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Mansel Wells

Virtual Learning Resources Center - access to quality Internet Reference and Informatio... - 0 views

    An index of over 10,000 of the best academic information websites, selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to provide to students and teachers current, valid information for school and university academic projects! It includes selected sites in a growing list of subject/information areas including: full-text magazines, newspapers, electronic text archives, art history, biography, biology, career information, psychology, history, government information, literature, medical information, social sciences, legal information, American Civil War, Art, Careers, Crime, Directories, Economics, Education, English Language, Electronic Texts, Foreign Languages, Geography, Genealogy, Government Information,Health/Medical, History, Legal Information, Lesson Plans, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Reference, Science, Technology, Tutorials on the Web, and Writing Style Guides.
Mary K

Subtext App for iPad - 1 views

    In Subtext, teachers can embed instruction and scaffolding right in the pages of almost any digital book or document. You can layer in web links, videos, assignments and quizzes-opening up limitless opportunities to engage students, foster analysis and writing skills, and assess student progress. Subtext supports the Common Core Standards across reading, language, writing and 21st century digital skills.
Rhondda Powling

Clip Art Gallery - 0 views

    Book clip art All clip art, about English and Language Arts, in Discovery Education's Clip Art Gallery created by Mark A. Hicks, illustrator. Teachers are allowed to download up to ten images if the follow the copyright directions.
Mansel Wells

ICDL - International Children's Digital Library - 0 views

shared by Mansel Wells on 29 Dec 08 - Cached
    The mission of the International Children's Digital Library Foundation is to excite and inspire the world's children to become members of the global community - children who understand the value of tolerance and respect for diverse cultures, languages and ideas -- by making the best in children's literature available online.
Mansel Wells

American and English Literature Online Books - 0 views

    Internet School Library Media Center (ISLMC) literature collections in online book format. This page contains links to online books in American literature, English literature, church history, history and government documents. For the convenience of foreign language teachers, some non-English sites such as French literature, are included. This page is part of the ISLMC Young Adult Literature; Middle & Secondary English page. The ISLMC is a meta-site designed for teachers, librarians, parents and students to preview selected sites.
Mansel Wells

Reference > Franklin Institute Educational Hotlists - 0 views

    Reference Hotlist 1. The People History 2. Fun Trivia 3. Word Lab 4. RefDesk 5. Units of Measurement 6. LibrarySpot 7. 50 States and Capitals 8. Metric System and Unit Conversion 9. SpellWeb 10. New York Public Library 11. HyperHistory Online 12. Guide to Grammar and Writing 13. Biographies of Scientists 14. A Web of Online Dictionaries 15. SciCentral 16. HHMI's Virtual Lab 17. New York Times Books 18. The Time Zone Page 19. Time Zone Converter 20. A Dictionary of Units 21. Explorers of The World 22. WWWebster Dictionary 23. The Quotations Page 24. Research-It 25. American Sign Language Dictionary 26. Mad Scientist Network - An Ask-The-Expert Network 27. The Internet Public Library 28. The Library of Congress 29. Encyclopedia.Com 30. Encyclopedia of the Orient 31. Encarta Encyclopedia 32. Writing Style Guide 33. Columbia Guide to Online Style 34. "The Elements of Style" By William Strunk, Jr. 35. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 36. A Word A Day 37. 38. 39. Environmental Directory 40. Science & Engineering Encyclopedia 41. Metric Conversion Table 42. Adventures of CyberBee
Mansel Wells

Using Tapped In for HS ELA: Member Perspectives: Meet Candy Carter - 2 views

shared by Mansel Wells on 09 Dec 09 - Cached
    Meet Candy Carter I'm an AP Language and Comp teacher at McQueen HS in Reno, NV. My students lead very busy lives: they're in sports, band, choir, journalism, debate...and on and on. They also do not necessarily live close to one another. In past years, I had had nonfiction book groups in which students chose books from a list and completed projects and presentations on their reading. Over the years, it seems to have become increasingly difficult to find time for them to confer, and the presentations in class took too long. I needed to come up with a way for them to share their ideas in a different way, and I needed to have a way to hold them accountable for their work. I also was aware of the increasing importance of social networking sites in my students' lives. Candy's Perspective I had been introduced to Tapped In at a teacher workshop two or three years ago but had never made the time to really explore it. I was also a bit concerned that some their parents would object to them being online so I wanted to come up with an anonymous way for them to participate so that parents would not worry that their children's names were "out there" online. I hit on the idea of using Class ID numbers (which my students already use for peer reviews to ensure writers' anonymity). I was able to get all three of my classes into the system. I set up a calendar so groups could discuss online without bumping into other groups. Overall, this turned out to be a successful way for kids to share ideas about books. They enjoyed the novelty and talked about their reading in kid-speak, not just so they could impress their English teacher. Except for some technical snags (some kids are not as computer-savvy as others; they also needed to have Java on their computers, which turned out to be a problem for a few of them), this was relatively easy to monitor and manage. I loved reading what they said online--very authentic.
Rhondda Powling

Find Similar or Opposite words at WordHippo - 0 views

    Word Hippo offers more than a dozen tools for students. Students can use when trying to find definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and translations for words. It also provides students with verb conjugation assistance, pronunciation assistance, and assistance with prefixes and suffixes. Word Hippo offers more than a dozen tools for students.
Rhondda Powling - 0 views

    This site offers acronyms, abbreviations, conversions, quotations, definitions and synonyms
Mansel Wells - Online Multimedia Educational Games for Kids in Preschool, Kindergarten... - 0 views

shared by Mansel Wells on 24 Jan 08 - Cached
    Activites similar to Starfall but includes math, science, social studies, language arts, The Arts, thinking games
Rhondda Powling

Open Source Shakespeare: search Shakespeare's works, read the texts - 0 views

    Access the complete works of William Shakespeare. All his works along with a lot of interesting tools to aid in studies of them. Each of the works is completely searchable. Tthe site offers a concordance, which allows users to trace all uses Shakespeare made of any particular word. You can also view sonnets individually, or choose any two to examine side by side.
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