lecture, "Romantic Scholarship and Culture, 1960-2001. A Byronic View" and Professor Graham's inaugural lecture for the 2001 opening ceremony of the Messolonghi Byron Society Research Center (MBSRC), entitled "Byron and Greek Mythology".Student Papers delivered at the Annual International Student Byron Conference will be vetted for online publication in the MEL archive, a process including examination and approval by a group of professors from the International Advisory Board.